A Simple Life
A Simple Life
| 13 April 2012 (USA)
A Simple Life Trailers

The relationship between a middle-aged man and the elderly woman, who has been the family's helper for sixty years.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Vihren Mitev How to write about simple movie? And how tell about simple life? How to live such life? Perhaps the answer to these questions lie exactly here. But first, it takes strength and courage to overcome yourself, your self-esteem, dreams and ambitions. It takes curiosity and thirst for life.The film comes into our minds easily and quickly shows us the power of being, of being born with the fate of being a human being in its overall appearance. Shows how quickly are changing the roles of young and old, it shows what should be the relationship between people, always. It shows where is the spring of goodness and that it is there because "You have to be at rest first with yourself before helping others"... with unabated good that enjoys anyone to whom it touches. That everyone accepts as a given, but feels the pain of its loss.How nice it is when our deepest desires are so simple. When we are truly, picky, but because we are looking for soul mates. How nice it is to experience the happiness of loving relatives, to know your place and perhaps, most importantly, not cheating in first place - not cheating yourself.http://vihrenmitevmovies.blogspot.com/
KineticSeoul This has got to be one of the best films I seen this year. It's simply sensational, heartfelt and touching in every way. I can't see how anyone would call this movie pretentious. It's down to earth and nothing seems to be forced, even when it comes to bringing out the emotions. And it's far from being a cookie cutter or cardboard bonding film either. Instead it goes in a very realistic and believable direction but also wonderful at the same time. If anyone that view this film at least has a heart, I don't see how it can be viewed just completely negatively. Some might find a film like this boring, but I thoroughly enjoyed this film. And felt that this film actually gave me something to take with me when it was finished. It brings out the harshness and coldness of humanity, especially for the older people out there. But it also brings out a sense of warmth as well and above all hope. The plot revolves around a bond between Roger Leung(Andy Lau) a film producer who is picky and stuck-up and a servant that has been a maid for his family for multiple generations. And is played by Deanie Ip, this is probably my first time seeing Deanie Ip's performance and she is breathtaking. I could really believe the love, the tenderness and affection from the character. I wouldn't be surprised if she is like the Maryl Streep of China. I just wanted to reach out and give her a big hug. This film deserves every award it gets. And it's no wonder this was noted as one of the best films at the festival. It's a film that some people will experience at least somewhat in the future or already have. While watching this compelling and even inspiring film, I had a chance to reflect upon myself and my life a few times. Thus actually managed to take somethings from this film. It's a simple film with a lot of heart to it. Authentic emotions and relationships. Highly recommended to just about any viewers that has a heart. This film is also inspired by a true story and it's moving in every way. Looking forward to seeing Ann Hui's other works now. Beware though, it's a film that might stick with the audiences for weeks or even more. Although some might think it's too subtle and realistic for their taste, will at least take away something from the experience. This is a meaningful and worthwhile film, that gives a bit of a reflection on bonds, relationships and life.9.7/10
ronchow This is a simple film - two main characters with no blood relation and yet deeply connected to each other - and presumably made with a modest budget. It is slow, and arguably a tad long (but I am OK with it), but as the story evolves I begin to care about them.As a film it is a great antidote to the sex, violence, intriguing plots, and CGI (I must admit I like some of those too) that we are so used to on the big screen these days. Director Ann Hui indicated the story was inspired by true events and I believe her. What makes this story unique is we are looking at love, respect and a feeling of duty and obligation between two human beings as if they were mother and son - but they are not. Instead, what started out as a servant-master relationship transcended itself to become something more sublime when the care-giver became incapacitated and the table was turned. When this happened the roles were reversed and yet it happened in such an unforced, natural and leisurely fashion.There are tear-jerking moments, of course, but they came in such an unpretentious manner. The ending is as you would expect when age and illness took their toll on Tao Jie, played by Deannie Yip. And yet, I finished watching the film feeling uplifted, and with a strong sense of hope on humanity.
Harry T. Yung Those who have watched "The way we are" (2008) will know exactly what to expect from today's Ann Hui – films that are delightfully free of sappy melodrama. In that film we share the ordinary, everyday life of several sibling-linked families, some more affluent but not really rich, others less fortunate but not quite on poverty line. There is no manipulation of the audience's emotions, but towards the end, there is one scene in which the affluent uncle (played beautifully by KO Chi-shum), hitherto quite typically no-nonsense business-like (although there is no sign of his looking down on poor relatives), matter-of-factly said to his bright sister-son something to the effect of "Don't worry if your exam results are not good enough to get you into university here. We (he and another uncle) will finance your university education abroad. That's the least we can do to reciprocate how your mother looked after us when we were small". The very casual way he said this is enough to bring a lump to your throat."A simple life" rings true in the same way – genuine emotion does not need melodramatic manipulation.As the last of a trilogy loosely, thematically linked ("my model of experimentation", said director Ann Hui) with the aforementioned and "The post-modern life of my aunt" (2006), "A simple life" is based on producer Roger Lee's true story with domestic maid Tao who had been part of his life from day one, and became a default mother when his entire family emigrated to the US. In the film, Deannie Yip and Andy Lau are pitch-perfect as Tao and Roger, drawing from their numerous previous screen corroborations as mother and son. In an interview with Time Out, Hong Kong, director Ann Hui also intimated that on the process of aging, she has deep personal experience with her own mother. In the film, Roger took Tao to a premiere of a film he produced, but Hui said she had second thoughts about doing the same with her mother, fearing that the reaction might be "Are you giving me hints? (about putting her in an old folks' home)" Starting with Tao going to an old folks' home and ending at her natural death at old age, the simple story is simply told, with surprisingly gentle humour. Through inevitable vicissitudes, human goodness and compassion surface. There are some eccentric characters and flawed human nature to various degrees, but no real villains. As in "The way we are" the warmth that brims over always brings a lump to your throat, such as Tao at the old folks' home receiving a call from Roger and friends at a card game, thinking of her – middle-aged men that she had know since they were little kids."A simple life" is a film that is true to life. An added bonus to local viewers is a delightful proliferation of cameos from household names in the Hong Kong cinematic scene.