An Empress and the Warriors
An Empress and the Warriors
| 09 February 2008 (USA)
An Empress and the Warriors Trailers

After the death of her father, a woman is forced to take over as empress and fight to save her kingdom.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
kosmasp Or in other words, neither action movie, nor romantic comedy/drama! And don't get fooled by Donnie Yens name in the cast list. Yes he has his action scenes, but don't watch this movie, expecting him to be the lead role. He shares that with another actor. Of course the main spot/role is reserved for a woman.Everything revolves around her (the Empress) and the movie starts off pretty good ... until it breaks up after the first act of the movie. The nice pace from the beginning is gone and we are treated to a sort of short-movie-in-the-movie. The sudden change doesn't feel right and it doesn't fit into the rest of the movie too. It's indecisiveness which genre it belongs to and a few other flaws really brings the movie down.
JLW This is one of those movies that you can tell is trying to be good but ends up being mediocre. There is a love story that is way out of place during a war between the Yan and the Zhao, a love triangle between Donnie Yen, and an ambitious Nephew who will seem to do anything to take over the throne. All of these stories could be well off on their own, but the director doesn't explore either to a satisfaction. Martial arts fans will see a duel between Leon Lai and Donnie Yen, but it feels like it was just placed there just for the sake of having them fight each other. There is good stuff here, but it is rushed and clichéd to the point where it feels like you are buying one of those TV drama DVD sets.
nizsu I watched this film becuz the trailer is quite good "love in war" D". The acting is OK OK. The storyline is too simple. Everything happened easily like in cartoon and fairy tale. If war is easily stopped by such naive words of a princess or anyone else, there were not World War 1 and 2. And up until today, there's still wars happening in parts of the world. A princess fell in love with a guy in days when hearing he said some nice words like " War only bring pain". the meaning of this film is announced by him too. Its like he was shouting at us "The meaning of this film is "war only bring pain". Everyone got it?" . I don't get it.The battle scenes has no intensity at all. I feel like there are just a few group of ppl fighting each other. Why there are several cut-off scenes. It seems that the director didn't know how to direct the scenes properly, so he decided to jump from scenes to scenes. Give it 4/10 for the gud trailer and the ending.
liquid_li-1 Costume design is top-notch, but that is also it!!! Even thought they used great casts in it; like Donnie Yen, Leon Lai and Kelly Chen.The feeling of awfulness came when I watched this movie right from the start. The pace of the movie is really really annoying to watch, surely in the first 10 minutes of the movie I felt it. This movie is SO B GRADE.Yep, u can feel that this movie was made with a high intensive schedule and again with a Hong Kong movie feeling. Due to the fact the movie is putted together like it is crammed into a microwave. Fast and sleazy in 99 minutes!!! I hate the director or editor really now after I watched this movie. There is nothing that captures my interest , fight scenes nor even got the attitude to be memorable in my head. I don't even think I would watch this one ever again.The story: itself, oh man, very unappealing to watch it without thinking "BOOOoring!!!" Even thou the movie has got some "magic" or romantic time, but that is quickly wasted by the fight scenes and lousy text lines with no-nonsense-combating-filling-up-the-movie-fight-sequences. (yep ,feels like chewing gum after a long time in your mouth, u want to spit it out because it starts to nerving u)The music: no memorable lines or even attractive interesting soundtracks, very fast to forget about. The editing and also some non-aunthentic computer made scenes makes this movie stinks so hard so that the music would not live up the whole picture anymore. I think that the music is only there because it has to fill up some gap.The characters: OK, I would watch how the cast did in this movie, but that would be also it! There is very little to satisfy when u watched it...The dialogs's: Truly hilarious, some not-logical sentences that comes with emotions are really put in a wrong way, even the timing for some sentences is not used correctly to get an emphasized feeling!!! Not even good to watch this movie I must say, only disappointed, annoyed and sleepy...Only one nomination is granted and that's for the costume design, but they over do it in the film like its kind of 'Lord of The Rings'and '300' which they almost hard copy it with no originality. So don't bother, go watch another director and/or movie!