| 23 October 1953 (USA)
Aida Trailers

This Italian film version of Verdi's opera stars Sophia Loren on the screen, with Renata Tebaldi providing the vocals.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
TheLittleSongbird This was a film I really wanted to love, I adore Verdi's opera and Renata Tebaldi, Ebe Stignani and Gino Becchi a great deal. This Aida was interesting in a sense for historical value, but it didn't work for me.Granted, despite the score being cut/shortened, the music is brilliant. Renata Tebaldi sings Aida absolutely wonderfully, Ebe Stignani is a compelling Amneris and Gino Becchi a powerful Amonasro. Rhadames is sung very nicely too, Guilio Neri is one of the better Ramfis's I've heard and Sophia Loren looks beautiful and gives her all to what she's got.However, the film does look dated. The costumes are alright, but the sets in alternative to grand are rather cheesy and the editing and picture quality look tacky. Despite such amazing music and singing, the film feels rather dull, some of the best dramatic elements are either cut or badly underplayed especially the Bass-Tenor chorus ensemble, the choreography looks unimaginative, the lip-synching is pretty much a disaster with the lip movements rarely being in sync to the singing, and there are some unnecessary added scenes too which add nothing to the story. The on-screen acting apart from Loren and perhaps Afro Poli is lacking too, Rhadames is bland and seemingly unheroic, but Lois Maxwell fares worse, her acting throughout is very awkward.All in all, rather disappointing. 4/10 Bethany Cox
lou-238 On paper this looks like a dream of an opera. The voices of Tebaldi and Campora being mimed by Loren and Della Mara on a big screen production, its just got to be sublime, hasn't it? Unfortunately it fails miserably. Loren is simply lost in her role;Tebaldi would have been far better but I suspect she had read the final draft of the screen play, and Della Mara looked more toy-boy than rugged hero. Wait! there is still Verdi's music allied to those wonderful voices,yes they are there if you like your opera in snatches and excerpts, but if not you will quickly lose patience. For example I just happen to believe that one of the most glorious pieces of music is the Nume custode in the first act of Aida. Radames is in the temple and receives the sword and insignia which he dedicates to Ra for the forthcoming battle. The scene is a magnificent Bass-Tenor-Chorus ensemble; opera at its finest. Do not look for it in this film, it is cut, no tenor no chorus just a perfunctory handing over of the sword. Here you are son- Cheers guvnor. No this will not do, it is pretty dire stuff for any poor soul who thinks this might be a half decent stab at bringing opera to the screen
ccmiller1492 The whole point of making this film, one of the earliest and best international color releases of cinematic opera, was to make it more accessible to the masses. And it succeeded admirably in doing so. The general public would not sit still for a love story about two young exotic lovers in ancient Egypt if played by the typical 300 pound over 40 tenor and soprano with the vocal equipment to sing the glorious music properly. Hence the visual substitution of the beautiful principals (a young Loren, handsome Della Marra, and a slinky Ms. Maxwell)who make the story much more believable, giving those not familiar with the plot or the music a better chance at being wooed into the lovely arias who otherwise might not be. Altogether, an enchanting introduction to one of Verdi's great works. I remember seeing this when I was in junior high school and it certainly awakened my interest in opera, a form with which I was then not well acquainted. I still regard this film fondly and would recommend it highly to those who might appreciate the great music accompanied by better than average visuals. Luciano Della Marra was a standout as Radames, and unfortunately for audiences did not appear in any other films.
Mentor-2 Sophia Loren plays Aida, in one of the worst films of all time. She can't lipsync. In terms of production values, the film is so bad, that at one point, while Loren is mouthing "O Patria Mia," she leans onto what looks to be a stone wall for support, and the canvas set billows and shakes.
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