Afghan Knights
Afghan Knights
R | 01 January 2007 (USA)
Afghan Knights Trailers

Haunted by the fact that he left a man behind in Afghanistan, a soldier (Bacic) pulls together a special task force to save his comrade.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Executscan Expected more
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
wakec4 I spent $1 to rent this movie out of a Redbox and it was about $1 too much, even more considering the gasoline I will burn to return it...This is absolutely the worst military themed movie I have ever seen. Over exaggerated characters, poor and unbelievable story line, and some of the worst acting I've ever seen. I was expecting an Afghanistan based rescue movie and instead found something with no plot and totally uninteresting... This film was so bad that it was hard to force myself to watch it to completion, hoping I was missing something I pressed through to the end when I should have just given up after the first 5 minutes...I wound up completely disappointed... Stay away from this steamer...
krista thomas I thought the movie was well done. There was good acting (for the most part) the firefight, like was mentioned in another post on the pakistani border was well executed, and i have to agree, they should have had sound military advising from the onset of the movie. I enjoyed the musical score, which added to the supernatural/thriller aspect of the movie. I can't give it a ten, but i think a 7 is fair. maybe a six. There is a well known cast in the movie, Michael Madsen, Francesco Quinn, Steve Bacic and former WBC welterweight champion Gary Stretch, who, along with Madsen and Quinn, carried the movie. Good movie, but not something you are going to see in theaters, but worth a rent or an add to your collection if you are a Madsen fan
schmoe1 It is definitely a lot better than a lot of movies you see on HBO and DVD, I think it was interesting and the music score was great. The actors were good for the most part, the military advising on the one firefight was awesome and very real to life (the one on the Pakistan border) The director did a good job, although the first 15 minutes were a bit convoluted, but it all came together after that. i saw a comment about the motorcycle stunts in the beginning not being very fast, but that was a pretty steep bank they came down. I would recommend renting for a night of entertainment, all in all, good compared to what is out there. the countryside where the film was shot was beautiful and the set seemed to be very detailed. UPDATETo address the post of another user, yes, I was involved in the film, yes, I did the technical military/SEAL advising and yes, the firefight at the Pakistani border was choreographed by myself, and yes, it was a textbook frontal assault, quick and to the point. Yes, it was a very well choreographed firefight, done with the help of a real former Navy SEAL with combat experience. The firefight in the beginning of the movie was not choreographed by me, it was not how i would have done it as it is strategically wrong (but then, so is much in Hollywood as far as gun battles) Two: I did give it a rating of 10 stars, because i felt that some people were being a little overboard on giving it one star. I thought it would help balance it out, you have to realize, this movie was not an 80 million dollar movie, but a 2 million dollar movie made to go straight to DVD. For what it was intended, it is a good movie. What one thinks of a movie is their opinion, and they are entitled to that opinion, just as i am entitled to my own opinion. Third: the comments posted prior to the release date were in violation of IMDb terms. Someone posting about a movie not yet released has obviously obtained a copy illegally, so there was a valid reason those posts were removed.To address Tullys statement, i looked at some of your reviews, it seems you hate almost every movie you review. Do not come on the board and make false (far out accusations) that is uncalled for. I posted before release date because i saw the pre screening, only a handful of people did. Anyone else posting a review before the movie was released, there is no way they got the movie legally. There were a bunch of bit torrent downloads that occurred however. IMDb took the postings down before the release date because they agreed that it was not according to their TOS.Any other questions, i will be glad to answer.
Promethevs A quite average action/horror movie taking place in Afghanistan, following a group of private military contractors working on a contract to get an Afghan warlord out of Afghanistan for some 150 000 USD (to be divided between 7 or so mercenaries, former US military professionals). These are all burn-outs tired of military life and quite fond of alcohol. There is a strong emphasis on their friendship.Michael Madsen always seem to play the CIA mission brief operative, as seen in one of the James Bond movies. Madsen wears sun glasses and a "helluva" attitude with standard bravado. There seems to be a series of movies where Madsen carries leather jackets and sun glasses in various military roles, and I would place all these films around 5 or 6 points out of 10. There could be more originality in some of the plots.The Afghans are portrayed as backwards people, no surprise. The British SAS operative is the treacherous figure in the team. This fits into the US themed dangerous non-American bogey man concept, which has become more and more widespread. I only look for a film with a main Norwegian villain taking on American grunts. I have yet to see that.This film could be reminiscent of "Horror Train" from 1973 and with "The Bunker", with the horror theme revolving around psychosis and the supernatural. The soldiers, no surprise, are picked off one by one, with a sort of summary explanation of why and how by the end of the movie.For a more mature and eclectic movie watcher, the plot is somewhat too thin, but for an average American teen, this is probably better than they get in several US high schools on foreign studies.An OK movie to watch, but not anything great either. I gave it six, since it had some good psychological turns and realistic military combat. Minus for a predictable ghost story. For the same budget, I could have made this an Afghan-themed intelligence thriller with a more deep back-story.