Anonymous Rex
Anonymous Rex
R | 19 November 2004 (USA)
Anonymous Rex Trailers

The dinosaurs didn't go completely extinct when the asteroids hit 65 million years ago. Today, every ten thousandth person in the country is a dinosaur, evolved to be human-sized, wearing sophisticated solid-light holographic disguises to maintain the facade, getting stoned off regular cooking herbs like basil, rosemary and tarragon, and living by their own shadow government's laws; any human who stumbles upon them is to be immediately executed. Two dino private investigators, velociraptor Vincent Rubio and triceratops Ernie Watson, are hired by one of Ernie's old girlfriends to find out why her younger brother committed suicide, and discover a dino cult called Voice Of Progress that wants dinokind to come out of the closet and reclaim the planet.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Lawbolisted Powerful
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Nyx_Selene I expected this to be one of those B-movies made with a big heart and the glint in the eye; silly but enjoyable. However, I think this is above B-level. It's actually a decent sci-fi action.The story - dinosaurs surviving and hiding among humans (especially since they were killed off as dragons in medieval times), and now getting quite tired of always having to pretend to be something they're not - is rather interesting. The special effects aren't state of the art, but they're not bad.It's not great, but it's good, enjoyable and made with humour. All in all, very watchable!
Clay Loomis I've read the comments prior to mine (7 or 8 as of this writing). I think some folks put a little too much expectation into these things. This is a SciFi channel effort. They don't get many viewers, so they can't charge much for commercials, so they can't pay much to film an original movie. Question: If any of you dissenters think you can do better, then why don't you have a basic cable channel of your own? Answer: You can't do better.OK, they used cheap, older generation CG effects. Just 20 years ago you'd have been blown away by them. 60 years ago people would've been peeing in their theater seats. Kids that grew up knowing nothing before Terminator 2 are jaded.Also, remember that the story is a fantasy. If you can buy into a silly story like The Wizard Of Oz, Harry Potter, or Lord Of The Rings, you're loopy enough to buy this too. The difference between great and lesser fantasy movies depends on budget. If Spiderman was made on half a million bucks, it would've been on SciFi too, with all the complaints I've read here tonight.Anonymous Rex wasn't that bad, as long as you understand where it came from. Hey, if you were ever entertained by an ignorant show like HEE HAW (which had almost 600 episodes!), this movie is an EPIC!
oxford1882 I've seen a lot of bad movies in my day. I mean a lot. Shrunken Heads. Dracula 2000. Blood Diner. I've rented Leprechaun in Da Hood. I saw Mr. Nanny in the theater when I was young. But this movie is an absolute abomination. It makes Crocodile 2 look like Citizen Kane. This is pure concentrated excrement.The movie is about dinosaurs, who have secretly evolved for the last 65 million years, who disguise themselves with hologram technology to blend in with human society. If that premise isn't idiotic enough, Daniel Baldwin apparently jumped at the opportunity to make some crack-addict's dream come true.But to its credit, it did provide good comic relief. I did watch most of it (I had to take a 20 minute break for my Anonymous Rex-induced headache to subside). It's like a car wreck on the highway -- you can't help but to slow down and see what's going on. Still gets 1/10 but really deserves a -4.
vhsiv Having not read any of the novels, I don't feel that I can supply a fully-informed critique; however I can provide a critique of the piece as a piece of filmed entertainment.I'm usually disappointed by most SciFi fare, but I checked this one out on the basis of the reviews that the novels had gotten.I was less than impressed by the script. For months I had heard what a funny and entertaining piece of work the books were, but that value failed to manifest on the screen. The initial discouragement of 'a modern-day dinosaur-detective, pursuing his career disguised as a human in a rubber costume' failed to be salvaged from the execution of the screenplay. While the 'rubber-suit idea had been updated, the script and the actors' performances didn't seem to be in on the joke - the voice-overs were dire, and the story wasn't funny or humorous, just contrived.In the end, this film was no better than the average broken-genre absurdity that the SciFi Channel has been broadcasting over the past several years: It was just a bland disappointment manufactured by a network that either doesn't understand genre television or has bent so far over to broaden their audience that they've alienated their original constituents with 'family fun' like this feature.