Angels Crest
Angels Crest
R | 17 October 2002 (USA)
Angels Crest Trailers

Teddy offers a co-worker a ride to work. He makes an unscheduled stop in the woods...where he has something special planned.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
mjkacey This film was recommended to me by a friend who knew I enjoyed well-acted, well-shot, and well-directed films. This, I'm pleased to say, fit the bill. Using a non-linear editing style, the story unfolds at a steady pace. The acting is superior (special kudos to Chris Bauer and Currie Graham), as is the cinematography and music score. I especially liked the fact that both characters in this movie had serious problems with their moral compasses. I kept waiting for one to be revealed as the absolute good guy and the other, therefore, deserving of his fate. But things are more complicated than that. I had feared a typical Hollywood ending, but was rewarded with a film that ends just the way it should; leaving the viewer to think it over as the credits roll. Very commendable.
it-34 In Angels Crest, J. Michael Couto shows what a talented AFI graduate can do on a minimalist budget; crafting a fine movie that seizes both audience and mainstream Hollywood's attention. Angels Crest essentially plays out within the confines of a 2 person play set to a single location - purposely dissecting each character and scene in a perverse, contorted tale of suspense. Mr. Couto brilliantly sets the characters against a backdrop which offers a pleasant, salient counterpoint, yet magnificently illustrative of the twisted and gnarled storyline. If you liked 'Misery' you will love this film. One hopes that Hollywood knocks on J. Michael Couto's door very soon.
andyman618 I just got done watching a movie I've never heard of: Angels Crest. This is something I picked up at the local Hollywood Video store, just on a whim. It's not a horror movie, but a very satisfying psychological thriller. To tell you anything about it would be to ruin it for anyone who's going to see it. But I will say that it is an excellent example of what can be done on a small budget. The writing is excellent, the directing and photography are great, and the acting is first rate. Also, the film quality is very good, so it doesn't have the look of many low-budget movies. Oh, and the music is quite good, too. This was directed by J. Michael Couto, someone I'll be looking for in the future. ***1/2/****
kornsme182 Probably no one has seen this film. I just noticed it at Hollywood video as i was leaving and thought id give it a chance. This movie is really good. Try not to read to much about the film just turn it on and sit back and enjoy. For having no budget and only two actors this movie is better then most. If you see this film anywhere then get it. REALLY GOOD THRILLER!