Alien Raiders
Alien Raiders
R | 21 September 2008 (USA)
Alien Raiders Trailers

It's the end of yet another night at Hastings Supermarket, a grocery store in Buck Lake, Arizona. But just before closing, a group of masked and armed to the teeth militants invades the store and take everyone hostage

Alicia I love this movie so much
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Coventry Judging by the title, the DVD-cover and the year of release, I would normally never even bother to watch this "Alien Raiders"… I'm a huge fan of old alien invasion movies, more particularly from the fifties and the eighties, because they feature crazy chaotic plots, outrageously cheesy special effects and a cast full of washed up B- movie stars. I don't like "new" alien invasion movies because they usually feature imbecilic plots and lousy computer-engineered effects. But a friend advised me to nevertheless check out "Alien Raiders", and I can understand why, because this is definitely one of the more inspired and entertaining low-budget Sci-Fi movies of the past two decades. The film is arguably derivative of the previous year's hit film "The Mist", as it copies the setting as well as a handful of other ideas, but there are plenty of aspects to guarantee an hour and a half of good old-fashioned and action packed Sci-Fi/horror fun. Two days before Christmas, in the sleepy little time of Buck Lake – Arizona, a troop of heavily armed militants invade the cozy Hasting Supermarket shortly before closing time. Everyone assumes they are robbers or terrorists, but in fact they are some kind of violent scientists in search for extraterrestrial parasites that are allegedly present here. The group's well-planned routing goes awry when their paranormal medium (a big-eyed freak that scans people's brains) gets shot and they have to conduct their alien identification tests via old-fashioned and unorthodox methods. Meanwhile, police forces and hostage negotiators gather outside the supermarket. What I like most about "Alien Raiders" is that it's 100% unpretentious and straightforward. It's clear that director Ben Rock and his crew don't aim to win any originality prices or cinematography Oscars, but at least everyone who was involved in this production does their job professionally. The acting performances are more than decent, without any big names in the cast list, and there are a couple of nicely gooey make-up effects and nasty slaughters. The last 10-15 minutes are rather dull, predictable and disappointing
goatyhead Alien Raiders surprised me from the moment i turned it on. Clever plot twists, good story line and excellent acting.The story begins with a big mystery with a group of people with weapons looking for something they never explain what. The employees in the store add to the drama of the scene, each with their own well developed character.The story builds momentum and it keeps you wishing for more and more information.The ending explains just enough to be interesting but not giving too much away. I'd love to see a sequel to this flick.
necron99 I bought this DVD prior to watching given the fact that it is difficult to find and all of the Blockbuster locations are closing. I read many reviews prior to buying the film.This was a very good movie considering the budget the director had to work with. I was impressed with the action sequences and creature effects. The title does not really described this movie and neither does the front cover of the DVD. Most of the characters are played by relatively unknown actors ( aside from the African American cop from Six Feet Under series) but they all do a decent job.Definitely worth checking out or buying on Amazon.
leeuniverse Very good movie for your first..... Keep whoever you had on the project for future projects. Almost all good actors picked, good camera work, etc.You did so well that it didn't look like a low budget "B" movie. I hate "B" movies and can pick them out easy and this was like a decent mid level movie. If I wasn't told I wouldn't have known it was low budget and your first movie. It looked entirely professional.Surprisingly good. I was set to poo-poo this supposed travesty, but, its actually good. (yes, i said poo-poo) lol :PFine work....