According to Spencer
According to Spencer
R | 02 November 2001 (USA)
According to Spencer Trailers

A mail clerk at an advertising firm sets out to climb the corporate ladder and win the woman of his dreams.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
philip-ct What should have been a light-hearted, witty comedy has few laughs and becomes dull, stodgy, lame and predictable.Despite an appealing cast (Jesse Bradford is good to watch) the film is let down by a script that starts off promisingly and then fades out, becoming infantile, unfocused and rather boringly under- and undeveloped.I hate not watching films to their completion. And I watched this till the end, where the film became limply predictable. Even the end credits feature jokes and situations which raise eyebrows rather than laughs.One of the film's dreary subplots involves the (poor) making of a (poor) "art" or pornographic film. Like *that* film, *this* film feels an experimental, in-house drag. It should never have been made.
Amy Adler Spencer (Jesse Bradford) moves to Los Angeles to start anew. Unexpectly, he runs into (literally!) a car driven by a girl, Melora (Mia Kershner), from his home town who he has admired for years. Voila! She also works at the same advertising firm where Spencer has just signed on as a mail clerk. However, there are complications. To begin, Melora has an on again, off again relationship with a big ad man from the same company. Also, Spencer has a room in an old mansion owned by a gay male couple, who may need him to star in their film project. It is X-rated! Does Spencer have a chance with the lady of his dreams? For those who love old fashioned love stories, this one is a good one! The two stars are wonderfully attractive and funny and the bizarre stream of characters that inhabit the film hit the funny bone, too. The costumes are a bit dismal but the local scenery is very nice. However, a word of caution is advised. There is some racy dialogue pertaining to the gay couple and their pornographic film. While the number of minutes devoted to them is small, those who like good clean fun may be offended. Nonetheless, this film shoots an almost-straight arrow at the heart of those who cherish the timeless tale of love.
insomniac_rod I don't know if the director and writer tried to much to create a movie that would be very Kevin Wiliams.The sub plot of the gay room mates with the idea of making a porn sounded fun and kind of interesting for this kind of movie, but it just didn't work as it was carried in a silly way. Spencer's love interest plays the main plot of the movie. The guy is a geek with mediocre life and job and suddenly his ideas reach to a high exec. from a publicity company and his life changes for good. He is rich now and he gets the super hot and beautiful Melora. This girl is kind of slutty as dates a guy to make her ex-boyfriend jealous and in the end goes with the nerdy guy that suddenly becomes rich. Melora played hard to Spencer and rejected him several times. It's beyond reality that she changed her mind and feelings after all that she made Spencer go through.Anyways, the movie is for pure entertainment as it doesn't make the audience think or generate feelings. It's just a "romantic" comedy that feels very 90's with absurd sub-plots and a predictable ending.4/10. Watch the movie for Melora and the cute Marisa Ribisi. I catched this movie at 2:00 a.m. on cable. Don't waste your money on this.
sawyoufirst There was a couple things that stood out when I watched this film. 1. Nearly 1/3 of the movie was out of focus. This is a crew position that producers must hire experienced people in. 2. It was very obvious that the Director of Photography was no camera operator.***Spoilers below***The story was very flat, and the "roommates" attempt at making a "porn" was so pathetic, it was actually tough to watch. This movie takes place in modern times, yet the "camera" they were using was from what the early 70's? The woman that showed some skin was in her 40's. Couldn't they of found a hot young actress to play that part. Giovanni's sister Marissa was nice, but they were shooting a "porn" with their clothes on....lame.There was obviously sexual tension and attraction between Spencer and Melora, but nothing develops except they kiss at the end. To make the story at least interesting, they should have gotten it on at some point. Mia's breasts were practically hanging out in a couple scenes, and the practically see through shirts she had on a couple times teased the viewers, but we would have preferred a taste, it would of at least supported the whole sexual theme that was present in the whole movie.And lastly, what was up with the MULLET on the Ezra character. I grimaced each time I looked at that. Too bad all of his shots were in focus, and most of Mia's were out. If it were the other way around, I wouldn't of minded so much.