Blue Gold: World Water Wars
Blue Gold: World Water Wars
| 09 October 2008 (USA)
Blue Gold: World Water Wars Trailers

Wars of the future will be fought over water as they are over oil today, as the source of human survival enters the global marketplace and political arena. Corporate giants, private investors, and corrupt governments vie for control of our dwindling supply, prompting protests, lawsuits, and revolutions from citizens fighting for the right to survive.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
diomavro These people seem to have no real understanding of market mechanisms or of personal responsibility. The moment they said that we have an energy shortage already and because of this desalination is not an option, I started rolling my eyes. It goes to show that people who have no understanding of economics should stay away from policy work, because they only screw things up. Of course there are problems with the private companies but this film totally fails to capture the true cores of the problems which have to do with excessive ownership rights, rent seeking and political power.Like usual laymen will love this movie but there's a reason most academics will dismiss it. Just to be clear, there are some valid inventions being talked about though perhaps not market ready yet its just that the these people fail to grasp the concept of adding bottom lines to market mechanisms, such as pigovian taxes, which is likely to be one of the few intelligent solutions and perhaps the most efficient.
imdb-19144 Eye opening look into the global water crisis and it's causes.Learn important facts about the World Bank and U.N.Learn why bottled water and agriculture is bad for our Earth's ecology. Learn about the theft of water by profiteering corporations aided by corrupt governments.It gives hope at the end for solving one of the biggest problems we will face in the very near future.How ironic that we can do something so simple as digging holes in the ground to replenish our aquifers. Everyone should see this movie!
dallasbancroft I had the privilege of seeing this film and I was blown away. The subject matter is of grave importance--water is life, without it life can't exist. This film maker knows how to tell a story and make what could be a dry story (no pun intended) into a compelling and motivating one. Malcolm McDowell is also to be commended. His voice lends credence to any subject but water or the lack thereof is a scary one and will have to be confronted sooner or later. I hope later, but after you see this film, you're not so convinced that the future isn't here already. Highly recommended and even more, I think it should be shown in every school in America, if not the world. Bravo Mr. Bozzo.
Naason Velasco I am the President of Air & Waste Management Association - Saint Louis University Student Chapter which hosted the film viewing of Blue Gold: World Water Wars on February 20, 2009 at the Saint Louis University's Center for Culture and the Arts here in Baguio City, Philippines. Many topics were raised in this film. The most interesting and most intriguing one is the privatization of fresh waters. Long had been gone since water became a commodity. Many people may not realize that we PAY for water. This film presented why we pay for a thing that is very abundant in our planet and whose hands these payments are going to.For sure, after you watch this film you will think of water in a very different way. Never thought why BLUE GOLD?It's costly...
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