An American Carol
An American Carol
PG-13 | 03 October 2008 (USA)
An American Carol Trailers

A cynical anti-American Hollywood filmmaker sets out on a crusade to abolish the 4th of July holiday. He is visited by three spirits who take him on a hilarious journey in an attempt to show him the true meaning of America.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
gbartthenerd At first, I thought the movie was tongue-in-cheek, parodying how Conservatives seem to view Liberals, and waited for the punchline...Unfortunately, there is no punchline. David Zucker was actually trying to parody progressives, but instead created a list of common misconceptions. It reminded me of when Creationists try to parody evolution. If you don't understand something, your parody of it won't make sense. I can laugh at political jokes I don't agree with if they at least represent my position correctly in order to make the joke. It's on par with making fun of the idea of Global Climate Change while not understanding the difference between climate and weather, or like criticizing Islam to a Sikh. He won't be offended by your criticism of Islam, only the fact that you don't understand what a Sikh is. I wasn't offended by David Zucker's jokes, I'm just disappointed that he has such horrible misconceptions about what progressives want/believe.For instance, Michael Monroe's apparent support of Cuba in the film is (I guess?) supposed to parody more liberal positions on healthcare, but it misses the point entirely by suggesting that what liberals want is government intervention and control rather than better results, as if the means always justified the ends. He gets so up his own ass he even contradicts himself: For instance, during a ghost-of-Christmas-past-esque visit from George S Patton, Neville Chamberlain manages to prevent WWII, presumably saving millions of lives, after which Patton says "see? Talking to dictators gets you nothing". The fact that millions of lives were saved was apparently offset by the embarrassment of having Neville Chamberlain shine Hitler's shoes, as if not looking like a pussy were more important than saving lives. They then try to suggest that slavery would have continued without the Civil War... even though the UK, France, and pretty much every single country that ever abolished slavery did so without a war... again, as if liberals were always concerned with the means over the ends. Every joke relies on a misconception or misunderstanding.This movie was really really really sad and horrible. I weep for the future of America.
mark.waltz If there was any intelligence behind this spoof of the Michael Moore documentaries about secrets our government is keeping from us, I might give this a slightly crooked thumbs up. But instead of giving us something to make us think, it only gives me the idea that the writers didn't (think), and instead, gave us something that stinks.First of all, to take "A Christmas Carol" (again!) and make it into a modern day spoof of America's lack of morals when it comes to butting into the world's business (while not taking care of its own), is unoriginal in itself. Then, to use the kind of humor that made audiences roar with "Airplane!" and "The Naked Gun" movies, and not give anymore than a few laughs is a waste of time, talent, and film. These kinds of spoofs were either hit or miss (most of them the later), and it is simply because comedy, to be successful, must either be subtle or have some heart in it. "Michael Morgan", as he is called here, is a rather wimpy fellow, a weak spoof of a very strong and opinionated man, whom whether you like or not, you can't help but admire because of his convictions and how he sticks to them.The only really clever gimmick was the choice of who the three ghosts would be, most notably Kelsey Grammar's dynamic version of General George S. Patton. Sadly, it is all told as a children's story by a goofy grandfather (Leslie Nielsen of course) at a Fourth of July Picnic. This childish method cheapens something already pretty low-budgeted, since the film looks like it was made for a series of "Saturday Night Live" skits rather than the big screen. While some of the weakest gag spoofs had some laughs ("Fatal Instict", "Spy Hard", etc.), this one only has a few. Other attempted gags just fall into the lame category.
rvershay2112 IMDb gave this film a 4.4 out of 10, and the few reviews I've read seemed to support this rating or even suggest that it be lowered. I give this film a solid 6 out of 10. *NEWS FLASH* I consider myself a right-winged conservative. I disagree with many ideals which the left and Michael Moore hold, but I do respect the effort they put into their work and have not let my personal prejudices impede my effort to give this film an objective review. That being said, I shall digest no further.I have seen this film three times and each viewing has been enjoyable. I would not rate this film as one of the greatest comedies of all time, but I do believe it holds its own alongside many titles of this decade. As hinted by the title, the plot applies the popular novel by Charles Dickens to relate a story based in modern-day America to present a right-wing depiction of dilemmas faced by Americans today. Popular celebrities are used to enhance this effect, with some making cameos while others are presented by character depictions (Michael Moore for instance). Using this outline the film runs smoothly as both characters and plot are clearly defined and depicted. In short, "An American Carol" is a solid film with many laughs throughout.The chief problem many reviewers have with this film lies in their inability to understand the film itself. They seem to overlook the fact that the film serves as a satire, and become offended when it portrays the left as zombies (are there zombies in the film? there may or may not be, better watch and find out). Ultimately, this film has the same effect as SNL portraying a president, or "Hot Shots Part Deux" portraying Saddam Hussein (of course Saddam didn't wear the same socks as the Wicked Witch of the East). Viewers need to realized that the film will make fun of left-wing liberals, and use outlandish examples to further certain points; yet this is the process of satire, and the viewer does not have to agree with the overarching themes to find the jokes amusing (I laugh every time Family Guy makes fun of Ronald Reagan). In closing, "An American Carol" is a good film which provides an abundance of quality jokes which most viewers would find amusing; and although it may take heat today, I honestly believe that in years to come it will serve as a classroom depiction of a common mood in America today.
David Donnelly (donnellydp) Gutted James Woods was attached to this disgrace. Shame on anyone that took a paycheck for this. If it was truly satirical and funny then maybe, but how could anyone read this script and then perform and think it was funny.... shame, shame, shame and shame.Michael Moore might be a lot of things but at least he deserves a decent paridoy written by people that can actually write. There is always a minimum threshold that any so called feature film must cross to be acceptable. That threshold is 90 minutes at the absolute minimum. This film with credits does 81... nothing more need be said. Shame on those that made this disgrace of a "film". Dave