Ace High
Ace High
PG-13 | 02 September 1969 (USA)
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After Cacopoulos manages to save himself from being hung on a false charge, he robs Cat Stevens and Hutch Bessy of a lot of money and steals their horses. This results in a merry chase and Stevens and Bessy become unwilling allies in Cacopoulus' revenge against the people who deserted him and framed him to get their money back.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
ChikPapa Very disappointed :(
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Scott LeBrun "Ace High" is an adequate example of the Spaghetti Western genre that top-bills Eli Wallach as Cacopoulos, a bandit released from jail who's determined to avenge himself since his partners had abandoned him. He doesn't exactly endear himself to bounty hunters Cat Stevens (Terence Hill) and Hutch Bessy (Bud Spencer) when he takes their money and decides to share the wealth with those less fortunate. Yet, they all hook up (along with Thomas, an acrobat played by Brock Peters), in various attempts to get rich.Directed by Giuseppe Colizzi, this so-so film lacks the mastery of Sergio Leone, and doesn't tell a particularly interesting story (at least, not one that sustains itself for over two hours). Its action scenes are decently executed, but not numerous. It does bear some of the trademarks of its genre, such as the impressive widescreen photography and an appropriately melodic music score (by Carlo Rustichelli). However, it's really the sense of humour that is the films' strong suit, as it does get reasonably amusing at times. It also travels a fair distance on the chemistry between the charismatic star trio. Wallach is amiable as the slippery rascal who makes guards fall asleep to the tales of his Greek heritage. Of course, it's always a pleasure to witness the Hill-Spencer pairing. Peters has an engaging presence as well. However, if you're intrigued by the casting of Kevin McCarthy in such a lark, be advised that he doesn't show up until an hour and 46 minutes into the story.The unorthodox robbery of a casino during the climax does help "Ace High" stand out a little bit. It may plod too much, and it never gets truly exciting, but overall it's pleasant enough to make it acceptable viewing.Six out of 10.
MARIO GAUCI One can see the influence of Sergio Leone writ large all over this large-scale Spaghetti Western (and not just in the casting of Eli Wallach from THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY [1966]) – but Colizzi doesn’t in any way show a comparable talent! The director also receives sole writing credit, which rather explains the film’s relentless self-indulgence – padding a wafer-thin plot with lame attempts at characterization and dreary passages of local color! The film happens to be the second teaming of popular Italian brawling duo Terence Hill and Bud Spencer (the first – GOD FORGIVES…I DON’T [1967] – was actually a prequel to this!) but Hill’s atypical glum countenance robs the film of some much-needed charisma. Incidentally, neither title – American (which places an emphasis on the gambling subplot which comes into play only during the last third) or original, which roughly translates to FOUR GUNMEN OF AVE MARIA – is really satisfactory…but, then, neither is the film itself: one isn’t bothered by the sluggish pacing and extreme length of Leone’s Spaghetti Westerns, but that certainly can’t be said here! Mind you, being a vintage outing, it’s moderately watchable and, at least, the print (via the Paramount DVD – how they suddenly felt the urge to release this I’ll never know!) was very nice…in contrast to its follow-up, BOOT HILL (1969), which I recently viewed by way of a horridly panned-and-scanned Public Domain edition.Anyway, the plot involves “lice-infected jailbird” Wallach being sprung from jail by a corrupt banker to retrieve a sum of money ‘stolen’ from him by Hill and Spencer; there follows an endless series of chases and double-crosses – with occasional interjections from black tightrope-walker Brock Peters and, it goes without saying, numerous stops for the duo’s trademark brawling antics. Eventually, the four join forces to clean up the gambling-house owned by Wallach’s long-time enemy (and former partner) Kevin McCarthy: this is an elaborate and mildly suspenseful sequence – climaxed by a shoot-out between the gang and McCarthy and his (anonymous-looking) henchmen on either side of the gambling table during a particularly busy night. The soundtrack is, once again, the handiwork of Carlo Rustichelli – but, while serving its purpose, isn’t especially remarkable within the impressive pantheon of Spaghetti Western scores…
Mario Pio giuseppe colizzi was a fine underrated director dead too early that invented the characters of Spencer-Hill. Differently from E.B.Clucher, Hill is more Eastwood-way then Trinità but the substance is the same. Colizzi was a well competent director, more american then italian, with strong sense of spectacule and correct with the particulars. In Italy is very underrated, I don't know why. "Ace high" is, probably, his best western. It's also hard to see his movies in tv. You can only see every summertime "Arrivano Joe e Margherito", but this is not his best. I hope one day critics rediscover the art of this modest, hard worker artigian of the screen.
Mark-371 I have to say this is in the top 5 best movies with both Terence Hill and Bud Spencer! I don't want to tell you the plot. ( read other reviews for that ) But it's very interesting. It may be 2 hours long, but if you see it in a movie store or a video rental, get it! One bad thing about this movie is Eli Wallach. I wish he didn't act in this one!!!! Every time it shows him, this movie seems to get boring. ( Thank god they don't show much of him in this movie ! )Aces High get a 7/10.