An Everlasting Piece
An Everlasting Piece
R | 22 December 2000 (USA)
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Colin is a Catholic and George is a poetry-loving Protestant. In Belfast in the 1980s, they could have been enemies, but instead they became business partners. After persuading a mad wig salesman, known as the Scalper, to sell them his leads, the two embark on a series of house calls

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
utkrzy83 This comedy is very highly underrated and overlooked by many. I love puns, and the title is part of what attracted me ; that and the addition of Billy Connolly to the cast. Colm and George are wonderful as the prospective hair-piece salesmen , and Colm's girlfriend is excellent in her role. My personal preference for less use of the "F" word aside , this is a terrifically funny movie. The plot is a very good one. I'm American and don't have the emotional attachment to religious controversy as many others to this subject matter - but I feel it is handled in a respectful manner. There are many scenes which stand out in my recollection of the film as being very hilarious , the one about " herpes " being my vote for the best. This is just a funny, feel-good film and I recommend it to anyone wanting a good laugh. The somewhat eccentric family scenes with Colm will have you rolling on the floor.I found the Mom and the knickers on her head to be quite amusing. George and his poetry are right up there with the other scenes in making this comedy stand out. I happen to be a big fan of 80's music , and the soundtrack has some very good songs. This is one film I always recommend to my friends who are unfamiliar with British comedies, and the like. Watch it !! You won't be disappointed.
Rachelc258258 Fantastic film. It was very funny, but also very dark at times, while not being depressing. It can be so dead serious in even fairly absurd situations that it comes across as tragic even though you are laughing so hard your belly aches. Poignant.In short, a protestant and catholic barber who become friends try to break into the toupee business. The back drop is northern Ireland when things were still pretty bad there. I say the humor is so sharp it makes you bleed because for me at least, I would be laughing quite hard during a scene, and then, when it was over, suddenly realize how afraid I'd been for the characters. Or I would suddenly have an insight into the motivations and the time that would be enough to make you weep. But you just have to laugh, because the people in the story move on regardless. Apparently the writer (or someone ) based it somewhat off his father's stories of similar adventures.I cannot recommend this move enough. I plan to buy it.
stuart-young Very disappointing film, starts off slowly and slows down. Obviously Billy Connolly had some spare time - his contribution to this film is non existent. Any message it attempts to offer is far too simplistic and the ending involving many young soldiers balded by terror has no humour whatsoever (and yes I do have a sense of humour). The film chops and changes and seems to be many individual scenes strung together. The idea is a good one but we are never able to identify strongly enough with the lead characters to make this movie work, The religious divide is pushed to the front too much and could be done much more subtlely (sp?) and humourously. Conclusion: Give it a miss
rabbott-2 A very funny comedy set in Belfast. It's always an challenge to find humor in very serious situations but writer and star does a fine job in combining the two. The plot is clever with a number of nice twists. The acting is good all around. I feel the movie is quite well done and worth seeing - it's one I'd recommend to friends.
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