Almighty Thor
Almighty Thor
PG | 07 May 2011 (USA)
Almighty Thor Trailers

Loki destroys the fortress of Valhalla and steals the Hammer of Invincibility, only the young hero Thor can protect Earth from Armageddon.

Wordiezett So much average
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Wytse Venema This damn film.. I have never seen people act so lifeless. The guy that plays Loki should get a damn razzy for his crapness. The story is ridiculous, and a third along the way they step over into the human world. With they I mean Thor, a pathetic excuse for a norse God (as are the other gods, especially Loki. Screw that guy). And some slack woman, a Valkyrie I don't remember the name of. I just love Syfy. It's laughingly bad. I just shake my head and laugh to myself these days.. I no longer get upset at bad quality TV by them, as it is pretty much what you expect anyway. 1/10 Absolutely laughably bad
P.S. Paaskynen I can forgive a lot in movie-making; a film may have severe flaws but if it is brought with enthusiasm and some creativity it can still win me over. This is not one of those films.The glaring flaw of the Almighty Thor is the kindergarten level script. There is nothing almighty about Thor here, apart from him being almightily annoying. If it was Homer Simpson, his stupidity might have been funny, but in this pretense-mythical flick it is merely irritating.Unfortunately, the flick does not have any redeeming qualities to make up for the lack of any story line. The props and costumes look like what you would expect in a hayseed community theatre, the sfx are at a level that was impressive sixty years ago, the acting is cardboard and the score nondescript. Still, Blubberella is worse.
gin_nseven If I could bottle the greatness of this movie, I could sell it for a thousand Oscars! This one is not to be missed. I was delighted to find this gem on the Space Channel one enchanted evening. I cannot comprehend how this film was not released into the cinema, however I am quite giddy to have the opportunity to PVR this gem for replay after glorious replay! The premise is quite superb. Thor must recover his enchanted hammer, and his travels take him to the farthest regions of imagination, and eventually our own home of earth. However his evil half-brother Loki seeks to thwart the Odin-son's quest by seeking to covet the hammer for his own diabolical scheme. All the while Thor is accompanied by the thoroughly intoxicating Jarnsaxa. The journey and it's climax are beyond my craft of words to describe. Even so I could not do justice to it if I attempted. I will leave all the eloquent story telling left to the movie itself. The acting is superb, with the ready and able Cody "The Real" Deal as the brawn and brains which is Thor. His complete grasp of the essence of the character must be savored with the greatest zest for Nordic gusto. The beautiful and talented Patrica Velasquez is the breathtaking Jarnsaxa who both guides and scolds our hero. Her luminance and enticing demeanor lull us into a trance of such sweet bliss it is easy to see why Mr. Donald Trump selected this raven haired temptress for his latest Celebrity Apprentice! IF mere words could only convey the pleasure she elicits in every line, it would be a most elegant prose!AS for the conniving Loki, he is played by none other than the mufti-talented thespian, Mr. Richard Grieco. Could there be a more charismatic, intelligent, and enigmatic actor out there than him? His, is a true "tour-De-force", a masterpiece of his craft, the very reason the profession of acting exists. His pallid face, and electrified hair are done to perfection, and his black armor belie his evil characters intent. His marches through this role with pure gusto. His command of the theater is a Shakespearean epoch of grandeur. Truly his performance is one that must be savored as the finest wine. Mr. Grieco almost eclipses the movies own greatness, but somehow both work in a synergistic flow that enhance the aura of indescribable epicness.The movie itself is truly a classic tale, and the intricate weave of characters, scenes, and script, make this a mythic masterpiece. Each time I view it, which has been several so far, I notice all the nuance and subtlety that was engineered into this film. One cannot truly be a student of cinema without viewing this movie, dare I call it an experience, in all its grand fullness, at least tenfold. If you have not yet had the rewarding pleasure, go forth and drink of the Nordic myth! Take command of the hammer itself and make, nay! smash your path to this tale of pure ecstasy, and bask in the greatness that is Almighty Thor!
nba_fan I watched this movie yesterday on SyFy and my boyfriend and I couldn't stop laughing. I would totally recommend this to people who feel miserable and unhappy because it is bound to make them embrace life again. To start with, the soldiers who were guarding the city were displayed by one person only who was trying his best to act properly. The fun started when they all entered earth and Thor started shooting the bad guy. It was as funny as watching Xena shoot people with a bazooka! I guess Thor learned how to use a gun while he was walking around his medieval world carrying a hammer made out of plastic! Anyway the next strike was when two rubber-figures imitating Thor and his "Mexican-alien-girlfriend" (as my bf called her) were being outspread on a wall looking as fake as possible! Also it was very amusing how the make up of the villain seem to fade away in some scenes and he got to look less Edward Cullen like. Last but not least I would like to express my astonishment as far as Patricia Velasquez is concerned. How come an actress who has taken part in a hit movie such as the mummy end up to play in a low-budget and complete parody, movie?P.S. And I thought Aurora was bad...