Aachi and Ssipak
Aachi and Ssipak
| 28 June 2006 (USA)
Aachi and Ssipak Trailers

Sometime in the future, mankind has depleted all energy and fuel sources, however they have engineered a way to use human excrement as fuel. To reward production, the government hands out extremely addictive, popsicle-like "Juicybars", which in turn also act as a laxative. Aachi and Ssipak are street hoodlums who struggle to survive by trading these bars in the black market.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
rushknight I like to think of myself as above potty humor. You know what I mean? Fart jokes, clever references for the butt, an absurd interest in what goes on in the bathroom..The world is full of giggling children who can't pronounce the word "defecate" but can use the s--t word with great effectiveness. For some reason, this type of humor never grows old to some folks, but sticks itself into the collective psyches of many adults permanently.It was never my thing. So how did I end up watching this? Well, for starters the whole movie is a not so subtle metaphor for society in general. The idea of breaking down the advanced and intricate systems of the world and then articulating it all in overly simplified terms is always a winning movie making formula to me.This movie is vaguely similar to a film called "Equilibrium," where the basic foundational idea of society is presented as a single statement: "Obliterate all human emotion to create the perfect society." The film then grows out of that idea. The plot grows organically as a result of trying to maintain the believability of the original idea.In the case of this film: "All energy comes from collecting human feces; encourage the populace to defecate profusely." The idea is so simple it leaves you wondering immediately if there is more buried underneath it. Well, unfortunately there isn't. The basic plot flow of this film is not original. It has been done before in hundreds of movies. It's very formulaic really. But it still works because of the setting.But no one is really watching for the plot. By now word has gotten around that this movie is violent as heck. It really is. Gore, explosions, torture.. it's got it all. DO NOT play a drinking game with this one, especially if you need to drink every time someone dies. There are several sexual references, so don't think this is appropriate for your kids. There's also some pretty creepy looking characters. The police Captain in particular was worthy of a cringe or two.The voice acting is acceptable (if you are watching the English dubbed version), but not great. The animation itself is somewhat difficult to follow from time to time; characters wiggle like jello and bend like Gumby.All told, the film holds itself together admirably and is very entertaining. It's not going to be a favorite of mine, but I do not regret watching it. It was worth a watch.The only thing it doesn't have (surprisingly) is the actual showing of fecal matter. The mere reference to it is apparently enough.
Andrei Pavlov The good thing is the background plot. And you can read it on the DVD covers and even here.The way this plot comes alive is awkward and tasteless. I'll name a few unacceptable things.1) "The Diaper Gang"It is a complete failure (first of all in art design) - come on, we made much cooler pictures of villains at school though we did it just for fun. And here the Korean guys earn money by THIS? Such green little one-dimension figures with UZI-guns or whatever. However much blood you draw when representing their deaths this will always look like a drawing of a spoilt kindergarten child or a violent grown-up moron. The characters of "Beavis & Butthead" were at least funny at times and quite friendly. I mention "The Diaper Gang" because it is a key element in the flick. It occupies the majority of this feature and that's very irritating to watch this moronic daub.2) Scenes (remakes/remixes) and concepts from other moviesThe Korean guys are stealing concepts from "Alien", "Mad Max", "Indiana Jones", "Basic Instinct", and "RoboCop" just to name most obvious "borrowings". Should I say that the tree mentioned films are cult classics and will be remembered by the movie fans forever? It all looks and feels that these Korean guys have nothing to say and the only thing they can do is stealing other men's ideas.3) Satanic materialYes, you see it correctly. What is it, if not satanic material that goes at the beginning of the cartoon? Quite possibly, the creators of this "new-wave entertainment" are the followers of some satanic cult because a more a less normal person (even an atheist) would have never used such provoking images in a film and would have never promoted this kind of "pop-art" so fiercely.4) Unfunny comedy elementsCannot name even one funny scene: they are either too rude and sinister or too stupid and interfering.Korea should