Alien Visitor
Alien Visitor
| 23 January 1997 (USA)
Alien Visitor Trailers

In this sci-fi adventure a gorgeous alien woman is sent to Earth by mistake from the planet Epsilon. Landing in the Australian outback she meets a surveyor and they cross the continent together. However, she spends the trip haranguing him for the ecological recklessness and avarice of the human race.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
kengibson2001-1 First of all there are so many things wrong with this movie, but let me start with the first. This film is a combination of feminist, and extreme environmentalism that advocates bringing our technology back to the stone age, or worse.The beginning starts out well, but leaves the viewer disappointed. First of all if you were expecting this movie to be realistic you have another thing coming.1. An alien lands on earth accidentally and meats up with a outback cowboy. First of all not only does she look hominid, she is an exact copy of a human being. Nothing even looks remotely different about her compared to a homo sapien .Not only does she look human, but she lands on planet earth speaking a perfect version of the Queen's English even though the human is Australian so the universal translator failed there, if that is what she used.2. She has the ability to travel anywhere and anytime she wants, but lacks even a basic knowledge of astronomy. She can't even identify her home system, so much for the superior galactic mind even though in relative terms Epsilon isn't that far from here. She also can't teleport back to her home planet.3. Her ideas while radical even by our modern standards still run out of the human mindset that has been with the US for the better part of 50 years. Think Eco-Nazis planning to return us to caveman days.4. She arrogantly chastises the human race for their arrogance but it is pretty obvious she is way more arrogant. She is also prone to violence and doesn't seem like she is that enlightened. She even cut down the human's favorite tree he has had since childhood, therefore being part of the problem she hates, and totally destroying her claim that the universe is better than human beings.5. The narrator claims they got rid of all the books, newspapers, cities within her lifetime. Couldn't have been much longer than 40-60 years. Like they deconstructed it brick by brick. Not a long enough time-span if you think about. Would probably take centuries especially if you couldn't use technology. Overall this is a terribly pretentious movie that makes Al Gore look good. I wonder how much pollution the producer caused to make this movie and transport them to various places like the outback, or the desert near Las Vegas.
Voivod666 Not only do alien visitors look exactly like furry armpitted human woman and not only are alien visitors able to perfectly speak English (with an Australian accent) they ALSO call their stars by the SAME names our Earthly astronomers have given them!And topping all that off, all alien life knows just how mean, evil, wasteful and destructive us humans are. And they're quite willing to tell us just how bad that is.If you ever have the chance to see this movie, don't. Well, unless you suffer from insomnia or the choices are this movie or exploratory surgery without anesthesia.This movie tries to get a moral, ecological point across but only succeeds in making you yawn and pray it ends soon.
StevRR If you liked "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" - you'll probably like this film. Don't look for special effects - it's more about ideas. It's a bit on the preachy side, but it's head and shoulders above most of the easily forgettable movies produced these days. By the way, it doesn't have much action either - just some simply presented ideas worth thinking about.
choc Simplistic, pragmatic, tedious and unforgiveably boring. It's very difficult to make a good movie out of a conversation - which is really all this is. I kept waiting for there to be some real action. Never happened. Don't even bother with this one unless you like pretty scenery and nothing else.