Another Time, Another Place
Another Time, Another Place
| 02 May 1958 (USA)
Another Time, Another Place Trailers

In England during WWII, an American news correspondent’s affair with a married British correspondent ends tragically when he is killed in action. Fearing a nervous breakdown as a result of his death, she travels to Cornwall to mourn with his family without any intention of revealing her relationship with him.

Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
dianaschleisman Another Time, Another Place is a multi-dimensional movie. Keeping in mind that it is fifty-eight years old, I imagine the storyline and character building was fairly innovative. Still today, the acting, script, and directing were relevant enough on a general level and pulled me in. I felt drawn towards each character and their individual plights, albeit some more than others. Emotions emanated off the screen, and some scenes were very powerful. While this isn't the best movie of all time, and arguably may not be the peak of Turner's and Connery's careers, it is certainly a heartfelt film that deserves respect.
Laurence Tuccori I'm still trying to figure out exactly what is the most ridiculous thing about this 1958 Paramount melodrama - the notion of Lana Turner as an ace war correspondent, or Sean Connery's eyebrows. Turner plays Sara Scott, one of those movie journalists who remains gainfully employed despite never letting work get in the way of their personal life. She swans around wartime London in a fur coat, perfectly coiffed and oblivious to the realities of modern warfare although, to be fair, it's not difficult for her not to notice when director Lewis Allen has chosen to mostly omit it from the mise-en-scene. Other than a sequence showing sappers defusing an unexploded V2 rocket, and Scott's hired help making a passing reference to rationing, there's no indication that this is a city that's been at war for nearly 6 years. There's no bombed out buildings, no indication of food, gas or clothing shortages, and barely anyone in uniform on the streets. As a peroxide blonde society lady who spends her time lunching, loving and shopping on 5th Avenue, Turner is entirely convincing. As a highly rated journalist ready to fly off at a moment's notice to whichever battle front her editor deems her presence and writing talents to be essential, she's somewhat less plausible than Steven Seagal tackling Shakespeare. Which brings us to Mr Connery's eyebrows. They are both a wonder and a mystery and put Robert Pattinson's brow hair to shame. His are wider but inexpressive and just sit there above his eyes. Connery's, in contrast, are longer and undulate like two strips of dark brown deep shag carpeting strapped to the back of a couple of adult earthworms. They're so impressive they actually distract attention from his luxuriant head of hair which to anyone used to the older, more follically challenged Connery, is a talking point in itself. ANOTHER TIME ANOTHER PLACE was not the 28 year old's first movie but it was the first time his name had been billed in such close proximity to the film's stars, and clearly no one had considered that a little personal grooming might be in order to reflect his new status as love interest to a bona fide Hollywood star. His agent might also have found a tactful way to suggest that having Connery's character, with his distinct Scottish accent, wax lyrical at great length about his idyllic home town on the coast of Cornwall, might not be the most convincing. But even shifting location and pruning his eyebrows would not have prevented this turgid drama from dissolving into a pool of smelly sludge. Nothing about it rings true and no one does anything to evince our interest or sympathy. It's just a bust. Check out more of my reviews at
Claudio Carvalho In 1945, while in a temporary assignment in London, the "The New York Standard" journalist Sara Scott (Lana Turner) has a torrid love affair with the reporter of BBC Mark Trevor (Sean Connery) and she falls in love for him. Just before the end of the war, they cover a sapper disassembling a bomb and Sara is informed that her boss and fiancé Carter Reynolds (Barry Sullivan) is coming to London to meet her. When she tells the news to Mark, he surprisingly discloses to her after three months of relationship that he is married and has a son in St. Giles, Cornwall, and he loves and will stay with his family. Mark leaves Sara and travels to Paris with his assistant Alan Thompson (Terence Longdon), but the plane crashes and he dies. The grieving Sara has a nervous breakdown and is interned in the Headway Nursing Home for treatment. Six weeks later, Carter buys a ship trip to her from Plymouth to New York; however, Sara decides to visit St. Giles by train before returning to her country. When she meets Mark's wife Kay Trevor (Glynis Johns) and his son Brian (Martin Stephens), she is invited by Kay to stay with them until the next morning. During the night, Sara has a crisis, faints and Kay invites her to stay at her home during for recovering.The silly "Another Time, Another Place" is an unconvincing romance, with a laughable screenplay. The story begins without a previous development of characters, but sooner the viewer understands that Sara is an experienced American correspondent that writes a column for her newspaper and is engaged of her boss. Mark is a married man that broadcasts news about the war and is having an affair with Sara, and disapproved by his friend and assistant Alan. When Sara tells that her fiancé is coming to London, Mark decides to end his affair since he loves his family. This revelation, associated to the shock of the death of Mark lead Sara to a breakdown. Up to this point, the story is convincing and I have no remarks. However, the decision of Sara to travel to St. Giles is the beginning of an unthinkable attitude of an experienced woman living overseas. The rest of this forgettable movie is pure crap with a corny conclusion, despite the good performance of Glynis Johns and the magnificent locations in Cornwall. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "Vítima de uma Paixão" ("Victim of a Passion")
robertconnor Whilst on assignment in a very 1950s-looking WW2 London, a plastic-haired US ace-journo' (Turner) and an impossibly baby-faced Cornish ace-journo' (Connery) are lost in the throws of a torrid affair, despite the disapproval of colleagues (stiff-upper-lip Longdon, laconic James). However, even as declarations of undying love are uttered, dark clouds loom in the form of Turner's newspaper boss and erstwhile lover Sullivan, and Connery's shock disclosure that he has a wife and child tucked away in his native Cornish village. When Connery is killed in a plane crash, a devastated Turner makes a pilgrimage to his native Cornwall where her path crosses that of his wife and child...Risible weepy, serving as a star vehicle for Lana and an early showcase for the handsome young Connery, both of whom fail miserably to convince. Turner seems to possess only three facial expressions, even when trying to stay upright in her stilettos as she totters round 'St. Giles' (actually Polperro) - witness her horribly 2-D efforts to comfort Martin Stephens after his nightmare. Meanwhile Connery's description of his Cornish fishing village birthplace is delivered in such a rich Edinburgh brogue as to be quite giggle-some.So often the case with British cinema of the 40s and 50s, it's the support players who steal the show - Glynis Johns' is a beautifully judged and modulated depiction of a woman recovering from grief. Her resolute kindness, generosity and warmth make her reaction to the final reel revelations all the more believable. Sid James shines as a world-weary American journalist trying to juggle loyalties, and Stephens' post-nightmare scene is desperately convincing.Sadly however, excellent support playing, and beautiful location shooting are just not enough to save this overwrought turkey.