be ashamed for promoting such poor product. It made the situation even more uncomfortable as I watched the promos and advertisement material on the DVD (little kids smiling, Korean girl shouting something like "Ssipak!!!", guys waiving with flags, etc.) - it really makes me doubt the Koreans in general. Let's just say that they look very awkward promoting this kind of video product. Maybe you'd point out: "It's just a little funny-silly cartoon, take it easy!" And I'd say: "No, dear viewers, what we have here is an abomination which should have never been born. Entertainment, however wicked and silly, should have some boundaries and you know it."So, if you like artless projects, enjoy satanism, and are in love with poor remakes/remixes of the good movies, go for it! You'll love this one.I still hope that those happy gals, guys, and children, which were promoting this abomino-animation had not actually seen it and were paid for their "Hoorah!" words. Otherwise Korea (SOUTH) is in big trouble to cherish and advertise rotten products like this. I could not believe my eyes when they showed a little kid of about 5 years old who was supposed to represent the praise of this cartoon. Did the Koreans suggest that even such children could watch and enjoy THIS? Is it a "PG" material in their country?As mentioned above, the background plot is good. I really think so. And this feature shows vividly how an original plot can go down the toilet. They could have done a groovy post-apocalyptic drama. But that requires real talent like that of John Carpenter, James Cameron, Ridley Scott, and George Miller – something that these South-Korean guys and girls are missing so badly…If you want a real gem of Korean cinema, go get "Hong kil dong" (1986). But that's North Korea - militant, poor, rejected by the "World's Greatest Empires", etc. And what does South Korea with all its tons of money and luxurious living conditions produce? Read the review from the beginning – that's what. Sad but true…1 out of 10 and keep your children far away from this dung. Thanks for attention.
Seth This is the best cartoon movie I saw in the last few years. Surely a movie for adults, you'll find it out in the first 2 minutes where the body count starts raising, and rockets to the sky.Hope this wont take away anyones appetite watching it, because this is a movie with lots of black humor, beautifully graphics, lots of action.Why not to watch it? Disgusting, sick story, 3-4 deaths for each minute.Why to watch it? Disgusting, sick, and 3-4 deaths for each minute.You either like it, either hate it.The good guys are violent hoodlums who want to get rich by selling drugs on the black market, the bad guys are the diaper gang, the police is the tyrannic force in the city. The power source of the future is human feces. And the state collects it and rewards the people with addictive juicy bars. The funniest characters are the ant like diaper gang members. They are the addicts of the drug that can be received after defecation. These poor guys/girls (they have no longer any sex) need the juicy bars, but because they cannot defecate they have to find other ways to get the desired food. In their efforts they loose their live by the dozens. Mostly because of the cyborg police officer Geco. He is like Robocop, defying the laws of physics, mainly with unlimited ammo usage. The diaper gang calls themselves orphans of the city. Their small size, and as they act I think they are like kids turned into addicts. (Despite the original story that they were normal citizens.) The rest of the characters are bad guys too: Aachi and Ssipak are always arguing on something. They are marauders attacking people on the toilet. Beautiful the woman is a porn star, or prostitute. The leader of the police is much like an angry chiwawa: a little blonde girl, shouting with her inferior officers.Overall: lots of action, lots of location, good storyline, weird ideas.
movedout For what it's worth, "Aachi & Ssipak" represents a stylistic and technical milestone for Korean animation. Now, even if it might not be good or enjoyable, it does manage to drop jaws in the sequences that do work. Quite obviously inspired by the glut of web animation on the Internet, the film twines absurdity, political lampoons and sexuality into an incoherent mess that's just much too energetic and maniacal to take your eyes off. In his simplest form, it's about a ragtag crew of criminal elements caught in the middle of a war between the city's Big Sister government and a terrorist group called the Diaper Gang. The prize, ultimately, being the proliferation of an addictive candy delivered in phallic-like packaging called a Juicy Bar. In an animation so concerned with faecal matter and the anus, there's not much subtext to be gleaned from its fascination with derrieres other than its producer's willingly gleeful lapses into iniquity