Ass Backwards
Ass Backwards
| 21 January 2013 (USA)
Ass Backwards Trailers

Two best friends embark on a cross country trip back to their hometown to attempt to win a pageant that eluded them as children.

Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
tdint You have to wonder how this film happened. I'm sure I've seen a few that were worse, but none come to mind. Save yourself the time and watch paint dry. It will be a lot funnier, and you won't find yourself at the end saying, "What in the world was the person who made this paint thinking?" Really, really lame film.So in posting this review, it looks like I need to go on for ten lines to get it posted. If I were to list things I hated about this film, I could go on for volumes. But if I focused on what I liked, I'd be limited to a big round of applause for whoever did the trailer, which put the best possible face on a really dismal film.
Alan who One of the few times I bothered to read reviews on a movie (loose term in this case) before I watched it, and how I regret it. As funny as having a tooth pulled, but I would like to say hello to the cast or crew members who came on here to write glowing reviews.Sadly anyone who was not involved would disagree, while not as bad as Birdemic (One or Two) it's still bland, banal and unfunny, sadly I can't get the hour and twenty I wasted wondering if it actually gets better.May I respectfully suggest, with the nice scenery, equipment, cast and crew available for this, next time put a little more effort into picking a good script.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I must admit that I had initially expected just a bit more from this movie than what it turned out to be. So I can't really claim to have been overly impressed with the end result.The story is about Kate (played by June Diane Raphael) and Chloe (played by Casey Wilson) who were competing in beauty pageants as young girls - and lost. Having grown up together, living together and doing everything together, the two women are side by side through thick and thin. They receive an invitation for a 50th anniversary beauty pageant in the town of Neptune. Getting there proves to be some ordeal for the two women.That was basically the storyline wrapped up in a few lines. For a comedy, then "Ass Backwards" was really tame and you have to look far for the laughs. I think I laughed but one time throughout the entire movie, and that was when they were driving in their van and singing along to a scratched CD with the "take on me" song by A-HA. That was the highlight of the entire movie.The jokes were non-existent, and there was just an all-through complete lack of comedy throughout the entire movie.That being said, then I will say that the people in the movie were doing good jobs with their given roles, they just had next to nothing script-wise to work with. And the two lead actresses June Diane Raphael and Casey Wilson really carried the movie well and had great on-screen chemistry.Perhaps I wasn't particularly in the target audience, as I am 38 years old and male, but still, this movie came and went without leaving any lasting impression at all, aside from two great performances by the lead actresses.
Jesse Boland No, no, no, and for the Third time trying to watch this load of crap, No! Creepy is only funny when they are not going this far out of their way to be creepy. This is the Dumb, and Dumberer ladies choice edition, written by morons who "partook" just a bit too much of the "inspirational" "substance" and actually started thinking this was funny. On the tails on movies like Bridesmaids,and bestman down, they try to wash this kind on nonsense down your throat, but they forget, you didn't have to go out to rent that movie, you could tell from the first ad you saw what a marvel of nonsense they had brought. The real shame of this movie is the cast, a really solid group were brought together only to throw pennies in a pot, and call it a Leprechaun pot o'gold. All the power to you if you Enjoy this, but I sure didn't, and won't be trying again either.