Almost Mercy
Almost Mercy
| 26 May 2015 (USA)
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Jackson and Emily aren't like the other kids. Two burgeoning sociopaths on the brink of total meltdown. Ticking time bombs seeking revenge. Who will unravel first?

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Micransix Crappy film
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Scott T This is one of those massive wastes of time and space that almost has to be seen to grasp how wretched it is. Almost. Because if you do see it, you wont "almost" be crying for mercy.Right from the opening scenes, I knew this one was in dire straits. Here we have yet another teen film about the "dark" kids, the misfits who cant relate to anything in the world around them, and don't really seem interested in making an effort to do so.But what we mostly have is a convoluted, manic pile of excess that tries much too hard to be cool, to be edgy, even to be unimpressed with itself, because, well, its so ultra hip to be jaded about life by the time you're 15, you know? All life, every aspect of it, it seems.Where it does somewhat succeed in its nonstop over the top is to be profane and offensive toward just about every facet of adult society {we really are all evil - its a plot to destroy the life of every living, breathing teen. We've been outed}. Somewhat. Even here, it isn't really nearly as effective as it craves to be. There's also that predictable path of raging to be original by giving us every high school stereotype these types of films have given us four hundred times before. All in the only manner it knows how: relentless bizarre histrionics.Its a rare day when I will rate anything a 1. Most movies have something to redeem them, somewhere. This unintentional disaster flick gets a 1 only because there isn't a negative 6 given as an option. Totally void of substance? More than you would ever think possible. Not to mention joy, hope, and entertainment. A horror flick only in the aspect that you should scream in horror and run like the wind if anyone attempts to force you to sit through it. Now to try to get those two hours back ...
Poptart_Psycho I came by this movie by accident, I saw it under the horror genre and what struck me was the casting Bill Mosely (House of 100 Corpses) and Kane Hodder (Friday The 13th) so I was already expecting something good but unique and I wasn't disappointed... It wasn't even the well known actors that made it good Almost Mercy follows Jackson and Emily (whom narrates throughout the film) both sociopaths waiting to explode. The young kids are bullied throughout school because there a little different deemed strange. Events start to build up as they enter senior year, Emily finds drugs and partying whilst Jackson find guns this ultimately leaves him 2 months in an institution. During that time we see more into there home life which isn't so bad until Emilys mum kills herself and Jacksons dad he leaves to die.The dramatic part of the film is the ending, Jackson has plans to shoot up his school Emily not in agreement. Jackson couldn't go through with it at the gates and is caught and arrested. Dubbed the stronger of the two across the film will Emily finish of what Jackson had planned If you want something different this is for you even avid horror fans will enjoy this. Its a dark film more so in the content and issues, from high school shooting to a church paedophile ring exposed and cliché teenage drama, Its worth a watch or two nd should get a load more credit
WhoThrewThatMonkey "Childhood friends grow up together as outcasts. A bridge is crossed and individually they both decide that the messed up town they grew up in needs to be purged"Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think this movie is horrible or anything but it did seem like it thought it was better than it actually was.Emily and Jackson grow up together in what actually does seem to be a messed up couple of lives. Jackson is the victim of molestation, physical bullying and unclean living environments. Emily lives in a pretty well off family but with a mother who is in a constant state of self medication, a father who is never there and a cast of should be mentors saying that she is underachieving and worth less than others.Trying to explain the story more than that seems like it would hurt myself and confuse everyone. So, let's go over some of the other character and why you should hate them.Pastor Johnson is a pedophile who is taking money from the church.The coach, at first seems like a cool dude until you realize he is a pedo also but targets high school girls instead of young boys.The principal is also a pedo but for high school boys plus he covers up a rape.Emily's dad is never there and drives his wife to feel she is inadequate.Then there are all of the class mates.You have urine boy, bullies, preps, jocks, popular girls, etc. Just every class of person that would make your inner nerd and outcast wish for them to get killed. And that's it! This movie is a glorified day dream of what bullied youth sometimes wish they could do when faced with bullies and troubled childhoods.Going to get into spoilers here but, it seems like Jackson is going to be the one to try to take revenge on everyone by plotting out a school shooting. He flakes out but gets caught for conspiracy of a mass murder rampage. Before he did so, he told Emily that he hid weapons in the woods. At this point, Emily goes gets the weapons and tracks down like 15 people and kills them. No joke! Pastor, Principal, 4 Students, Coach, another Student, her dad, her former teacher, several cops.It ends with her giving money extorted by the pastor to Jackson so he can just leave and live a normal life while she is in an institution.Stuff I didn't like are mainly the things like how they're seemingly trying to glorify and justify killings and school shootings. I 100% understand that some of the stuff that happened to them was horrible such as the molestation and rape. This is a good example of what those types of incidents can cause mentally and what they can lead to but the way the characters were portrayed and the happy go lucky feel the movie had was a turn off.What this movie boils down to is a revenge plot but when the revenge occurs, it feels out of place. Emily's character who has been the one down to earth the whole movie begins making light of what she is doing. Taking selfies with the people she kills and just outrageous behavior. If the tone was more serious during this part, it would've made for a possibly compelling revenge aspect but they went for a more campy dark comedy feel that didn't execute well at all.Should you watch it? Sure. It gives you an insight into some of the lives people have to live. It's not the worst two hours you can spend watching a movie. Just don't look for something too challenging. Better film making and a more serious tone near the end would have made for a decent film.
vj083 If you are expecting this to be your typical horror film, then turn away because you will be greatly disappointed. Without spoiling anything, this movie is simply a revenge movie. The movie is narrated through the view point of the main character Emily. Starting from her childhood to her adult years telling the story of her and her best friend Jackson.The best way to describe this movie is imagine if director Quentin Tarantino rebooted the movie Clueless and turned it into a revenge movie you get this film. There is a lot of blood in this movie and a lot of narration.Netflix listed this film in their Horror genre, but this movie was far from it. Despite this fact I did enjoy it. If you like movies like Trainspotting, you will probably enjoy this movie.