Aftermath: Population Zero
Aftermath: Population Zero
| 09 March 2008 (USA)
Aftermath: Population Zero Trailers

Aftermath: Population Zero investigates what would happen if every single person on Earth simply disappeared. Explore the interactive world without us.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Andyfro86 If you wanna know what the lousiest documentary can be like, watch this movie. I watched it with a friend, we actually had great fun watching it. i laughed myself to tears i tell you!Gimme three hours of wikipedia and i'll put together a better show. what i can't conceive is how national geographic actually funded this movie. i have lost all respect for them. completely unexpected epic fail.I just can't... words just aren't enough. you need to see it with your own eyes and judge it with your own brains. this is my first IMDb review ever, as some one else already stated in this thread. i really want to encourage people to watch this epic fail. i'll just leave the final quote of the movie. the conclusion. it was something like. the earth can survive without us but we can't survive without the earth...and it took an hour of nonsense to reach to this very obvious verdict. unbelievable!!!
namor2000 I've always had a certain fascination with Sci Fi movies containing end of the world scenarios. That's why I tuned into this NatGeo show a while back, thinking I'd like its "what if" scenario. Unfortunately, the more I watched, the more it irritated me. Why? Because of the narrative style.If National Geographic kept the narration simple, limited to what the planet would become without human upkeep, it would have been more interesting. But as the show progressed, the narration took on a downbeat and condescending tone. Let's cut to the chase: It slams all human beings as the poison of planet earth! They deride every conceivable achievement we've made over the centuries to make our lives more livable, claiming that it's come at the expense of all plant and animal life. Last time I checked, the plants and animals were still there.Mankind has made mistakes (pollution, deforestation, hunting whales to the brink of extinction, etc.) but we've shown the ability to reverse and correct the mistakes, too. The very last sentence "All we have to do is get out of the way", insinuating that earth is better off without us, were the nails in this coffin. I will give it three stars though, but only for the special effects.National Geographic, the next time you produce a show like this, could you please keep the misanthropy out of it?
jmdist Being aired on NATGEO, "Aftermath Population Zero" it must be factual, right???. Wrong!!! I first noticed that there was no mention of water expanding when frozen, causing concrete cracks to expand. Then they said that the cracks exposed the re-bar in the concrete to carbon dioxide, causing the re-bar to rust. ??? Excuse me, but air consists of only 0.038% carbon dioxide, but oxygen is about 20.95%. Rust is ferrous oxide. The oxygen in the air is going to contribute 500 times more to the rusting process than carbon dioxide. Then I remembered having heard "carbon dioxide" several times before the concrete part, and noticed "carbon dioxide" continuing to be mentioned again and again. It was then that I suspected that this was more an example of poor science and propaganda than factual. I lost interest, but do not recall any mention of plant-life absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen.
IKillOmega There is no doubt, from the beginning of this "documentary" that there is a definite bias here. The film claims to be about man's impact on the world but it is really just a film about how man has damaged it, and despite our constant chaos, the Earth will thrive if it weren't for us. This was obviously written by a Green Freak and me, being a man who refuses to buy into the corporate and political lie that is the Green Movement, finds this film condescending, ugly, and unremarkable. It has hard to show an impact when the film continues to show recycled stock footage of the same forests and fields over and over. They overgrown landmarks of man look like late 90s video game graphics and the overall look of the film is just ugly. It tries to persuade its viewers into thinking it's a smart hypothetical by showing the chaos that will ensue immediately after man disappears. However, this is quickly drowned out by the narrator's condescending tone and downbeat morality. I hated this doc. It is certainly no Planet Earth.