An Accidental Christmas
An Accidental Christmas
PG-13 | 09 December 2007 (USA)
An Accidental Christmas Trailers

Separated after 15 years of marriage, Vicki and Jason are set up by their two teenage children to spend a Christmas vacation together on the beach. But their family vacation is further complicated when Vicki's boss and Jason's gorgeous assistant show up. As Jason spends more time with Vicki, it becomes clear that this marriage is far from over, and he decides to propose to her all over again. It will take a lot of luck, plenty of love and a little dose of magic to bring this family back together again.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Christmas-Reviewer This film was a huge bore. It started off okay but it went south quickly. I love Cynthia Gibb. I have been a huge fan of hers since "Fame". This film however is not her friend. The lighting was harsh on her. She makes the most out of what is there but the child stars in this steel every scene away from their adult counterparts! The script is a rip-off of "The Parent Trap" but it was written by people who don't know how to write and directed by someone who can't stage a scene! Now this film is so bad that I had to sit through it to see how desperate the film makers were going to end it. Trust me this film is bad but I highly recommend you buying it because it will put you to sleep faster then an episode of Arliss
Oiforgot Just finished watching this Lifetime Movie again. (No, there was nothing else on TV!) Whoever did the casting for this TV movie must have been on a limited budget! The casting of Actor David Millbern as a 'straight' man/husband is far-fetched! His perfectly tweezed eyebrows were distracting, and it appeared he did not even attempt to "act" straight for the role. His mannerisms were more feminine than his wife's! I'm not a gay basher, far from it! I just don't know why he was chosen to play a straight role. Yes, a good actor can pull it off, but in this case it was a fail. (We're often "shocked" when an actor comes out -- that's because they are so good at acting and doing their job!) The kissing scene was so awkward; very much like seeing Jody Foster kissing Richard Gere ... just didn't work. Anyway if the story had been written better perhaps all of the 'fluff' would not have been so noticeable. The daughter, too, by the way, clearly must have been at least 20! She definitely did not pull off being a 14 year old! Too much makeup and cleavage for a 14 year old! But again, if the story would have been more interesting and better written, I may have never noticed all the things wrong with the characters! If you're looking for a nice Holiday movie to watch, or there's nothing else on TV, rent something or go to bed! Don't settle for something on TV as I just did.
PattiJoA This was similar to Parent Trap, set in Christmas time. The writing left a lot to be desired. The story line wasn't developed well and you never really felt connected to the main characters. The split up of the couple was never explained until the end, so why would the audience want them to stay together? The addition of the "boss interested in the wife" was just plain hokey. It would have been more credible if she was interested in him and there was a conflict in deciding who she wanted to be with.The scene where the little boy was lost was either completely edited to pieces or the worse writing of the entire show. The actions of the characters were totally unrealistic. The mom and daughter wouldn't have stood there holding onto each other - they would have been out there yelling and searching. And how did the dad know exactly where to find the boy - there should have been more dramatic search. From the camera view, they drove straight to the boy and found him - while mom and daughter were standing there crying. It looked like the boy was incapacitated due to a severely injured leg, yet dad picked him up, took him to the car, and set him down. No hospital? The log he lifted off the boy - not that big or heavy. The boy should have been able to roll it off.The "almost reconciled" scene towards the end was poorly written. When they were discussing the faults of the relationship, there wasn't a discussion of regret and desire to fix - just "let's end it" on her part. The conversation didn't start out that way and there was no explanation for why it ended that way. I can't blame the movie on poor acting because actors can only do so much with a bad script.
santa-rita I looked forward to watching An Accidental Christmas because one of my favorite stars (Cynthia Gibb) was featured in it. (Funny that she's not even listed on the credits here?) ... Needless to say, it was Oh-So-Predictable from the very start. I went ahead and watched it anyway. I was neither engaged nor empathetic with any of the characters but something else kept gnawing at me which I couldn't pinpoint until 1/2 way through the movie. Millbern's tweezed eyebrows gave me the impression that he's gay. Perhaps he is or not, (it doesn't matter) - However, given the film's subject and his role as the husband, I couldn't get this perception out of my mind. Though his acting is 'ok', I felt the role was wrong for him. Scenes involving romantic interludes were not believable at all. This (tiny) observation bugged the heck out of me and kept me from enjoying the movie. Two Thumbs Down for miscasting and predictability.