Arthur Hailey's Detective
Arthur Hailey's Detective
PG-13 | 01 January 2005 (USA)
Arthur Hailey's Detective Trailers

Detective Sergeant Malcolm Ainslie, a Catholic priest turned distinguished investigator for the police, has agreed to hear the confession of a convicted serial killer sentenced to death in a just a matter of hours. What he promises to reveal to Ainslie is the truth behind the crimes and the reason he confessed to the one crime Ainslie doesn't even believe he committed. What unfolds between the two men is a serpentine trail into both men's pasts based on the bestseller from master storyteller Arthur Hailey.

Micitype Pretty Good
Steineded How sad is this?
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Michael Maddox This movie took a pretty massive book and condensed it somewhat into about three hours of screen time. Condensing I get, but there are other problems: (1) The original book had a fairly straightforward set of flashbacks that really built the suspense for me. This made-for-TV movie rendered the entire plot as a sequential time line, dashing key elements of the original story's suspense. TV viewers can't handle flashbacks? Come on, give me a break! (2) In the movie, Cynthia Ernst, fellow detective of the title role, had not an ounce of the charisma, go-for-the-jugular dynamism and downright sex appeal of the book's character. Worse, she may as well have been dressed in a sweatshirt and stretch pants for most of the movie. Bad choice of actress, too? Maybe. (3) The sexual tension between the movie's Ernst character and Detective-Sergeant Ainslie, a major source of the suspense in the book, was all but undetectable in the movie. Put it down to a lack of chemistry between Tom Berenger and Annabeth Gish, I guess. (Not as bad as Bird On A Wire, but I'm just saying...) (4) The potential for suspense that should attend the discovery of a major public figure's involvement in a major crime, plus the tension of obtaining the final proof, was 99% wasted. That was how the book made my pulse pound! (5) The motivation for the major public figure's crime was revealed in the book, but not in the movie. Another opportunity wasted. ... On balance, Detective-Sergeant Ainslie's wife Karen was played by Cybill Shepherd, and I love watching her do anything.... :)
guilfisher-1 It took many hours to get through this predictable detective story. With a strong heavy weight cast, it still seems endless with many scenes that were just too long. Is this the writing? Directing? Or acting? Tom Berenger in the lead role as the detective out to solve the crimes, seemed to be going around in a daze, not sure what was happening around him. When he is faced with truths, his face doesn't change expression. I usually like this actor, but not in this. Cybill Shepherd wasted in a thankless role as the wife he left behind. Not much for her to do. Too bad. More of her could have made the story at least exciting. Annabeth Gish, just was bad casting. Not much going on there. One expression throughout the movie. No one cared. Veteran Charles Durning also wasted in a nothing role. Don't see much of him. Sean O'Bryan and David Atkinson, to this viewer turned in the most interesting and challenging roles. Good acting and energy sadly lacking from the others. But, please a four hour movie? It has to have something to hold interest. I welcomed the commercials just to get a break.
Ray Massart Three hours of utterly wasted time.Berenger was obviously bored as never before and utters his lines with a kind of guilty embarrassment for having accepted the part.After a succession of brutal murders by a serial killer with which the movie starts, the action and suspense grind to a halt: the police follow four possible suspects, who are all weirdos and inspired by a form of religious insanity. The very long and tedious discussions concerning the murder weapon and the repetitive and alternating confrontations between Berenger and his wife and mistress are detrimental to the dramatic intensity.Furthermore, the basic theme of the priest turned cop may have seemed like a gimmick to the producers but it doesn't work with an audience.The viewer also sees through the plot quite early on and the ending is more than predictable. There is nothing really exceptional about this movie apart from the fact that it is hard to accept that it was ever made in the first place.
inancpar This is story about and ex-priest homicide detective who struggling to solve serial murders which they had references to holy bible..besides his personal relationships and problems with separated wife ( Shepherd ) and love affair with his partner ( Gish ).Although having some good and talented actors like Berenger , Gish and Shepherd this mini - series one of the worst I'd ever watched on TV recently.Nothing goes on well.Where is drama ? where is awful script ( characters , dialogs ) so awful directing...perfect example of third class - cheap film which has been made of American cable TV...besides sad see Cybill shepherd so old gained pounds so much...stay away...if you are not a great time waster or film masochist...and what frank Whaley is looking for such bad movie in a very useless role..