Appointment with Fear
Appointment with Fear
| 25 October 1985 (USA)
Appointment with Fear Trailers

Moustapha Akkad, the man who brought you HALLOWEEN, invites you to keep an APPOINTMENT WITH FEAR. According to legend, Attis, King of the Woods, sacrificed his child to keep his own spirit alive and free to wander the earth at will. APPOINTMENT WITH FEAR casts this evil in contemporary terms: can a group of free-spirited teenagers and an inquisitive detective save a dying woman's infant from being Attis' next victim? The suspense is unrelenting as they - and you - keep an APPOINTMENT WITH FEAR.

SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
alansmithee04 A thoroughly disagreeable entry into the slasher genre, this film began life as "Deadly Presence". After the producers saw how gawd-awful the film really was, they fired Thomas and shot some more footage. Gowan's detective character and a bunch of others were added in a sort of parallel story and the whole thing renamed "Appointment With Fear." Aside from a couple of performances, this cinematic disaster's only redeeming value is its score. Written by ace composer Andrea Saparoff, the music is the only thing lending a little eeriness to what is otherwise an hour and a half of scare-free tedium.Recommended audience: Weevils, chunks of granite, D-cell batteries and very very minor Egyptian deities only.
waha99 Horrible, dreadful stuff. You know you're in for a film with little inspiration behind it when a mid-80's dance number in inserted in what could have turned out to be the best scene of the whole flick-the sex scene! Sad and insipid; it makes other horror films of the 1980's look great in comparison.
Ed Cowell I fast-forwarded through most of this movie searching for something, anything interesting,but never found anything. A bunch of bland morons stalk around in the dark and some guy lies around in a coma,and he's possessed by a tree spirit or something. Moustapha Akkad went from HALLOWEEN to THIS. A complete waste of valuable celluloid.
GoreMonger I was looking through the "Videos For Sale" bin at a local Blockbuster and came across this title. I saw that it was produced by Moustapha Akkad and it sparked my interest. I'm a huge fan of the Halloween series, to which Akkad has contributed greatly. On that basis I decided to buy it. The most exciting part of this movie is the ending credits. Only then do you know that the torture session is over. That's also when the true horror of the film set in for me..........I actually paid money for this garbage. Avoid this title at ALL cost. Moustapha Akkad should be ashamed to have his name associated with this title.
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