Anomaly Trailers

The terrifying story of a family that experienced the biggest demonic possession after moving into a house plagued by malicious spirits.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Micransix Crappy film
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
park-april Very low budgeted bad acting awful awful just awful waste of money and time
dekspam There's really no foothold to gain in order to redeem this film; none other than watching it for a laugh. Bad cinematography, bad editing, bad acting (the male character above all others) and what's more important, bad storytelling. The scenes with the priest were the ones where we laughed more hysterically: the one where the guy budges around as if he was annoyed by a mosquito rather than a demon takes the cake. (MEMO: bring insecticide rather than holy water next time.) Oh, don't forget to take a look at the fake 10 star reviews here on IMDb for an additional laugh.
Carlos Vega I have watched the film twice now and I must say it was very very good. Despite the two negative reviews posted here. I felt compelled to write an honest review and not one out of spite or hate, in which that is what seems to be the two previous hater reviews. Those critiques are not based out of factual information from the film, but more or less, look like pathetic and envious nobodies, that do not want this film to succeed because they perhaps can't get their project off the ground, or an actor that can't get work, or in competition with some of these actors in this film, or just a person of jealousy. If they were to concentrate on their own careers, they might be where these people are. With that said, this film has a great story line, well acted by all of the cast, very well acted. This was not some cheap looking indie film. The quality is fantastic. If it wasn't good, it would not have gotten distributed. Think about that logically for one moment, before you post another negative comment. All in all, awesome film, well done. 10 stars!
Stan Steiner Brilliant film, excellent story. Nicely done by director of this film. Acting by the actors were incredible, delivering very believable characters to the story. Very impressed with the film. The kids in the film did an extraordinary job delivering as well as the mother. Highly recommend for a good night in for some thrilling action! Kudos to the director!