An Unfinished Affair
An Unfinished Affair
| 29 April 1996 (USA)
An Unfinished Affair Trailers

When a man ends a regretful love affair that occurred during his wife's illness, his mistress plots revenge by targeting his family's most treasured possessions, a priceless painting and his son.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
bhakta_allison ...yet I had hoped Sheila would get away with the crime AND the painting. Alex is a cold man just as his son said. I felt sorry for the son but had hoped somehow his FATHER would get implicated in the crime. Just as Alex's wife's mother said, the women tend to get hurt the most when it comes to involvement with married men. Alex did wrong by sending his father-in-law's most valuable art work to his mistress yet felt he could get away with doing what he typical wealthy man fashion. When he would not get what he wanted (the art work) back from his ex-mistress, he resorted to crime and violence paying someone else to do his dirty work. Sad thing is the wifelet looked like she was going to take a man back who thought so little of her to sleep with someone else while it was thought she would die. I enjoyed the movie but had hoped for more of a "just deserts" ending for a change rather than the Family Reunion at the end.
guilfisher-1 Bad script and writing makes this a sometimes interminable movie to watch. How long will it take the victims to figure out the scheme of the vicious girl friend? And how dense can people be? This sweet young thing in the likes of Jennie Garth is so obvious it would take an idiot or rather horny devil to figure her out. She's that obvious. Garth's performance is a one level pursed lips performance. No chemistry. I'd drop her too. Tim Matheson, usually a good actor, is stuck in a vacant role of a husband who stands around looking mystified. Even to the point of his wife and son losing it all. Peter Facinelli is not too bad as another victim of our shady little ingénue. Bears a strong resemblance to Dan Futterman. Nice to see Georgann Johnson back on the tube. Since days of Mr. Peepers. She and Michael Fairman play grandparents, if you can imagine that. Also nice to see Leigh Taylor Young back on the screen. Looking very lovely and playing the wife with a nice quality you can't blame anyone for wanting her instead of the little witch. Rod Hardy (no relation to Andy) directed as best he could with a lousy script. Three stars for Young, Johnson and Facinelli. Sorry Tim. Saw this again and stick by my original critique. Garth is dreadful, even more so second time around. Tim still the loser and the wonderful likes of Johnson, Taylor-Young and Facinelli hold their own. Waste of time.
kysonedin Sheila Hart sacrifice so much in the case, ended up in jail. This is because she is falling for the wrong man, the man who doesn't really love her at all. Poor Hart lose herself completed in front of the man she really love. Everything unexpected thing will start when human wanted to revenge, hatred to someone and betrayal.Woman are always being hurt the most in a broken relationship. I think Garth and Alex should be meant together. Alex betrayed her so much which lead to the start of the movie. Why Alex would dump Sheila in their relationship? In a nutshell, the movie is so interesting with the story line, just that the ending is not expected.
Bela-12 Jennie Garth(90210) plays a woman who has an affair with an older man who has a wife and kids. After a few months the guy dumps Jennie Garth to be with his wife. So to get revenge Jennie Garth goes after the older guys son. The affair with the son gets so hot and passionate until she starts using the son to get what she wants. The son finds out about Jennie Garth's affair with his dad and gets very angry. So he punches his dad only to realize the enemy is the girlfriend (Jennie Garth). This is one of my favorite movies from Peter Facinelli.