R | 07 January 2005 (USA)
Americano Trailers

"Americano" centres around Chris McKinley (Jackson), a recent college graduate backpacking through Europe who savours his last three days of freedom before boarding the career fast track back in the United States. In Pamplona with two friends (Timm Sharp and Ruthanna Hopper), Chris meets an Australian thrill-seeker (Phil Barantini), a quintessential Spanish beauty (Varela) and an enigmatic provocateur (Dennis Hopper), all of whom encourage him to rethink his life. As the minutes and seconds until his departure tick away, Chris struggles with an age-old question: Should he follow the beaten path or risk it all on the road less travelled?

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
anna-patom I wish there were more films like this. Truly a gem. If you like foreign films then you will love the style of this American tale. It captures real life in a remarkable, visceral way that few films ever achieve. The bullfight was a little too bloody for my taste but writer-director Kevin Noland did a good job of showing the good, bad and the ugly of the Spanish tradition. You won't have to go to a bullfight or run with the bulls once you see this film - but you will want to go to Spain. And the running of the pit bulls and little people has to be one of the most bizarre and funny scenes I can recall - classic! Great acting and directing. The visuals are so good they ought to be studied. Music was a strange mix of old and new but it works well.
jackjack-2 For many watching this movie, it will be deja vu. Two strangers meet while on vacation and a romance blooms but the vacation is too short for the romance to blossom into anything more than a brief romance. That often happens to men in military service who all too often must cut short the romance as their leaves expire. But that is not the case in this movie. In the end the man has a choice. He has a job waiting for him back in the US and he is faced with a choice - either chuck the job and stay with the woman that he is becoming infatuated with - or return to the US and leave the romance.Every viewer will make their own choice. Leonaro Varelo plays a vivacious charming and sophisticated young woman apparently of some affluence who many men would give their right arm to have as a wife. To meet her on vacation is like having one's wildest dream come true. But it is unlikely that she will leave Spain if she marries the man and what is the man to do who cannot speak Spanish The movie is in a nice setting, reminiscent of Hemingway, in Pampona, Spain, just at the time of the big festival and the running of the bulls. We witness a bull fight which is presented in a way that gives most viewers unfamiliar with bull fights, the essence of bull fighting, if not any expertise in it. And there are some beautiful scenes of the country side.Dennis Hopper plays an ugly role in this movie and the movie would have been a better movie without him. It was his role and excessive vulgarity and sex that kept me from giving it more than a 5. however, the background and the story make it interesting enough that I recommend it.
samiamten first things first. this is a movie, not a documentary. if you don't know the difference, you shouldn't be involved with a website like this. i have read a lot of comments about how much this movie sucked. i have only this to say. it obviously stuck with people long enough to get online and write a "review" about it. it's always easy to tear a movie apart for what you didn't like about it. i feel sorry for the people who do that though. watching movies is much more enjoyable if you look for things you do like about them. this movie has more than a few redeeming qualities that have been blatantly overlooked in some pretty hateful rants. just to let you in on a few... 1 - the accents aren't perfect. get over it. once you move on you'll listen to what they are saying and not how they sound when they're saying it. there is some pretty clever and realistic dialogue in this movie. 2 - leonor varela is wonderful in this movie. i saw that some were accusing her of overacting the role. i just want to clarify that she is portraying an actress from a small village in spain. and actress playing an actress would seem like overacting to the people who didn't catch that. 3 - the overall message, while maybe elementary in tone, is a good one.americano deserves at least one watch before it is attacked. it was very enjoyable. not great, but certainly not bad.
dynamitellama AMERICANO is the story of three Americans spending their last "free" days traveling in Europe. They only have a few more days before they return to the States to start their jobs, pay their debts, and enter the "real world". Reminiscent of THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES and THE PUFFY CHAIR, AMERICANO is about discovering the individual. Chris (McKinley) has a good job lined up but is reticent about returning after meeting the enigmatic Riccardo and beautiful Adella. Ryan and Michelle inspect the depths of their relationship. With a beautiful score, the film puts us into the running of the bulls in Pamplona. Chris and Ryan and filled with excitement and anticipation; Chris is inspired by Hemingway, ready to jot this adventure down in his journal. Fate appears in the form of the disappearance of his backpack, and now his plans start to fall apart. Upon meeting the local Adella and being urged to live his life, not the on expected by him, by Riccardo, Chris begins not only a pursuit of Adella but of his own soul and character. Ryan and Michelle, as they begin to near their return to the real world, begin to question their own lives together and what is real vs. simple contentment. The music is extraordinary. While it is a little tough to believe these actors are post-college age, the acting is top-notch for an indie film. The romantic scenes between Chris and Adella are exquisite.