A Short Film About Love
A Short Film About Love
| 18 October 1988 (USA)
A Short Film About Love Trailers

19-year-old Tomek whiles away his lonely life by spying on his opposite neighbour Magda through binoculars. She's an artist in her mid-thirties, and appears to have everything - not least a constant stream of men at her beck and call. But when the two finally meet, they discover that they have a lot more in common than appeared at first sight...

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
chaos-rampant My most cherished type of film shows our idea of reality to be just that, an idea born from our own urges and various storytellings, which cloud the soul and need to be challenged, dismantled, removed from the eyes so that we can see life as it is. Failing that, which is a rare type, I'm more than content to encounter a film that feels its way truly in a world where those urges and storytellings lie in wait.It's why I'm seeking out Kieslowski these days and already he seems like one who has the talent to feel his way into the world of emotion.But this is broken in a key way. He doesn't feel his way in here, he forces it. For a film that is lauded as a vital depiction of love, what I saw simply isn't love. It might be fantasy, desire, or obsession (Rear Window is quoted), but it's not love and for it to be reciprocated as love, it moves into a world that I don't recognize as true. If you have the chance to watch it with a woman, please do so.However evocative his sense of place is, with two apartment blocks on opposite sides and the night in the middle a space where two viewers wonder about yearning, however lyrical he is about the yearning for contact over this divide, from that point on I simply have no ground to walk between them. Which is a shame because all of this should be something I like. It is when Kar Wai does it.And in the end he pulls off something so magical, his emotional color so deep it spills out from the container of the film. He portrays a love so deep that I'm almost embarrassed that I have this container to receive it in, it's worth so much more to my mind. This is where she visits him after he has come out of the hospital, he's lying unconscious in bed, and she watches through his binoculars into how he saw her (at her most vulnerable), seeing herself through his eyes in a way that lets her know how deep his love was, seeing herself all at once through this love for her. Sublime.It's mystifying to me that someone can know women so poorly and so deeply in the course of an hour, that would be my question if I ever had the chance to meet Kieslowski. Something tells me that this is the color he would go on to use in his celebrated trilogy and makes me anticipate them even more. But first, I have to mount the Dekalog.
Aristides-2 The screenplay is written from the pov of a twenty-something, overly-sensitive boy/man who sometimes succumbs to masochistic tendencies. And written for same. Story is about an average looking, withdrawn, personality-less 19 year old male who obsessively voyeuristically watches an attractive, mature and sexy woman in various stages of undress and in various sexual positions with a boyfriend. Thwock, thwock, thwock. In a not-to-be-believed circumstance (well, it IS his fantasy after all!) young man gets physically close to the woman, has his hands moving up her bare thighs.....but before he gets to the prize......has a premature orgasm. Thwock, thwock, thwock, thwock. Neatly and virtually painlessly punishes himself for this by cutting both wrists with a flimsy double-edged shaving blade (more self-inflicted pain but photographed in a beautiful, melodramatic, theatrical way). (Cue violins.) Survives the attempt and then rejects the she-devil he so previously desired. (In an interview on the disc the actress tells how the original ending had the kid coldly repudiate the woman. Very telling this ending because, you see, he triumphs over her and "that'll show you, now that you're interested in little old boring me! Or as Groucho said, "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member!) Climax!
atomic-ant i watched it last night and it completely blew me away. what a brilliant, wonderful, heart touching,.... ( running out of adjectives ) film. while watching it a rarest thing happened to me, tears filled my eyes. last time i remember tears rolling down, it was while watching "to kill a mockingbird". it's actually a good thing that it is one of cinema's best kept secrets because there are people who don't have the heart to appreciate it. i am 19 and a straight guy and i can say for sure there are morons who would call it the crappiest, lousiest film ever. so at least it has been saved from those god forsaken creatures. anyway i just love this movie. my ratings 10/10
Deniz Ziya Toroslu Surprisingly Kieslowski's this movie is disappointing to me because of the sometimes weird and sometimes cliché script that also seems a work of a poor observation sometimes. There is an isolated young boy. He lives with one of his relatives, but he is lonely and every night watches a woman who lives across their building. It seems! that he wants her. He is one of the youths who are not good at communication with the opposite sex. However, he likes that woman, when the woman comes to his house with a man, Tomek gets pain. Then, we understand that Kieslowski tells us a story about an isolated young boy who needs a female to flirt or who falls in love with a mature woman. He does not do something else, because may be he knows that it is his salvation. One day, he stops that woman, suddenly, he seems a shy boy, but proves that he is not, so he explains her almost everything. She lectures and refuses him. Everything is so realistic like the other Kieslowski films, no problem. The problems start when Tomek visits her, the story of a lonely young boy who falls in love with a mature woman (but an unrequited love) turns into the story of a lonely young boy falls in love with a mature woman, at the beginnings the woman refuses, but after a short time, she starts to change her mind. This U-Turn makes the movie cliché firstly. The personality of Tomek is weird? or a result of a poor observation? I disappointed with this character, this is my opinion and I will try to tell why. When he goes to her house, Magda treats him very friendly. She asks what do you want from me? To kiss me? to make love with me? to go out with me? At this point, I remember the people who say she is a femme fatale. See? Returning to the scene, Tomek rejects all the proposals. Why? Because he is shy? I don't think so, but his communication is blunt, OK. After the leg scene at home, some events make the movie misses its aim. I think that the aim of the movie is (should have been according to the story) to show us there are some people who suffer from lack of endearment and to save from this situation is not easy owing to lack of communication and being aloof especially for men. I mean that at this point, what does the movie say? It is blurred and disappointing. It is seen that he is not hunger for love or a female or sex. Then, what? And the suicide attempt scene support this weakness. So that he touches her legs, he wants to kill himself! By the way, as I mentioned before, some say Magda is a femme fatale. Totally not. She endeavors in order to make Tomek happy. Does she avoid having contact with him? No. Does she insult him? No. Does she amuse him? No. And Does she deceive him? No. She has some troubles with her (ex) lover, so she is not O.K. However, she does not take revenge for it from Tomek. She is not an angel, but not a femme fatale also.