An Impudent Girl
An Impudent Girl
| 20 December 1985 (USA)
An Impudent Girl Trailers

Charlotte Castang is a working-class 13-year-old girl, who lives in a drab, run-down neighbourhood, and is ready to become an adult. Her mother died giving birth to her, and she lives with her crass brother and a father whose attention is elsewhere. Her only friend is Lulu, a sick 10-year-old she regards as a pest. Charlotte is antisocial, bored and dreams of a better life. Her life improves when she meets Clara Bauman, a pianist prodigy.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
FilmCriticLalitRao Claude Miller likes to portray unhappy people as he believes that nothing happens to happy people. His films have won him both critical as well as Box Office success. L'Effrontee shows how hard it is to live as a neglected child with desires and aspirations. Claude Miller's poetic mis- en-scene imparted divine exquisiteness to a pure tale of uncertainty. Charlotte experiences the passage from childhood to adolescence in a difficult manner. Miller has created one of the best coming of age film in years. Things become tough for Charlotte when she is introduced to an alien world of music. She reminds us of our childhood dreams and frustrations. Miller has always championed the cause of young characters in his films portraying complex personal relationships. L'Effrontee is similar to his earlier film "La meilleure facon de marcher" as he has aimed to portray joys and sorrows experienced by adolescents in their formative years. As a cinéaste who learned his métier from Truffaut, Claude Miller will continue to create stories of troubled childhoods.
emmy-muller This film was my cult film when I was a teenager (I must have seen it 10 times). Now I'm older (!) and I saw it again recently. I was slightly disappointed because it was not as good as in my souvenirs but still, I would recommend it and say it's a great film. If you want to see another side of France than what you usually get to see, this film is interesting. I just read Carson Mc Culler's "The Member of the Wedding" and was surprised to see how many common points there were with "L'effrontée". Does anyone know if the film was inspired by it? Common points: - The main character is a teenage girl, she's bored and a bit lonely; it's the summer and she watches other people having fun. She hangs out with a little neighbor (in the film) or her cousin (in the book), both younger than her. - She has no mother. She is raised by her father and by a nanny/helper. - At one point, she watches older teenagers having fun in a dancing club and feels a bit jealous, though she won't admit it. - To feel "grown-up", she uses perfume. - At one point, she follows an older guy into a hotel and when she understands that he wants to sleep with her, she hits him on the head with a glass globe (in the film) or a glass pitcher (in the book), escapes,and then asks her dad: "If you hit someone on the head with something very heavy, made of glass, do you think it could kill him?" At some another point, she says "the world is very sudden" in the book and in French, in the film, she says "le monde est brusque" (same meaning; that was also the word used in the French translation of the novel). That's too much to be a coincidence, isn't it? - And finally, both characters feel that they are "the member to no club" and that they are different because they don't feel "connected" to anyone...
Didier (Didier-Becu) Most of the times the smallest things in life are the greatest and in cinema that's not any different. It's been a long long time since I saw such a supertalent as Charlotte Gainsbourg (yeah, daughter of...) and with justified reasons this movie was be a sort of springboard for Charlotte's further career. Charlotte plays the role of a teenager whose life is totally overruled by boredom both by the persons she's surrounded with (her only friend is a sick ten year old girl Lulu) and the village she lives in. Nothing ever happens and the usual parties at the local disco cant convince Charlotte in no way...all she wanna do is escape if only she could. But then it happens when a girl of her age enters the village to give a concert (the girl is a pianoplayer who is worldwide respected). Charlotte tries everything to become the pianist best friend with only one purpose : to escape from the dull world she is living in... As said the whole film has one focal point : Charlotte Gainsbourg and it is perhaps the best teenermovie ever made and it makes you forget the many stupid things that were sended by us by the likes of Matthew Broderick or any other John Hughes-icons. Superb movie!
