Agent for H.A.R.M.
Agent for H.A.R.M.
| 05 January 1966 (USA)
Agent for H.A.R.M. Trailers

The head of the Human Aetiological Relations Machine pits an agent against a flesh-to-fungus spore gun.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
bensonmum2 Agent for H.A.R.M. is about the lamest excuse for a spy movie that I've ever seen. Everything from the plot to the film's supposed hero to the locations is second rate. The lame plot concerns Professor Jan Stefanik and his search for the antidote to a biological weapon he created while working in some unnamed Eastern Bloc Communist country. A U.S. agency known as H.A.R.M. sends one of its top men, Adam Chance (Peter Mark Richman), out to protect the Professor. Complicating matters is the Professor's bikini-wearing niece, Ava Vestok (Barbara Bouchet), who may or may not be in league with the bad guys. Agent Chance bungles things and the bad guys are able to snatch the Professor. Can Chance rescue the Professor and save his secrets? Does anyone really care?I realize that attempting any sort of comparison between Agent for H.A.R.M. / Adam Chance and James Bond is an exercise in futility and a waste of time, but here goes anyway:James Bond – Sean Connery looking debonair in his tuxedos and tailored clothing ----- Adam Chance – Peter Mark Richman doing his best Mr. Rogers impersonation in his ever present cardiganJames Bond – Constantly faces the prospect of defusing bombs ----- Adam Chance – Watch in awe as Chance dismantles a television James Bond – Movies are filled with really cool gadgets ----- Adam Chance - The spore gun – a weapon that shoots a wad of green goo. Admittedly, it leads to a horrible death, but come on, it looks like something Nickelodeon might have come up with in the 90s.James Bond – Drives awesome cars like his Aston Martin ----- Adam Chance – Drives the family station-wagonJames Bond – Constantly wooing the ladies and charming them over to his side ----- Adam Chance – Comes across as a perv in a raincoat on the beachJames Bond – Super villains with massive, secret, underground lairs ----- Adam Chance – The bad guys use an airplane hanger in MexicoJames Bond – Exotic locations like the casinos of Monte Carlo or the ski slopes of the Swiss Alps ----- Adam Chance – Spends most of his time at a rented beach house in Southern CaliforniaJames Bond – Beautiful women like Ursula Andress or Honor Blackman ----- Adam Chance – Barbara Bouchet (Okay, this one's a draw. Bouchet is easily the best thing that Agent for H.A.R.M. has going for it.) See what I mean – there's really no comparison. With all that being said, however, I'll be generous and give Agent for H.A.R.M. a 4/10. Despite its many shortcomings, there is some entertainment value to be had. As unexplainable as it may seem, I do enjoy some of the movie. But that probably says more about me than the quality of Agent for H.A.R.M.
Jim C. I've only seen this MSTied. As far as I know it's impossible to get this otherwise. The MSTK version is hilarious and I've seen it several times. During those viewings I did realize the film had some potential but any chance it had was shot down by several illogical story elements: 1) OK, we have this defected scientist who is aware of a plan by the Soviet Union to dust our crops with a deadly spore, yet upon making his way to America he says nothing of the danger because he's working on a antidote. What?? So what if your antidote isn't successful, doctor? What if they strike before it's ready? Maybe you should tell somebody, hmmm? 2) Well, our trusty agent from H.A.R.M. comes to pay our good doctor a visit. Upon learning of the Commie plan, our agent informs his obviously drunk boss. But instead of informing the President, or State Department, or somebody with diplomatic pull, they go on with their spy game. Hey maybe if the president gives the Soviets a call telling them they know about the spore and the plan to use them, the Soviets would call it off, after all they're risking all out nuclear war with the U.S. But noooo....3) The Soviet henchman Malko, shows his hand way too early--like near the beginning of the film. He kills the doctor's assistant with a spore gun which obviously would tip of the doctor that the Soviets are on to him. Malko is taking an absurd risk--the good defected scientist might tell somebody. However, the Soviets aren't worried. The good doctor keeps this to himself.So the continuing parade of illogic shoots down any potential this clunker had. So if somehow you find a copy of this unMSTied, Gerd your Oswald, because you're in for a tough one.
lemon_magic "Heuristic Analog Rental Meats" - Tom ServoI think most people would agree that the James Bond/superspy movie genre is almost purely an exercise in swagger and style. "Agent" has style all right...but where James Bond movies style comes from Park Avenue, Monaco and Swinging London, "Agent For HARM"'s style comes from K-Mart and the local trailer park. Wait, that comparison sounded very snotty and elitist, and is unfair and invidious to patrons and residents of those noble institutions. But what I really mean to say is that if you have a K-Mart/trailer park level budget and talent pool, you shouldn't try to make a Park Avenue/Monaco movie. "Agent For HARM" is strictly from hunger. The lead actor was probably the best looking guy in his high school graduating class at one point, and he still has a certain dramatic quality and sonorous voice...but he's a complete ham. He's also puffy and paunchy and somewhere past middle age (as Crow mentions, he's obviously wearing a corset in certain scenes). So they brilliantined his hair and slapped a ton of make up on him to disguise his blatant age and obvious dissipation. As a result, "Adam Chance" looks less like a super spy than like an insurance salesman on a golf outing, down to the yellow cardigan he wears in every scene. Props? Special effects? Exotic scenery? Well, "Adam" rides a Vespa class motor scooter, fires a cap pistol at the bad guys (what is that thing, a .10 caliber derringer?) and his climactic action scene is at a landing strip against a Piper Cub. The 'doomsday device' is a CO2 powered pellet gun. 80% of the movie takes place in one location, a weird ramshackle old house on a beach. Babes? Well, there's one (just one),and "Adam" smarms and slimes all over her in their every scene together in a way guaranteed to send you scrambling for the Ipecac. OK, but at least there's a clever plot, right? And the hero is clever and resourceful and makes me wish I were him...right? Please? Sorry...the most inventive thing Adam does for the whole first 2/3rds of the movie is to hook up a television's capacitors to a doorknob to electrocute one of the bad guys. Oh, and he sneaks aboard the bad guys' van and hides in the back while they drive to Bad Guys' HQ. Then he strangles/garrotes a bad guy with a coat hanger. I suppose that's fairly dashing of him, but it just made him look like a sneak and a backstabbing coward. This is what comes of trying to make a superspy thriller financed by trips to the recycling center with their empty Bud cans and selling blood plasma. They didn't make it to "James Bond". They didn't make it to "Man From Uncle", or even "The Gemini Man". They didn't even make it to "Secret Agent Super Dragon". I hate to say it, but even "Double Double 007" is head and shoulders above this poor relation. I can't imagine anyone watching "Agent" as anything other than an entry at a "Bad Movie Film Festival". Don't pay money to watch this under any circumstance.
icehole4 There's quite a number of James Bond spoofs out there that are pretty bad, and this one is no exception. Meandering aimlessly with no plot, this movie deserved its MST3K treatment. About the only good thing was the opening tune.Avoid this one unless you're watching MST3K.