America: The Story of Us
America: The Story of Us
| 14 September 2010 (USA)
America: The Story of Us Trailers

A six-night miniseries presenting the history of how the United States was invented, looking at the moments where Americans harnessed technology to advance human progress -- from the rigors of linking the continent by transcontinental railroad to triumphing over vertical space through the construction of steel-structured buildings. The series also is a story of conflict, with Native American peoples, slavery, the Revolutionary War that birthed the nation, the Civil War that divided it, and the great world war that shaped its future.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Logan Dodd There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
yuengling215 ThisIs a well-done series! I enjoyed it when it was on TV before and still enjoy today actually re-watched the entire series... Pay no mind to the negative reviewers who are never happy about any thing. The series is well thought out from the beginning of America until now. Definitely worth the watch.
euGenie The beginning was actually quite promising. Unfortunately by the 5th episode I started wondering why I am wasting my time. Inaccurate, incredibly chaotic, choice of events that shape the nation and the country is at least stunning. Important events are omitted, completely useless events are presented as crucial for the history. All wrapped in a tale that a mom reads to her 4yo child to make him sleep. As somebody said - sesame street history.I am disappointed. It's supposed to be targeted to young American kids but seriously I wouldn't want my kid to learn from such shows, it might be not that bad for foreigners for whom the real history of the US is not that important. It has very low educational value and not much higher entertaining value. Long story short - if you have nothing better to do then go ahead, watch it but bear in mind that it's not as much the exact history as the grandpa's tale for kids.
daisyfaye724-176-816326 When I first saw the ads for this program, I was highly interested in it and made plans to watch. After viewing the first few episodes, I couldn't stand to see any more. It would have been a really great series if they had taken it seriously and done a much better job on incorporating as much important US history as possible, even if it meant making the series longer. What they ended up doing is focusing and repeating a few events and completely leaving out others. They spent a lot of time on the Civil War and entrepeneurs such as Carnegie. It's not that those weren't important events,indeed they were, but by being so repetitive in their coverage they left out other events that deserved screen time. I never saw much mention of the War of 1812, good coverage of our forefathers and I could be wrong, but I don't think they even covered women's suffrage! If they were going to set out to create a program that truly encompassed the United States' history and its people then they should have understood what all in entailed and planned accordingly. What truly disappointed me was the face that they felt the need to use celebrity testimony instead of credible historical experts, educated people that are the backbone of this country. What do P Diddy or Sheryl Crow have to do with the study of history (other than their part in the *entertainment* aspect)? This is being shown in classrooms, I understand: is that what we should teach our children? If you want to learn history, look to our celebrities and movie stars? Completely ridiculous. I was wanting this to be an awesome series, which it could have been. Instead I ended up having my intelligence insulted and my time wasted.
pwhitely I love the history channel. I was expecting this to be one of the most interesting, informative shows they have offered but I have been left angry and disappointed in the series. I had seen several individual episodes but didn't really pay attention to what was being said, I thought it looked cool with all of the GCI animation and fast pacing so I wanted to see it again so I could really listen to what sounded like a huge number of interesting facts. Instead what I got was some twisted, revisionist nonsense that left me so angry I could barely speak.For the writers to claim that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was the same type of surprise attack the American Revolutionaries used to defeat the British Army is such a disgraceful insult that I can not even comment on it. Every event in our history that is documented in the show is followed up with some statistic that is skewed to prove the creators agenda or a cheap shot aimed at corporations or the rich.The only value I could see this show having is that when you watch it with your children you get some great starting points for real discussion and further research. I don't consider myself to be any kind of right wing nut but if this nonsense was being taught in a local school I would have real concerns.I will give high marks to Liev Schreibers exceptional narration.
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