A Prize of Arms
A Prize of Arms
| 11 December 1962 (USA)
A Prize of Arms Trailers

A criminal gang sets out to pull off the heist of a large army payroll.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
eamole This film grabs you from the very start. Its simple bare-bones approach emphasises the clever plot, and engaging character development. The lack of soundtrack actually heightens tension appropriately, along with deft camera work, and tight dialog.The plot itself is clearly the major player in this ensemble, not to denigrate the cast, who do a superb job of tense interaction, with appropriate support from typical British aloofness, and clipped military tones.The plot ducks and weaves as it unfolds before your eyes. At times you wonder the significance of a particular action, only to later admire its genius as you appreciate its subtle significance. The tension is magnificently maintained throughout.As another reviewer has commented - the movie has you rooting for the anti-heroes right to the end!! What a splendid achievement. Worthy of the 8 stars!!
JohnHowardReid An exciting, suspenseful, ingenious thriller, this one makes very inventive use of the author's obviously first-hand knowledge of military red tape. The direction has pace and flair and actual locations are very effectively employed. The film has obviously been produced on an an unusually lavish budget, including an enormous cast. All roles from the largest to the smallest are superlatively played in a solidly realistic manner. The movie also excels with a great number of extras, including loads of location filming and even a sequence in which a whole army building is spectacularly burnt to the ground. As usual in this type of film, our sympathies are directed firmly to the robbers and we feel with them as they collectively and individually make one hairsbreadth escape after another, The screenplay is superbly constructed to extract the utmost suspense and tension and while it seems to be light on characterization, the personable playing by Baker, Bell and others makes up for this deficiency. The Greek unities are observed and fortunately there is no romantic interest whatever to dissipate the film's grip and tension. True, the climax is a bit extravagant and clichéd, but this is the one sour note in an otherwise excellent thriller.
Marlburian I watched APOA courtesy of TalkingPictures TV channel, which is proving a treasure trove of little-known films, often low budget, of the 1960s.The plot unfolded in a satisfying way, with a parade of familiar British actors of yesteryear in small parts, including,as noted, "Likely Lad" Rodney Bewes. Stanley Baker inevitably impresses in the starring role.The film must have been made with the co-operation of the British Army and so shows officers and soldiers reacting to the raid in an efficient manner. (One or two of the actors could have worn their berets in a more military manner, and there was one sloppy salute - and what about the motor-cycle rider stopping off at a pub for a drink or two on duty?) One thing that did puzzle me was why the highly-strung Fenner was running in a panic through crowds of mocking soldiers and incurring the wrath of, I think, the regimental sergeant-major. Perhaps the clip that showed the reason for this was edited out?Overall, very entertaining.
badajoz-1 A gritty thriller based on a heist from an army camp that is busy transiting people and equipment for a crisis war overseas. Typical of the period that was about to launch British neo-realism (film version of kitchen sink stage drama and TV), but it still looks and feels like a fifties postwar UK frayed around the edges and in the middle! With such a downbeat feel, with not enough backstory - Stanley Baker is getting back at the Army for dismissing him without honour some sixteen years earlier - what has he been doing in the meantime? - it does not quite work. Yes, the acting is good, the tension well maintained as one or two things start to go wrong, but why these three got together and what their particular current motivations are does not really come through. And how the plan was initially put together also remains elusive. But it is a good film with honest and straightforward intentions - something today's British post-modernist, cynical,deconstructionist, nothing's any good before last year filmmakers could learn a lot from!