Anokha Rishta
Anokha Rishta
| 29 August 1986 (USA)
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Mary, an inmate of an orphanage run by nuns, is good at studies and is artistically talented, her education so far has been sponsored by a philanthropist. Her sponsor, a rich old man who she has never met but has only corresponded with through the nuns, passes away, laving her dreams of a college education in shambles. Mr. Robert Brown (Bob) who is now at the helm of affairs of his father's business agrees to continue her sponsorship. Bob is a confirmed bachelor and Mary is drawn to him by some mysterious force.

Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
maxjosh72 This movie had best of the emotional scenes shown on screen so far. It has a great and unusual storyline where a young girl who is orphan falling in love with a man almost of Hus father age. Brilliant acting by the cast as good as Rajesh Khanna Smita Patil Shafi Imaandar and newcomer then Sabia. This movie inspired another classic like Lamhe with a different ending. If you like good movies the climax will bring tears in your eyes. Now Bollywood do not have guts to make such movies because of financial pressure. It is a masterpiece for sure. This movie again reminds you that what a charisma was Rajesh Khanna a super star but a brilliant actor tooMovie should have done well commercially to inspire people to make good movies but this film did inspire many to make such movies again
sanjayppc Anokha Rishta was an unusual film for its times. It was a remake of a Malayalam hit & was directed by noted director I.V.Sasi. Later, similar films were made like Lamhe, Nishabdh etc., Perhaps the film did not do as well as expected because it came at the wrong time. Yet, it makes for excellent viewing. The delicate relationship has been handled very competently by the director.All the actors have given competent performances. Smita Patil, in a guest role is good. Newcomer Sabeeha has given a beautiful performance which is praiseworthy considering that it was her debut film.Coming to the hero, Superstar Rajesh Khanna has given a fantastic performance in a difficult role. Some critics faulted it saying that his mannerisms crept in, but that is far from the truth. He lends the necessary weight to the character & delights his numerous fans.I watched the film in the 1st week & really enjoyed it. I was disappointed when the film did not do well. Yet, no one can deny that it has been a forerunner for films of this genre.
jmathur_swayamprabha Human relations are complex, especially the male-female romantic relationship which sees no bar. As a song of Jagjeet Singh from the movie Prem Geet (1981) says - Na Umr Ki Seema Ho, Na Janm Ka Ho Bandhan, Jab Pyar Kare Koi To Dekhe Keval Mann (love sees the heart only and not any bounds of age or birth or likewise). In the past one decade, two movies dealing with the romantic relationship between an aged male and a much younger female have been in news - 1. Joggers' Park (2003) and 2. Nishabd (2007). However around two decades prior to these movies, one movie dealt with this issue through a highly sensitive and touching story. This underrated movie was Anokha Rishta (1986).Anokha Rishta (unusual relationship), perfectly harmonizing with its title, is the story of an unusual relationship between Mary (Sabeeha) and Robert Brown (Rajesh Khanna). Teenager Mary is an orphan and lives in an orphanage run by nuns. Her education had been sponsored by Robert's father in his lifetime. After the demise of his father, when Robert takes independent charge of the family business, he comes to know of this sponsorship. Being benevolent by nature, he decides to continue it in his father's name itself. Mary has never met her sponsor and she even does not know him by name. For her, the identity of her sponsor is -'uncle' only whom she regularly writes letters and her uncle (earlier Robert's father and now Robert) always respond. A youth (Karan Shah) loves her but she ignores his advances because of his image of an irresponsible and loafer boy. On the other hand, Robert has always been in love of Dr. Pramila (Smita Patil) but due to following different religious faiths and their parents not allowing them to marry someone from a different religion, they could not marry. However being mature and true lovers, they chose not to marry somebody else too and decided to remain bachelors only.The twist in the tale comes with Mary coming across Robert in a party and despite himself being more than double of her age, falls in love with him. She expresses her feelings to him but he discourages her from making advances towards him in this way. On the other hand, maintaining a benevolent attitude and wanting her to lead a happy life, Robert helps Mary's lover to come closer to her and guides him to grow up, besides giving him a job in his own office. Mary, being mad in Robert's love without knowing that he only is her sponsor and 'her uncle' whom she writes to and gets letters from, keeps on living in her dreamy world of a married life with Robert. Her problem is that she cannot share her feelings and mental agony (of not getting positive response from Robert) with 'her uncle' because all the incoming and outgoing letters (written to 'her uncle') of Mary are screened first by the head of the orphanage (called 'mother').Finally, when Robert breaks her heart (in her own interest only), she decides to become a nun and writes a final letter to 'her uncle' with a special and last request to the head of the orphanage to deliver it to 'her uncle' without opening it and reading its content. Dr. Pramila, knowing all these developments, tries to stop Mary but she remains firm on her decision. Now her lover (the youth, now an employee of Robert) also gets desperate upon knowing this decision of hers. Finally the onus falls on the shoulders of Robert only to do something to prevent Mary from taking this drastic step and that leads to the highly emotional and impressive climax.This story has been presented on the screen in a manner par excellence by the director, I.V. Sasi. The story flows freely and keeps the viewer guessing about the climax. Nothing shown in this movie is unnatural and all the characters are real flesh and blood human-beings only. Yash Chopra made a movie - 'Lamhe' with somewhat similarity in the story in 1991 in which he showed that the much younger girl finally wins the heart of the elderly man and he marries her, ditching his lady-love of his own age-group. However in this movie, I found the things as more realistic with the elderly man, instead of bowing before the wish of the much younger and immature girl, helps her by showing her the right path to lead a wedded life with a young man of her own age-group who truly loves her and preventing her from playing with her life under frustration of not getting the first crush of her life.Anokha Rishta is a very interesting emotional movie in which relief has been provided at places through the character of Satish Shah, an old employee in Robert's office and his informal adviser. There is no unnecessary dragging in the movie and technically it's OK. R.D. Burman's music does not boast of any chart-buster but it is in accordance with the mood of the movie.Rajesh Khanna has delivered a mature performance in the mature role of Robert. Late Smita Patil is, like always, at her very best. Karan Shah as Mary's lover alongwith Satish Shah, Shafi Inamdaar and other supporting characters are also all right in their respective roles. However this movie belongs to debutante Sabeeha who is the daughter of Ameeta, a Bollywood heroine of the black and white era. She looks quite fresh and has performed naturally, infusing life into the role of Mary. This is definitely her best performance in her short-lived career and perhaps the only lead role done by her.Anokha Rishta is not a classic movie. It has its own share of mediocrity and flaws. Still, it's much better than several over-hyped movies. Emotional people like me can definitely relate themselves to it in many ways.
jatinram This film was the true Rajesh Khanna standard film just like other standard movies of the First Super Actor of Hindi movie. It is also appreciable because this high standard film was made during most disgraceful period of Hindi movie production, consisting of sex, violence, cheap comedy,etc. of Amitabh Brand films. It is only the credit of Super Star Rajesh Khanna to perform in such a beautiful film during action and cheap dialogue based formula films' era. The subject as well as performance of all performers of the film especially Rajesh Khanna and Smita Patil were excellent. Overall I judge the film as an excellent film because it contains very good social message for its viewers.