A Walk in the Sun
A Walk in the Sun
NR | 25 December 1945 (USA)
A Walk in the Sun Trailers

In the 1943 invasion of Italy, one American platoon lands, digs in, then makes its way inland to attempt to take a fortified farmhouse, as tension and casualties mount.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
DKosty123 Lewis Milestone directed a lot of really good war films. This is one of his best. It has an introduction by Burgess Meredith, in which he introduces a top notch cast, including Herbert Ruddley who would much later be in the sitcom The Mothers In-Law. Lloyd Bridges is great in this movie and the cast is pretty much a whose who of top male actors in 1945 who were not the top money grosses, but folks like Richard Conte, Dana Andrews, and John Ireland went one to do a lot of pretty good acting.Robert Rosen who wrote the screen play is a top shelf writer. He and Harry Brown were both involved in quite a few top movies. Huntz Hall who was a kid in several Gangster Films like Angels With Dirty Faces is even along in this cast.The story is a unit in World War 2 landing in Italy during the war. The story starts on the landing craft and goes along from the landing to the units objectives days after they land against tough Nazi opposition. There is even Norman Lloyd here as a private. Lloyd would go on to do a lot of fine work with Alfred Hitchcock.The action and the cast develop a very good with a lot of depth to the story and the characters. I highly recommend this one to anyone who likes World War 2 films. This is a film focused totally on action and males fighting in the war with a realistic war story. Men only in this cast. There was no room for women telling this story.
info-5918 Great War pic. Rather than being a propaganda piece like many moves were that were made during the war, an action movie, or following a formula, Walk in the Sun is main a drama focusing on a small unit, the individuals in that unit, and their objectives.Qutie realistic, it shows the confusion of war, the reality, and soldiers with mixed emotions about the business.The plot mainly focuses on a landing in Italy at Salermo, and one particular mission. The unit loses commanding officers, key personell loses equipment, and encounters difficult objectives. The tension that builds up at times is quite sustained.A realistic, intelligent and quite different war movie, definitely worth having a look at, particularly for 1945.
drystyx This is a WWII film, made during the war, and therefore should be closer to the truth than later films.We get attempts at character, and some of the banter is well done.We get some situations that are well done, such as the confusion, of not knowing what is going on somewhere else, which two characters experience early in a trench, and which brings too much curiosity out in one of the characters.We have a realistic depiction of a breakdown.There, the assets of the film stop. Unfortunately, we get the heavy handed cigarette commercial, and we know tobacco companies sponsor this film since any character who doesn't light up a cigarette is destined to become a casualty. The predictability doesn't end there. The film goes beyond being a bit contrived into the "here we go again" clichés.The clichés ruin this film. For a film that tries to pride itself on realism, there is an incredible lack of screaming after being shot, and of the cleanest wounds ever in film. That would be passable, except that immediately after a man is shot, the camera follows him for many seconds of "taking the pain" quietly, and we never even see any pain on these men. Now, some directors go overboard on the "pain" deal, and they are just as stereotypical, but this film is ridiculous in the other direction.We know from the contrived writing which characters bullets will find, and which they won't.And the stupid song that went with it brings the rating down considerably.Most war films from this era were very good in one way or another. This one falls well short of them.
wes-connors In Italy, a platoon of American GIs must rid a farmhouse of its Nazi occupants. "A Walk in the Sun" is expertly directed by Lewis Milestone, utilizing Russell Harlan's perceptive camera. It's unusually poetic, for the time, courtesy of writers Harry Brown and Robert Rossen. And, certainly, the film should grow in stature, over the years, when compared to the more typical war dramas released during its era. Upon release, the film was no doubt considered noteworthy for its "realism". Presently, this strength is weighted. Still, the film's substance endures...Strong characterizations are provided by the cast of soldiers. Two stand out, and give the film greater emotional depth. Though it begins, necessarily, as a team effort, reluctant Dana Andrews (as Bill Tyne) emerges as the "hero"; and, John Ireland (as Windy Craven) stands out among the other soldiers. Mr. Andrews is the man who takes command, after leader Herbert Rudley cowers under the pressure. Andrews is terrific; especially, note how he fights off the same war fatigue and mental illness that claimed his predecessor.Mr. Ireland's performance, as a poetic minister's son, is award-worthy. Each of the film's characters attempt to grab you: "the farmer", "the prophet"… accompanied by an almost too sentimental, heart-tugging soundtrack. But, however you try to resist, it's impossible not to fall under Ireland's spell, as he explains "G.I. Dirt", and writes letters home "in his head". While Andrews takes explicit control of the mission, it's Ireland who implicitly provides the battle plan. The film does well in portraying a platoon's waiting, talking, teamwork, and action during war. ******** A Walk in the Sun (12/3/45) Lewis Milestone ~ Dana Andrews, John Ireland, Richard Conte, Lloyd Bridges