All Roads Lead Home
All Roads Lead Home
PG | 01 January 2008 (USA)
All Roads Lead Home Trailers

The story is about a 12 year old girl who loses her mother in an automobile accident. Her father struggles with the loss of his wife and trying to raise his young daughter who believes her father is partly responsible for her mother's death. Belle's maternal grandfather is a changed man since losing his daughter in the accident. He finds it difficult to have a relationship with Belle since she is a constant reminder of her mother. It is Atticus the new puppy who will change Belle's life and the lives of those who love her

Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
christysmail3 I was hoping for family entertainment that I could watch with my grandkids in a couple of years. Unfortunately, I bought the movie, and can't return it now. It began poorly with an irresponsible move on the mother's part when she unbuckled her seat belt on a dark rainy night to dig for something in the back seat! I should have turned it off there...The vet and her assistant were poorly cast as well. Cute girls, but way way way to girlie for the parts they played. Very unrealistic and annoying. What?....Used to acting on 2 1/2 Men???? Oh, maybe stay there....It was also very poor taste to have such low pants and excessive skin showing on the vet. She had to keep hiking up her pants in a few of the scenes, and had some issues with bending or squatting. Not appropriate for this type of role or film dealing with a girl recovering from her mother's death, and having trust issues with her dad. (Not a future mom role). I've never met a female vet who dresses like this either.I agree with other reviews about this having the feel of an animal rights movie. Waste of film time, and not important to the plot.And for people who were sensitive to animals, they should have readily "listened" to the trusted dog when he seemingly barked for no apparent reason. They would have seen the hole in the grass and at least thought about what may have been wrong in the barn. Also, the reaction to put the dog down was WAY to severe.This had the potential of being a "keeper" movie.....Now, I just feel like I wasted my money. Perhaps they could have a re-do to redeem themselves and send me a copy so I don't feel like I totally wasted my money.
spfeiffr I saw this movie at my girlfriends aunt's place this past weekend, and I must say that it was an all around bad film. It had potential to be a decent to good family film about dealing with tragic loss for both father and daughter, but in stead it came across as a thinly veiled animal rights advert. Even the music was poorly handled, the sound track seemed to range from schmaltzy hallmark commercial stuff to over the top and melodramatic, not to mention that it was actually edited into the film poorly(at some points the music almost drowned out the dialogue), which pulls the viewer out of the film and probably only hurt the acting which was already on life support.The story itself seemed altogether forced, the mother dies at the beginning because she needs to reach something in the back seat, so she unbuckles her seat belt and stops watching the road. I was left feeling less bad about the mother dying and more thinking that she stupidly risked her husband and daughters life as well as other nearby motorists just to do something irrelevant. Why not have the car get plowed into by a drunk driver who runs a red light or something else equally tragic and realistic? ***SPOILER*** There were also these sub-plots about this tainted animal feed and the decision to put down this little girls favorite dog on the ranch which didn't seem to serve any purpose other than to waste time. And then there was the part where Peter Coyote orders one of his ranch hands to DROWN A LITTER OF PUPPIES, seriously that's the kind of thing they put in bad Stephen Segal movies to make the bad guy even more evil.Finally, and this is just a nitpick, but Jason London looked like he belongs on the sex offender registry with his greasy looking hair and scraggly goatee.All around I was left thinking that the biggest tragedy wasn't the little girls mothers death, but that this would stand as the last film in Peter Boyle's otherwise remarkable career. Fortunately for him, unlike Raul Julia in Street Fighter, most people won't remember this movie.
ivanahrrs I didn't watch this movie with high expectations so I wasn't too disappointed but I feel like there was a lot of wasted potential. What could have been a touching story about reverence and respect for life, and healing after a tragedy turned into nothing more than animal rights propaganda. I found the acting from all parties to be quite unconvincing. The "troubled daughter" as it read on the back of the movie cover, was a sweet grieving little girl who made a few mistakes with the best intentions at heart. I was not raised on a ranch, but I have a hard time believing that animals are tossed aside and killed so quickly and completely without thought as in this film. For the younger audience this movie could possibly be enjoyable but let me put it this way, if I wanted to watch some kind of PETA film, I would have rented one.
tallerthinner ****** SPOILERS !!! ******I rented this film and watched it with my teenage daughter. Overall good, with many issues that are food for discussion. I won't repeat those here.My problems have to do with portraying the rancher and his help as barbaric. It's one thing to humanely cull animals that are not useful, or too sick and expensive to be cost-effective to keep. This would have been distressing enough for a tender-hearted city girl. When it came to (apparently) drowning unwanted puppies, though, I began to wonder if I was watching a propaganda film for a certain animal- rights group. This is NOT, in my experience, typical behavior for a livestock operation, it's also illegal, and the girl should have called the law on 'em.