Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed
Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed
NR | 20 July 2014 (USA)
Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed Trailers

Never-before-aired NASA footage presents evidence that the Moon is being used as a base.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Wordiezett So much average
Steineded How sad is this?
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
athomas-73592 To all the people that wrote negative and obvious killjoy reviews:Thank you all so much for putting a damper on "pure entertainment". I guess anyone who wants to entertain any type of public should go to these people first and ask them for permission to do so.If you love to be entertained and do not take things too seriously then this show is very much worth watching. Please ignore all these people who love to spout off and throw "credentials" at you.Give it a rest! Let people be entertained and have a good time.
meritcoba So let's not get too close-minded here and, for the sake of argument, assume the premise: that there are, or were, aliens at work on the moon, either on the near or far side or both. And not only on the moon, but on mars and the sun and the earth as this documentary has it.So how would you go about it to make people believe it?Let's look at this very unclear old black and white picture of some part of the moon that shows what looks like an artificially created construction because it might resemble the tower of a nuclear plant and therefore it might be a nuclear plant that might be used to make nuclear devices that could be used for offensive or defensive means, hence we are under a threat, just like in the cold war! And we cannot do anything about it and that is why the government doesn't tell us and wants it to remain a secret! It would start a nation wide crisis and as a result the nation would collapse and be send back to the stone age.Quite.Why not build your own telescope then and check out the moon? I read you can now get telescopes to discover 1 km wide objects on the surface of the moon. So that should allow you to see those 22 mile high and wide structures. But nope. Instead you make a documentary with people with vague credentials (Researcher? What kind of title is that?) who use the word 'might' a lot and conjecture up a whole race of human-like aliens and bemoan government led conspiracies, based on hearsay, flights of fantasies, bad pictures and computer enhanced imagery. And even at some point suggest space battles between aliens. Yep: star wars.The documentary slowly progresses to its climax, after showing and telling the same thing over and over again and the climax is actually the low point, but an important one as the real truth gets exposed. Supposed pictures of a dead alien woman recovered by the otherwise unrecorded Apollo 20 mission are shown and then a 'researcher' tells us that even if it is a fake it is a clear sign that there is an attempt to misguide people, hence it is a sign of a cover up, hence it is a sign that something is there to be covered up. And there you have it. The truth that gets exposed here is not that there are aliens on the moon or government conspiracies but the truth that facts do not matter: when facts stand in the way of truth then they get pushed aside, for it is the 'truth' that there are aliens busying themselves with humanity and it is the truth the government knows it and hides it.It is this documentary that is the conspiracy. And the conspirators see themselves as heroes. But these heroes are fighting windmills. Don Quixotes. In the wikipedia about Don Quixote one can find a very apt quote from Harold Bloom about it, []preferring the glory of fantasy over the real world which includes imminent death[]And that is what this documentary is. A fantasy, a flight of imagination, the exposure of the silliness of humanity and the sadness one can experience when people, like some astronauts, delude themselves merely because they want to believe something. It is a tragedy and a comedy. It is life.
shieldfire This is 1 hour and 20 minutes of blurred images, speculation, and "helpfully" coloured shadows. Interesting enough the commentator at the beginning of the "documentary" uses the words "are?", "maybe", "could this" but at towards the ends of it skips all these small highly significant words from the narrative. It follows the same format as many other conspiracy "documentaries". a/ Can it be X? b/ Can it be Y? c/ Can it be Z? ----------------- This proves that aliens built stuff on the moon/did something else unbelievable.If you are into this kind of reasoning and conspiracy then go ahead watch this waste of time. Personally I'd extremely surprised if there are not others out there - and equally surprised if they were particularly interested in this backward backwater planets population.
heakerson This "documentary" (to use the term VERY loosely) makes the face on Mars look like a real hard piece of Martian evidence. When they're not busy showcasing the ridiculously fuzzy and obscure images of rubble piles, shadows, natural formations, and craters, they're ranting about wild speculations as to what these "structures" could be. Between mining operations, giant domes, beacons, cities, and canons, all of the fuzzy random shapes seem to have very obvious uses. At the very least, I can admire the imagination of these people because it takes a whole lot of it to see what they're seeing. Literally. To assist the ever so sorry (or amused) viewer, they've highlighted the pictures with random colored shapes to "enhance" whatever it is they see. However, when they remove the added colors from the picture, it's almost impossible to see what they're talking about. Actually, it's almost as impossible even when they leave the colored shapes in! Also, I'm left scratching my head as to how they got actual astronauts to appear in this. I can only assume they were lied to or lured in with candy.