A Silent Voice: The Movie
A Silent Voice: The Movie
PG-13 | 02 February 2018 (USA)
A Silent Voice: The Movie Trailers

Shouya Ishida starts bullying the new girl in class, Shouko Nishimiya, because she is deaf. But as the teasing continues, the rest of the class starts to turn on Shouya for his lack of compassion. When they leave elementary school, Shouko and Shouya do not speak to each other again... until an older, wiser Shouya, tormented by his past behaviour, decides he must see Shouko once more. He wants to atone for his sins, but is it already too late...?

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
olledaleskog A silent voice reviewI watched this movie yesterday, and similar to your name I didn't really know what to think at first. But here are my thoughts:Visuals: Everything felt very detailed, in a very good way. I usually don't like animated movies that make characters look too much like reality. Not that I want to escape it, but that it usually looks very weird. But this film manages to not do that. Sometimes the backgrounds were so realistic that it felt like they put in a clip fron reality which is very impressive. But what I liked most about the animation was how well they put emotions into characters without saying a single word. You could almost see the movie without audio and you would still know what the characters felt, especially one of them that has a good reason to not speak. I also really liked some of the symbolism in the movie that has to do with social anxiety.The story: This was probably my favorite part of the movie. If I were to describe it, the story is about a depressed deaf girl and a socially anxious boy that both think that everything is their fault. I love how they make the audience feel for both of the characters, you wanted to help them through what they were going through. There also many small things about the movie that I loved, but the movie was just amazing in general. I loved the theme in the movie and I love how it all ends. I also don't think I found a single plothole in the movie, which is really good coming from someone who usually puts too much meaning in small things. I loved how they treated the very serious moments in the movie, they made the movie one of the most emotional I have seen. The voice acting: It was all very good. They fit their characters and they did a great job in general. But the weird thing is that the only character that barely talks was the one who made the beat job in my opinion.Music: It was great. Some were fine, some were fantastic, some didn't fit into the scene they were in and some were just really weird. But they were mostly very goodCharacters: They were almost all great. I found one that was a little annoying sometimes, but the rest were great. They all had their pros and cons which they acknowledge in the movie, which I really liked. And that was it. I would highly recommend the movie if you are into drama films. I don't think it is my favorite anime or movie of all time, but definitely in my top 5 because of the serious story elements and the animation
evadetroy I have watched this for the first time less than 24 hours ago, and have already found myself re watching this masterpiece looking at all the small story-line implications. Would love a sequel to be made although this is unlikely as the film is based on a manga and covered all the books
7stevenpokemon Best. Movie. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eric-lovelock Yeah, this is a "pretty" movie. The animation is nice, the character designs are pretty solid, and the voice actors are all good in their own right. The problem with this movie isn't technical, because from a Visual aspect it's all very good. The issue is in it's main story, scratch that, it's with the main characters.The central plot device here is following the main character, Shoya, who ruthlessly bullied a deaf girl in elementary school until she was forced to switch schools. There are other characters too, a lot of other (to the movie's credit, believably written) characters who also partake in this cruelty, in what is a very well done portrayal of the escalation of torment for kids. The issue is what comes after, in which suddenly Shoya is supposed to be this sympathetic character. That's the chief problem, this movie tries to make you feel badly for someone who has no right to be pitied. It's about him trying to make amends, like that will undo everything and make the world all pretty again. Other characters are there too, and overall they all fall into this central theme, and problem, in that the film seems to assume that just because you feel "Bad" about something, that makes it okay.These characters go around acting like feeling bad because they were cruel justifies it, that just because they're "sorry" they're suddenly absolved of sin. The film milks this dry and keeps trying to kick you in the gut, but it fails because there's no way this mentality can be sympathized with. Feeling sorry for yourself because you were a bully doesn't render your actions void, it doesn't make everything better, and the damage they've caused never goes away. As much as the film wants you to think that everyone is secretly good, it never gives me reason to believe as such. They haven't learned anything, they're just as selfish and mean as they used to be, they just learned how to make it SEEM different. One of the characters hates Shoko (The deaf girl), slaps her repeatedly, tells her that she hates her TO HER FACE, blames her for her problems, and then suddenly at the end we're supposed to think she's good just because she feels bad later. In conclusion, it's a visually engaging film, but it's skewed perspective of "redemption" drags it down and makes it impossible to empathize with anything it presents.
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