Alien Factor 2: The Alien Rampage
Alien Factor 2: The Alien Rampage
| 01 August 2001 (USA)
Alien Factor 2: The Alien Rampage Trailers

A small town is sealed in a electric forcefield by a blood thirsty rampaging killer cyborg alien and it's up to some towns folk and the sheriff's dept to stop it!

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Michael_Elliott Alien Factor 2: The Alien Rampage (2001) * 1/2 (out of 4) Disappointing sequel has the FBI and a small town sheriff investigating some strange activities and before long they realize they're dealing with a deadly alien.Director Don Dohler made THE ALIEN FACTOR in 1978 and somewhat remade it in 1982 as NIGHTBEAST. I found both of those movies to be a lot of fun because the director manages to have a nice throwback to the 1950's drive-in era but he mixed in sex, gore and nudity. Twenty-three years after that original film he returned with this sequel but sadly the charm has pretty much warn off and you're left with a rather boring movie.I must say that on a technical level this here is probably the best film I've seen from the director. The film was obviously shot with a very low-budget but I thought the look was quite professional and there's no question that it was technically well-made for what it was. The problem was the fact that there just wasn't anything fun going on. The two films I previously mentioned at least gave us decent monsters as well as some very good gore scenes but that's not the case here. The monster looks extremely bad and I'd argue that the death scenes were boring and not very creative.The film has the bad performances that you'd expect but these here really weren't a major issue. The budget allowed for some cheap special effects but they certainly weren't interesting enough to draw you into the picture and it's really too bad that they got away from what made the original work so well.
hwg1957-102-265704 Effortlessly awful but strangely compelling 'Alien Factor 2: The Alien Rampage'is a film directed by the Baltimore auteur Don Dohler about a cyborg on the loose in a small town looking for a gadget looked after by an alien so they could repair their space ship and get off the planet. The cyborg puts a force field around the town and in his search kills some people. Actually a lot of people. In actual fact nearly everybody in town. They might as well close the town by the end of the film.The acting is amateur and the special effects are ropey but there is a charm about the film that is hard to describe. The cast run around acting mainly stupidly but it is easy to warm to them and also to the cyborg which reminded me of Mechagodzilla from Japan. Not exciting at all but it kept me watching until the end, beguiled by its simplicity and gaucherie.
HumanoidOfFlesh This unrelated sequel to Don Dohler's sci-fi/horror schlock "The Alien Factor" features an alien invader,who traps an entire town within it's time-warping forcefield.The local police and FBI agents try to stop the killing spree."Alien Factor 2:The Alien Rampage" is an ultra low-budget horror movie with pretty high bodycount and a little bit of blood.The action is fast paced,the special effects are solid and the rubber suit of an alien looks great.The cast is made up of some old friends of sadly deceased Baltimore film-maker Don Dohler including George Stover and Anne Frith.If you are a fan of "The Nightbeast" or "The Galaxy Invader" you can't go wrong with this vastly entertaining cheapie.7 out of 10.
lordzedd-3 In my book director Don Dohler will go in the list of history's worst directors. Which includes Burt I. Gordon, Edward Wood Jr. and Jeff Leroy. Don Dohler is that level of bad. Alien Factor was was a steaming pile of bio-waste. Why on God's green Earth did they allow him to make a second movie? It makes me sick. The plot was okay. But again poor production values, creature suit was just okay. The acting was god awful. The fact that the only minority was a minor background character only supports to me that Don Dohler is also a bigot and the Government probably made him have her in the movie. It's crap, the acting is crap, the story is crap, the effects are crap, the creature effects are crap, let's face it. Except for the plot being somewhat interesting it's total crap. I give it... THE NOOSE!
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