PG | 24 July 2006 (USA)
Aquaman Trailers

A young twenty-something diver living in the Florida Keys discovers he has the power to breathe underwater.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting. I thought it was pretty good. I was surprised to see some people gave it a low rating and downright hated it. I would guess you have to be a fan of this type of genre. I think it should have been picked up by a network. I liked the lead actor Justin Hartley. I've seen his work on Smallville. In a pilot you are just looking for potential and I think the show has it. Ving Rhames and Lou Diamond Phillips were a nice touch. Ving Rhames did a good job and I would watch just to see what he can bring to the show. At this point the two female leads haven't done anything to stand out to me. The writing could be a little better as far as dialogue. You would think that AC would have had a friend or someone that he let know about his powers, but I think they were going to do it the way they did in Smallville with his friends finding out slowly over time.
salvy182 Wow, I really enjoyed this show! The acting, story and effects were great. The cast seemed to work well together, it's too bad that Justin Hartley is now on Smallville. For a pilot, the show was great and showed a LOT of potential! Wow, what was the CW thinking by not picking it up?! The pilot had action, mystery sex appeal. People were expecting great things from this show and the CW screwed it up without even getting it on the air. They're crazy. Hopefully the huge success and huge number of downloads on i Tunes will make them change their minds... hopefully. With an average rating of 4 and a half stars, I don't know what CW is waiting for!
crash-1998 I think that the CW needs to bring it back or another network should pick it up. How would everyone like to go about getting Mercy Reef back on the air. E-Mail The CW or what. They have supernatural, gilmore girls, they need more action/adventure on. Supernatural is good, but for the die hard comic book fans it is not enough look at all the movie that are based on comic books. How many people grew up reading comics I know I did I guess the people that turned it down has lived a sheltered life or they must be so rich they just don't care about making money. My wife really dosen't read comics that much but she liked it and was asking me when it comes on it is just disappointing that CW wouldn't give it a fair chance NBC came out with heros and it's doing great so come on CW BRING IT BACK you need another good action show on.....
Surecure Mercy Reef could be the ultimate example of how to make a really bad pilot. It appears as if the recipe that was used to create this show was:1) Get a bunch of good looking ex-swimsuit models who can't act: Apart from Ving Rhames, the entire cast combined couldn't deliver lines for a gum commercial. Sure, they all look cute, but their expressionless, bobble-head deliveries look like first year high-school drama.2) Forget about a plot, just throw lots of poorly thought out action scenes together: The writers seemed to have missed the boat on coming up with a decent enough reason for the audience to stick around. Sure, let's just believe that the sea baddies can tell when Orin is flying above, but can't find him when he's floating outside the door of a wrecked plane. Let's make it so that he'll be out and about in the sea and completely defenseless, but instead they go pick on a jet plane and then be so kind as to leave him alone when he goes to save the mandatory hot female pilot. Okay then...3) Let's embody every character with every cliché trait you can throw at a wall. Upstanding military man with angst ridden, surfer attitude son who has no sense of responsibility. Lone female pilot (did I mention it's mandatory she be hot?) who is up against the world being given the top assignment. And should we talk about the lovely, bar-tending brunette trying to give the main character a sense of purpose? What is this, Dawson's Creek?4) And should we throw in some dark-suited government baddies as well? That always goes over like... like... well, something. But I wouldn't leave it in the hands of these writers to think up what?Seriously, I have to thank the maker for this show being passed over. It is one of the most poorly crafted series I have ever seen. I can't believe that people are actually giving this garbage a rating of 10 out of 10. If this is quality television to some people, then some people need to get out more. This is not Battlestar Galactica level quality. This is not even He-Man quality. This show reads as if it were written over a weekend because the pay looked good, not as if it was a lovingly developed and nurtured work.Maybe the show's creators should have just used the energy involved in turning this show out to make Smallville a better series. It obviously wasn't a lot of energy, but every little bit thrown back to a half-decent series is energy better spent.