Anthony Zimmer
Anthony Zimmer
| 27 April 2005 (USA)
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François, an ordinary Joe, falls hard for the sublimely beautiful woman who has just picked him up on the train and invited him to spend the weekend with her on the Riviera. But when the lady disappears the next morning and the police drag him in for questioning, François discovers he's been set up to pass for her notorious outlaw husband on the run, Anthony Zimmer. Even though he's been lied to and manipulated, François' life is changed forever and he's ready to give anything - maybe even his life - to hold this mysterious beauty in his arms again.

Micitype Pretty Good
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
sanddragon939 I'd seen 'The Tourist' when it first came out over a year ago. The Angelina Jolie-Johnny Depp starrer was an entertaining of the things which prevented it from being great though, was that it could never make up its mind as to whether it was a suspense thriller, an action thriller or a comedy. But I'm pleased to say that the French original 'Anthony Zimmer' has no such identity crisis.The plot of 'Zimmer' is very simple and in retrospect I can't but help feel that 'The Tourist' sometimes needlessly embellished (and in the process, complicated) the story. The simple premise allows for more focus on the characters, their motivations and their relationships. Another thing that stuck me while watching this film, in contrast to 'The Tourist' was that on the whole, it was a much more 'intelligent' film...things weren't always explained to the audiences word for word. Some things the viewer needs to put together himself while watching the film. Case in point, Chiara's (Sophie Marceau) motivation in befriending Francoise Tallandier (Yven Attal) as part of her scheme to fool Anthony Zimmer's pursuers is something which one has to assume based on the action on-screen and other subtle hints-its only explicitly spelled out more than halfway through the film (whereas in 'The Tourist', its made glaringly clear to us pretty much from the start).A major superficial difference between the two versions is to do with the style and grandeur of the remake, which is contrasted by the relative simplicity of the original. Whereas the remake had a speedboat chase in Venice, the original has an equivalent scene of a chase sequence in an underground parking lot. The lack of emphasis on set designs and scenic beauty reinforces the film's prime focus on the character's and their story and also serves to give the film a much more 'serious' feel as opposed to the flamboyance of the remake.Special mention must be made of the lead actor Yven Attal. Unlike Johnny Depp's comedic take on the bumbling American tourist caught up in a world of intrigue, Attal's character is an ordinary man who is keenly aware of the danger he's in, but who also adapts to circumstances quickly enough. His relationship with Marceau's character does read more like genuine love, as opposed to the relationship between Depp and Jolie in the remake which felt more like an infatuation/fascination on Depp's part. Sophie Marceau's 'Chiara' is likewise a VERY different character from Angelina Jolie's 'Elise Ward'...unlike the glamorous and enigmatically playful Elise, Chiara is a much harsher individual, though she does reveal a softer side as the story progresses.On the whole, I feel 'Anthony Zimmer' is a much more serious, and tighter film, than the remake, though I will always remain a fan of the comically thrilling Depp-Jolie starrer as well!
tieman64 "Anthony Zimmer" is a conventional romantic thriller and con movie which finds a gang of Russian criminals and law enforcement agents frantically attempting to apprehend master criminal Anthony Zimmer.The film was directed by Jerome Salle, whose style is unimaginative and at times dull. The film was remade by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck as "The Tourist", a much better film. The only thing Salle's film has over Donnersmarck's is the presence of the always stunning Sophia Marceau. She plays Zimmer's love interest.5/10 – Worth no viewings. See "The Tourist" instead, a critically maligned ode to Hitchcock and Stanley Donen.
jeromemorrow ... as so much can (and obviously does) get lost in the process.I was surprised so many agreed to the main user_comment at the beginning, until I noticed likely none had seen the french version.What I particularly liked is that there are various pieces of information what can figure out; like the fact the Sophie (Chiara) is hiding something, what cannot be guessed immediately. Why is even harder. Motivitations are at the core of such movies, and since some things we take for granted can lead us down the wrong path, and like a chess player having read several moves ahead, one must backtrack and start over.Ms. Marceau surprised me - I knew her to be very pretty, but in this movie she adds a new twist. Mr. Attal is also very good - I'm not sure how easy/difficult it is to portray this - but I was hooked from the get-go.### It's one of those movies that makes you feel very intensely, even if you can question the motives (i.e. you know that if a "femme-fatale" hits on a plain looking guy, she wants something). Should he go along with this - common sense dictates you shouldn't but there are times in a person's life where you are not ready to make the right decision or don't care to - not realizing how serious the situation can become. ###All in all, a very enjoyable movie for those tired of CGI, or totally unrealistic movie story lines.Keep 'em coming, JM.
stensson This is a story which we've seen many times in American movies. About the common gentle guy who without wanting so, gets involved in heavy things. And it could happen to all of us.The plot is rather clever, but you have some unanswered questions in the end. Sophie Marceaux plays the mystic lady and you never know whether she really is good or bad. Not even when the movie is over.What is a quite intelligent psychological drama, turns into a violent outburst. Anyway it's nice to watch such a plot in another environment; here the French Côte d'Azur. But it's too physical in the end and maybe the plot maker hasn't had any real good ideas about how to finish it.