American Mummy
American Mummy
| 04 July 2014 (USA)
American Mummy Trailers

The skeleton crew of a dig site remain over the weekend as they continue with research into a mummy they’ve found. One of them takes the research a little too far, performing a ritual to bring the spirit of the mummy back to life.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
daleyschool My mom and I like to watch cheesy horror movies together. American Mummy passes cheesy and goes into bizarrely bad. Every choice made is bad, the mummy never shows up, and the acting is awful. As a side note, I'd say this is more of a zombie movie than a mummy movie, but at this par of movies does it really even matter?If you enjoy the technical aspects of movie-making, watch it with friends and have a fun afternoon tearing apart a movie that is truly an accomplishment in poor film making.
GL84 Heading into the desert, a university research team heads out to investigate the findings of an Aztec idol nearby come to find they have unleashed the murderous spirit of an ancient warrior who is killing off the team one-by-one and must find a way to stop the deadly rampage.For the most part, this one wasn't all that bad but still had enough going for it. Among the more enjoyable aspects here is the fact that there's some decent enough work here at building the world away from the typical Egyptian variety. The move to the American Southwest offers a slightly more original take here where it's a more recent vintage that still performed somewhat similar enough actions to make a mummy appearing there plausible. Tying that into the original idea of the blood sacrifice sequence in the caves which features some strong and startling attempts to raise the creature inside which starts this one in earnest, the fact that it utilizes some rather familiar concepts of Aztec lore into the creatures' rebirth and actual reappearance is quite an intriguing move here. As well, once this one gets going in the second half with the possessed going on all sorts of great rampages the action is quite fun and makes this a little more engaging, with the discovery of the dead colleague moving around the camp, the brawl with the second victim crawling around without a lower body, the ceremonial offerings in the cave system or the final battle with the possessed followers inside the camp which all makes this one seem far more engaging than it really is by bringing in some solid action and plenty of gore to help liven this one up. This is what helps make for a fun time here.However, while it does have some solid positives the flaws here are far more detrimental. Hardly anything is more damaging here than the rather low-budget throughout here, which is quite obvious and really does this one a disservice. The fact that it doesn't have the budget to bring out an actual mummy is a big issue, rarely featuring anything about the actual creature coming back shuffling around killing people and being more about the return of the curse driven by the creature and it rarely provides much to discount that feeling. Everything looks too closed in and confining which is typical of the style as well as the slow, drawn-out pacing here that really lowers the first half really tend to lower this one.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Language, Nudity and mild drug use.
William Lucas This is the worst movie I have ever seen. I dosed off 4 times within the first 30 minutes. Everything sucked in this movie, the acting, the story-line, the direction, the editing and even the 3D sucked.1) Story-line = terrible 0/5 (very difficult to follow the story, continued to jump around not leading into the next screen) 2) Acting = terrible 0/5 (a Russian professor with the worst Russian accent ever just to name one) 3) Video = extremely bad (many of the shots were not considered for 3D presentation 4) 3D = sub-par (lots of ghosting over an high-send Sony active 3D display) 5) Audio = 1/5 (nothing to write home to mom about) 6) Flow of events = 0/5 (worst ever) 7) Editing = 0/5 (wonder if the editor graduated from high school) 8) Direction = 0/5 (director should be banished from the studio lots and forbidden to make any further movies, including documentaries. Do yourself a favorite. Won't waste your valuable time on this crud.
Jeff Leach Even fast forwarding at 4x, this moving is really bad and I have seen a lot of crappy horror movies. The acting is terrible, there isn't enough naked to distract you and there is no script to speak of. The only saving grace is characters get killed fairly quickly so you don't have to suffer through their bad acting all that long.