Abandoned Dead
Abandoned Dead
R | 04 November 2015 (USA)
Abandoned Dead Trailers

A security guard, trapped in a run-down inner-city medical clinic, is terrorized by supernatural forces which threaten to overtake her.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
St I never ever write reviews on movies unless they are life changingly outstanding or painfully awful. This is the latter Abandoned dead - name, cover picture and description all give the ultimate impression that this is a paranormal scare fest which is full off, well, dead people. How very misleading the whole marketing of this film is.Firstly I wish I never ever wasted my time and please do not get drawn in by the marketing it is not what you think. Film breakdown: 1. Security guard woman gets sent to an addiction clinic as a last resort. The clinic is completely empty and no plausible reason for there needing to be an over night guard there 2. Static is heard on the radio, security guard gets scared and sees some sort of hospital equipment roll across the floor (wooooo spooky) 3. The first and only hint of anything paranormal happens with an exorcist type woman's face for about 3 seconds4. Finds a skinned cat 5. Detective walking around randomly answering phone calls to a voice staring " she is not safe" 6. Detective narrates over the film his own thoughts (completely no justified reason to why he is even in the film) 7. Some doctor pops up and drugs the security guard followed by trying to perform surgery on her8. She escapes and wakes up in a mental hospital. Turns out it's all in her imagination as she has been under hypnosis. 9. Plot twist is she killed her father for abusing her. 10. Finishes off with the totally un related detective sitting at his desk. Began to wonder if I got a dodgy copy and the detective was part of another film that got somehow mixed up and ended up dropping parts into this film. I hate the producer of this film for wasting my time and money. DO NOT WATCH
Alyssa Jordan Eckenroth "Abandoned Dead" is a movie about a security guard who takes the night shift at an addiction center. It is a psychological thriller that is about more than what it seems to be and had a real M. Night Shyamalan feel in almost every scene. The film itself isn't too scary but certain scenes might be triggering to some people. It also wasn't too gory but, like I said, some scenes might be triggering to some people. Rachel Burke, played by Sarah Nicklin, is a security guard who never takes the night shift due to a secret that you will later find out near the end of the film. She gets roped into taking the night shift by her boss because no one else was able to take the job. She starts out doing her job like any normal shift but begins to realize that there is more to it than meets the eye. I absolutely loved the actress portraying this role. She did an excellent job and is a very attractive woman. I think she is the only reason this movie did decently well according to most people. This movie isn't a very long film but it starts to feel that way after awhile. It is intense and will have you on the edge of your seat wondering what that surprise ending will be and what else could possibly happen to the main character. There was one scene that completely freaked me out but only because I have a fear of dolls coming to life and doing creepy things to people. It could have been better but I really did enjoy this movie.
drfallonlaw The flaws in this indie film are too obvious to belabor. Suffice to say that you should not expect to witness anything approaching Oscar winning or nominated acting, writing, directing, etc. But this, with rare exceptions, is what one should expect in what is obviously a low- budget production. It comes with the territory. So, if your central purpose in watching an indie film is to indulge a desire to carp and criticize, you easily will find faults in this film. However, if you are among those who subscribe to the standard of criticism enunciated long ago by none other than the undying Master of the Macabre, Edgar Allen Poe, you may discover redeeming signs of life in Abandoned Dead, which while not on the sublimely sinister level of any of Poe's classic creations, is in a consanguineous vein. The Procrustean 1,000 word limit for this present review precludes anything but a rough paraphrase of Poe's dictum: A creation should be judged on whether the creator accomplished what he set out to create. Judged by this standard, the film leaves a favorably impression of what Mark Curran, who happens to have produced a one-man "Poe" show presently on stage, while doing this other one man show as Producer/Writer/Director of Abandoned Dead, managed to squeeze out of a tight indie budget. His promising script explores dark, twisted psychological mine-shafts, and he wastes no precious production money on the gratuitous goo and gore that spray the sets of cheap thrillers. That he managed to cast (sans the services of a casting director) a few quite capable actors among the miscast misfits that somehow manage to make unseemly appearances in practically every indie film, is itself remarkable. Any indie film lover who has been thinking of having a go at production should first have a word with Mark Curran, who evidently knows how to do a lot with a little. In sum, while this film is by no stretch a nine or ten as some apparent partisans proclaim, neither is it a one or two as some slag-slingers say. All things considered in the indie genre, it is a solid six or even a seven.
xavialynn The movie Abandoned Dead,Mark Curran,who Directed this awesome movie did a superb job not only directing this movie, the atmosphere was creepy and I love creepy he also cast the right people for their roles for his movie is one of my new awesome kick ass psychological horror movies now it will have you on the edge of your seat I know I was and I am a hardcore horror movie fanatic!!!! I recommend this movie to everyone who is looking for a good horror movie to watch!!!!! I can watch this movie over and over again! p.s. you don't want to turn your lights off it will send goosebumps and shivers and it will force you to look over your shoulders