An Affair of Love
An Affair of Love
| 04 September 1999 (USA)
An Affair of Love Trailers

A man and a woman meet to fulfill her sexual fantasy.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
itamarscomix Une Liaison Pornographique (A Pornographic Affair - please disregard the awful title 'An Affair of Love', which shows that the distributors either didn't watch the movie or didn't pay attention) is one of the most earnest, most naturalistic portrayals I've seen on film of a sexual relationship, and in that respect it's much more successful than English-speaking films (American and otherwise) that tried for something similar - films like Better Than Sex and Strictly Sexual, which attempted to shed Hollywood's romantic vision of sex, but ended up adhering to it anyway. As the female lead in Une Liaison Pornographique says in one of the film's key lines, sex in movies is either heaven or hell, but in real life it's usually somewhere in-between. The film shows that in-between with brutal honesty, neither idealizing it nor demonizing it, and manages a touching, frustrating, bleak portrayal of a subject that is at the heart of human nature and yet so difficult to handle in film.Unfortunately, the refreshing realism and honesty, and the naturalistic performance of the two leads, aren't quite enough to make for a great film; the script just isn't good enough. The film is too short, not taking enough time to fully explore the relationship between the two leads, and yet it also feels excruciatingly long - large chunks of it are just not interesting enough. In the end it turn out to be a pretty frustrating and unfulfilling experience - partly intentional, to be sure, but that isn't quite enough to help overcome that feeling of dissatisfaction. I can't help but recommend the film for its stronger aspects, despite the fact that I can't honestly say I enjoyed it; and I can't shake the feeling that it could have been much better than it is.
glace_au_yaourt If you are a kind of person who's intrigued with the subtleties in romantic relationship, then you may like this story a lot. Their conversations, facial expressions, gestures...are very true to things that happen to all of us I think. A few discrepancies on how they each recalled the moment when they were still seeing each other. For instance, she said that they met once or twice a week...he said it was once every two weeks. And while watching them, despite some faults in memory, you just know that they felt or perhaps still feel strongly for each other. I can't help to think that these 2 people are quite fatalists, which we sometimes are too. Despite the 'unhappy' doesn't leave you feeling emotionally drained or sad. Only a very small dose of sadness but as you watch these 2 people, it leaves a kind of smile on your face. Honestly in my opinion, this is one of the rarest intelligent honest romantic stories ever made. A beautifully mature way of seeing love and its intricacies !!! There's nothing original about this film, it's an ordinary love story of the 20th/21st ordinary that it becomes nothing else but ORIGINAL. Their love story isn't made to feed your fairy tale ideal about romance. Yet, it leaves you feel hopeful, it's an eye-opener sort of which you learn that the best way to communicate when it comes to express your to say it and don't risk to read on the other person's face or words, simply say what you feel. And if it still doesn't turn out to be a happy ending, you know that the memory stays sweetly intact. I can't praise enough of this film. And if any of you enjoy this type of film, then you might also want to have a look at 'le gout des autres'.
caspian1978 While Last Tango in Paris was full of passion and lust, An Affair of Love is full of talk and thinking. While Brando brought us into the bedroom for most of the movie, the audience in Affair of Love is left outside, in the hallway for most of the story. We are not allowed into the hearts of the two lovers until far into the movie. As for nudity and the act of love, Last Tango had no shame of crossing the line and showing the powerful image of passion. An Affair of Love is more of an affair of teasing and thinking. The characters in this movie spend a great deal in deep though and at most times speechless. It is one of the better elements of the movie, still, it lacks passion and the lust that Tango in Paris gave its audience. At times, the movie is honest and deep into the situation that the characters are living, but it lacks the true grit of love that is mentioned in the movie's title.
HayleyM1004 This movie was an accident...that is, my viewing it was the accident. The title intrigued me, but I neglected to notice that this was a "French" film. Being rather inexperienced to the foreign film genre, I wasn't expecting much...sometimes, watching an actor speak in a foreign tongue and trying to read subtitles simultaneously causes me to miss the action, and facial expressions...something that would capture my attention...reel me in...not so with this flick.The acting, the script, even the flow of the French language was superb! Not only was I hooked, but I was devastated that the character's real emotions were never revealed to each other...if there's a sequel, I'll be watching!