A Quiet Passion
A Quiet Passion
| 07 October 2016 (USA)
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The story of American poet Emily Dickinson from her early days as a young schoolgirl to her later years as a reclusive, unrecognized artist.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
jamesbigham This movie is way to slow, and does not contain enough substance for a two hour film. The opera scene was way to long without enough script to justify it being there at all. The actor simply say their lines with little or no emotion, and there is really no point, they just walk around the garden or the camera pans the room while nobody talks. I only made it through the first 40 minutes before being bored to tears so I cant fully judge this movie. however; from what I DID see I would never recommend this film.
evanston_dad It's like Terence Davies sets out to make movies that will challenge you to stay awake through them. If I do, do I win something? Because I should.After the mournful and glacially paced "The Deep Blue Sea," I didn't think a film could come along that would more effectively numb me into somnolence. But lo and behold, here comes "A Quiet Passion," and by the same filmmaker, no less!"A Quiet Passion" tells the story of Emily Dickinson, who, as played by Cynthia Nixon, was about the most. miserable. person. ever. to spend time with. You know that friend who has the ability to suck the fun out of absolutely any situation? That's our Em. She'd be the girl who would join a group of friends (if she had any) at a football game and then spend the entire time complaining about the pointlessness of football. According to this biography, Dickinson was a frustrated artist who held people to unrealistically high moral standards and refused to accept the slightest weakness in anyone. This made her a riot to be around, as you can imagine, and caused her to die -- shocker!! -- alone and miserable.The film is funereally paced, and consists of one monotonous scene after another in which Dickinson gets her knickers in a twist about one thing or another and yells at whoever happens to be in the room with her. You might think so much yelling might at least give the film an ounce of energy, but you would be wrong. I've never been so excited in a movie to see a main character start exhibiting symptoms of a mysterious disease, because I knew then that it wouldn't be long before she died and the movie would be over.All I can say is thank God for the lovely Jennifer Ehle, who plays Dickinson's sister as a human being you might want to actually have a conversation with without wanting to stab her or yourself in the eye with the butter knife.Grade: F
hitomi69 As a woman, I cannot help but fall in love with Emily, for her courage, humor and of course, talent. Perhaps only a woman can understand the torment of an enlightened soul when almost everyone around her was filled with hypocrisy and prejudice. A rebellious spirit will always find life uneasy. The fact that she had the guts to live such a life is truly admirable. Oh yes, she had a sharp tongue and might be a difficult person to live with. But what beauty and clarity of life she gave us.The film may seem tedious to some who preferred more profane version of passion. To me, watching it is like talking to my inner soul.
sndyskltchr Worst movie I have seen in a long time. I thought it was poorly acted and very tedious. Although it may seem to be an accurate portrayal of Emily Dickinson, for me that is it's only positive point. I did not finish the movie because I found it to arduous a task to endure any longer.
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