R | 12 November 2013 (USA)
Ambushed Trailers

In the frenetic underbelly of Los Angeles, Agent Maxwell closes in on an international cocaine smuggling operation run by criminal mastermind Vincent Camastra. When Agent Beverly Royce goes undercover with the drug dealers and finds herself deeper then she can handle - the case becomes personal for Maxwell who has to combat ruthless killers and dirty cops in an all-out action filled finale to bring the criminals to justice.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Michael Ledo Frank (Daniel Bonjour) lives the American dream as a strip club owner and cocaine dealer. He has an innocent white bread girlfriend Ashley (Cinthya Bornacelli) who attends college and stays separate from his work. Frank has a partner Eddie (Gianni Capaldi) and Frank desires to take his operation to the next level where he works for Vincent (Vinnie Jones). Unfortunately his crimes do not go unnoticed. He is being followed by DEA agent Maxwell (Dolph Lundgren) and associates. A dirty doughnut eating cop (Randy Couture) is added to the mix.The plot lacks depth and complexity. This is a straight forward crime/drama/thriller/action film. The talents of Dolph Lundgren are under utilized. Oh wait he does rough up a guy for information...only to brush him off and let him go. We needed Dolph for this? They could have used Betty White.The sound track was pretty decent and of course Vinnie Jones does a good job in his limited role. The main problem with this feature was that Frank, the main character, was not someone we could root for. About 1/3 of the way through the film he gives a useless narration on the drug industry and the economy which never really ties into the film.A lower tier rental. Dolph fans can skip this one and not miss anything.Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity.
LeonLouisRicci Fancy Screen Splitting and a goodly Amount of Gangster Violence can't really Save the Awful Acting and Worn Out Familiarity Found in this, yet Another, DTV, Bargain-Bin come-on Sporting Three Recognizable Expendable Type Actors Highlighting the Packaging.It is No Surprise that the Focus of the Movie is more on Two Twerp Leads that are Awkward and Embarrassing most of the Time, especially Our "Henry Hill" like Narrator that Tells the Audience everything They already Know from Seeing Dozens of similar and Better Movies.The Side Plot of Our Anti-Hero and His Cute and Naive College Girlfriend is Boring and so Badly Written and Acted that the accompanying Writing and Acting can Appear Acceptable. Dolph Lundgren, Vinnie Jones, and Randy Coulter are the Money Magnets for this Slick but Ultimately Doomed DTV.The Two Lead Actors are so Irritating and Dull that Mentioning Their Names is a Credit Undeserving, Ditto the Girlfriend. However, for Those that Like Cheap Thrills and have a High Tolerance for Ineptitude, this may be Worth a Watch. The Gun Violence is the Best Thing in this Thing, so for Those with a Gun-Fetish, this one's For You.
gpxdlr Dolph, Dolph, Dolph...why did you bother with this? No continuity, the scenes jumps from one locale to another. Your partner insults real DEA agents with his comedic efforts at being an agent. The last scene where the bad guy hot wire a car, can you still do that nowadays? What little we saw of you was okay except the fight scenes where you are noticeably slower now. The rest of the cast were really bad. Most of them couldn't act out of a paper bag. I was in agony throughout but kept watching expecting it to get better. My last film to watch with your name connected with it. just like any film with the Baldwin brothers or Eric Roberts, I know the film is going to s**k!
gene-gerrard This movie Hard Rush has also been released under the title Ambushed they are one and the same film a bit confusing for movie buffs,as to the film, its just a run of the mill action movie, as Dolf is ageing maybe his best years are behind him. I have always been a fan of Dolf and Vinnie, but the films of late from these two are becoming a bit to predictable. They are both coming up to there sell by date I,am afraid, Dolf in particular has been around a long time, and I have noticed in a lot of the fast moving shots he is having trouble keeping up, may be its time for him to take the money and run, which I,am afraid he has trouble doing now, pity he has made some very good movies in his time.