Adventures of Power
Adventures of Power
PG-13 | 20 January 2008 (USA)
Adventures of Power Trailers

In his quest to become the world's greatest air-drummer, a small-town dreamer must overcome obstacles and ridicule to save the day.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
julie_wilking The kind of movie that doesn't come along every decade. I bumbled into it on Hoopla. Brilliantly funny and lovably endearing for those with a particular sense of humor. You'll love the characters even more each time you watch it. Chances are your friends won't appreciate it. Don't let this gem pass you by.
anne-189-39185 Part silly comedy, part love story, part adventure, this movie was a pleasure form start to finish. Power, an odd-ball from a small mining town, heads out on a quest to find other people like himself - air-drummers. Ari Gold, who wrote and directed the movie, stars as Power and does a great job. He is goofy and lovable, and downright hilarious, and his air-drumming skills are tight!!! seriously. Jane Lynch, who plays his aunt, and Michael McKean (Powers dad) are great - McKean is great in this dramatic role. His love interest is Shoshannah Stern from Weeds. She lives with her over-protective mother above a Chinese restaurant where Power ends up in Newark. Chiu-Chi Ling from Kung-Fu Hustle makes a hilarious addition to the cast as the owner of this restaurant. Adrian Grenier, who plays Powers nemesis is HILARIOUS - this movie let him show way more than we get to see from him in Entourage. So, great cast, super fun, amazing music. I definitely recommend watching Adventures of Power.
Kivanc Sanli (kivosanli) Wow, what a movie. Ever seen a movie about playing air guitar and wondered how about all the people i see out at the bars air drumming? Well you guessed right. There is a bunch obsessed with air drumming too.This one has all the elements for a rating of 10. It is painfully hilarious and at the same time it is very deep, and real life. It is intended all of us (and by that I mean ALL of us)who have a unique 'trait'/ a random whatever that others might look down on. You can't help to root for the main character but it is not as typical of a movie as that makes it sound to be.The main character reminded me of the naiveness of John Heder as Napoleon (and they do very strangely look like each other). This movie is all about identity, and it goes to prove that 2 people from completely different backgrounds and personalities can still share a common something.Shoshannah Stern ties this movie together, and just like the movie she has this incredible ability to be funny and sad at the same time. You really feel for her, as she feels for Power.For Adrian Grenier, it's like there was this one role I knew would be perfect for him and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But here he is as a country star. One word = hilarious.If you are passionate about music (especially rock & roll), you should see this one asap.
ben-1725 Now, I don't normally write reviews for movies. This is my first review on IMDb. But I am writing a review for this movie because after seeing the film on a press screener DVD and absolutely loving it, I did some research and found only bad reviews.Let me be clear - Adventures of Power is a classic. My friend and I have watched the movie over 5 times, can't stop quoting it ("Imagine that!", "They beat us with sticks, Power... we didn't have sticks!", "I don't need drums... I am drums.") and we now have a compulsion to air drum.This movie is trendsetting and it's a shame that the early Sundance review crowd all missed the opportunity to tag this film as it is - a groundbreaking new comedy that will undoubtedly gather a religious cult following.Kudos, Ari Gold. And here's to the start of a great career.