richie42 ***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** Claude Miller's from the heart film, L'Effrontee is a masterpiece of French film making.SPOILERS AHEAD!!This is the simple story of Charlotte (played with effortless ease and considerable verve by Charlotte Gainsbourg), a girl of thirteen or fourteen who is unhappy with her lot. The school holidays are approaching and she is not going away for a month - not until August. She has nothing to do. She hates her peer group, so doesn't hang with them. She hates the fact that no one at home takes her seriously. Her only friend is Lulu (Julie Glenn), a younger girl with a weak disposition, constantly taking medication to keep her out of hospital, and constantly getting under Charlotte's feet.Charlotte becomes jealous of her brother, who *is* going away on holiday, and Lulu and the housemaid Leone (Bernadette Lafont) bear the brunt of this.There are, however, two new people in Charlotte's life.On one of the last days of school she sees a video of Clara Bauman (Clothilde Baudon), a child prodigy. On the video, Clara is playing Beethoven's Third Piano Concerto. Charlotte finds out that she and Clara are the same age, and that Clara is coming to town to play a concert.It is while watching the video that we see where Charlotte wants to be. We see her inherent understanding of the music and her love for it in the expression on her face. (It is also possible that the love and desire reflected on her face is for the girl.)As the holidays get under way, we see Charlotte out walking with Lulu. A car pulls up behind them and the driver asks if Charlotte knows the way to a place where the other occupant of the car can have her piano stool repaired. The other occupant of the car is none other than Clara Bauman.Charlotte does, indeed, know the way to the metal work factory and shows them the way. Once there, she hangs around and listens carefully to the conversation in an attempt to find out where Clara is staying. She also hears that Jean (Jean-Philippe Ecoffey), a temporary worker at the factory, will deliver the piano stool once it is fixed.Clara and her driver - her manager Sam (Jean-Claude Brialy) - thank Charlotte for showing them the way and depart. But Charlotte has formed her plan: she will hang around and get to know Jean so she can deliver the piano stool with him.In her own clumsy way, Charlotte succeeds in getting to know Jean, and does so seemingly unaware of the dangers of striking up relationships with men ten years her senior.When she gets home, all Charlotte can do is talk about her new pianist friend. This, of course gets on the nerves of Lulu, Leone, and her father - a man who always appears dog-tired.The following day, Charlotte meats up with Jean and they deliver the piano stool to the grand lakeside mansion where Clara is staying. Charlotte manages to get to stay behind once the delivery is made and also succeeds in getting herself invited to a party that night.Once again at home she continues spouting off about her pianist friend, now claiming that she will be joining her on the rest of her tour. In her happiness she sets off a firework in the kitchen, further annoying everyone.As the days to the concert go by, Charlotte becomes increasingly obsessed with Clara. She buys a new dress for the concert. Leone rubbishes the dress, saying it awful and unsuitable, and Charlotte has another of her tantrums. As a result of this she agrees to go to the cinema with Jean. After watching "The Exorcist" they go back to his hotel room. Jean, of course, tries it on with her. She escapes after bashing him over the head with a globe of the world.Meanwhile, because of Charlotte's obsession with Clara, Lulu has become very worried that Charlotte *actually will* leave with her after the concert, so, during the concert, sitting with Charlotte and Leone, Lulu throws a tantrum - right in the middle of the performance - and the trio have to leave the auditorium. Charlotte throws another tantrum and goes to wait backstage for Clara.Clara, however, finishes her performance on a musician's high and completely fails to notice Charlotte. She leaves without her. A distraught Charlotte is seen wandering around outside the concert hall by an overjoyed Lulu, but Lulu's emotions overcome her and she collapses.The final scene is at the hospital where Lulu is recouping. She is on a balcony holding hands with Charlotte, Charlotte finally having realized that what she has got is far better than what she wants.This film very deservedly won several awards:Prix Louis Delluc - Claude Miller;Cesar Awards, France - Best Supporting Acress - Bernadette Lafont;and, of course,Cesar Awards, France - Most Promising Actress - Charlotte Gainsbourg.Go rent it, if only to see where Hollywood so often goes wrong.