All That... for This?!
All That... for This?!
| 16 July 1993 (USA)
All That... for This?! Trailers

The plot is about a trial against three men who tried to earn loads of money by illegal methods to get to Canada and about the lawyers and the judge who get on with the trial and who are being unfaithful to their couples.

ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
pierrebarberis This is one of the best Lelouch ever. All human feeling are brilliantly mixed together to create a wonderful blend of emotions, moves, beauty...and fun! Love, hate, greed, Invention, Chance, Crookedness,Humor are the key ingredients of this brilliantly interwoven scenario, well served by the best actors of their generation. Ravishing women ( Marie-Sophie L. and Allessandra Martines, both former Lelouch Wifes or lovers) and Talented men (Luchini, Huster but also Darmon, Gamblin, Gérard, Lindon).Of course, its talkative , at times, and you need either a good practice of french or good subtitles and to see it twice ! Definitely a "Must See".
suchenwi This is a very weird movie. It starts and ends as a courtroom drama, but between it shows a confusing array of human relations .. from the indicted threesome (whose story later becomes the main part of the film) to complex amorous dealings between "district attorney" (or what it's called in French) and the judge, which includes mountaineering on Mont Blanc.Lots of real-like emotions, and many more bewildering. I keep discovering more beauties in Lelouch's works, and at the same time wonder more and more how much that France he pictures (or more precisely, the behavior of the people) is drifting out of understanding from me, like it was a different planet (and I live just a 2 hours train ride from France..) Recommended very much, if you like to experience the unexperienced - and that's what movies are for, aren't they?
ccthemovieman-1 This is a French film that's decent but won't exactly knock your socks off. It is a slow-moving film, too slow overall for most people's tastes including mine in this instance.The three guys and their respective love affairs are at least somewhat interesting, but the time spent on these judges and their love stories is so tedious it's beyond boredom. Marie-Sophie Lelouch, the wife the man who directed this film had a really pretty face that I enjoyed admiring. That, and clean language throughout the story, have my thanks, but little else in here is worthy of much praise.Somewhere in here was a minor crime story but basically, this film is all talk, talk, talk and more talk, and you keep waiting for something to happen.....anything! The translation of this title to English sums up the movie: "All this....for just that?" That's the way I felt after watching this snooze-fest, or as Peggy Lee immortalized in song, "Is That All There Is?"
David Carbajales Even though Lelouch is not a usual French director who shots very talkative people in his movies, this one is a perfect example of what French cinema is known for. The plot is about a trial against three men who tried to earn loads of money by illegal methods to get to Canada and about the lawyers and the judge who get on with the trial and who are being unfaithful to their couples. In the third part of the movie we realize that all the characters are connected when the trial itself is showed. In between, the characters talking,talking,talking and talking their superfluous conversations as usual in French cinema. This is not a must see, but it's nice enough if you don't have any other better thing to do than watch this movie.