A Perfect Man
A Perfect Man
| 18 March 2015 (USA)
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A struggling writer finds a shortcut to fame, but a blackmailer threatens to ruin his perfect life.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Rare Movie Critic This film was quite enjoyable and very thrilling, but I'm somewhat disappointed by its unfulfilled potential.Let's just say that the acting, directing, visuals, sound, everything was perfect, not standing ovation material (I don't believe people give standing ovations for editing or sound), but it was transparent. I saw the story and I was completely immersed. I did not notice any of the ingredients but that's the point, to get you in the story. Film is not a competition between visual artists, editors, cinematographers in seeing who can stand out. It's a team effort and in this case, it works very well.I have a tiny issue to nitpick with the editing - the passage of time is not shown. We don't know how much time has passed between events. Sometimes it's months, sometimes it's years. We have to wait for someone to say "It's been 3 years now" but that's not a great way of telling the story. "Show not tell" is the oft-repeated rule and as tiring as it is to hear and read, it needs to be repeated. There are many ways to show the passing of time. Montages, time-lapses, season changes, changes in hair or appearance. The flaw is that they showed Mathieu ask Alice on a date and then he meets her parents in their home. One would think that it's a few months into the relationship (meeting the parents for the first time) but it is later revealed that it is 3 years later. If the confusion of time were part of the story, that would be good, but it isn't.That tiny flaw is not something I would deduce points for, however.My real disappointment is that the start of this film, the plagiarist's road to fame was 10/10 and I wanted more. If it had continued down that road, I would put this film as one of my top 20 of all time. However, sadly, the film went another direction and made it a story of blackmail, extortion and a murder investigation.We already have tons of films about blackmail and extortion. People have a tape, a USB key, a photo, a witness, and someone has to find a way to buy silence and bury the truth. There are so many films about this topic. So many films about someone burying a body, faking a disappearance, worrying about the body resurfacing, day-dreaming and hallucinating of blood, seeing cops everywhere.I enjoyed the first part of the film so much, the hopeful artist, the plagiarist, his meteoric rise, the creating a persona from interviews and quotes. I wanted that to continue. I wanted him to double down on that, to go the route of Catch Me If You Can. He plagiarized his first novel with zero money, now he should be able to do it again and again, using his wealth to dig for the next novel, to scour writers workshops for ideas, to travel the world in search of another unpublished gem to steal.I wanted to see a film where a plagiarist realizes that a career of plagiarism is a full-time job. He has to keep publishing to keep up his lifestyle or people would call him a one-hit wonder. Instead, we have a film about a rich person trying to bury a secret. What the secret was (affair, real name, identity, criminal record) is irrelevant in this film.He is just a rich person struggling with debts, a secret, extortion and all he wants is to keep living in luxury.An enjoyable film nonetheless, even though I wished for more originality.
dakjets This film is an inventive and exciting thriller, which is solid and well made. The plot is about how wrong things can go when lies and ambitions coincide, and the price one must pay is very high. Here are no big effects, but rather a well-constructed story, which both frightens and fascinates. It is credible and the protagonist is both nasty and a person we get sympathy for. The film manages to show us booth sides of the main characters struggles to be somebody important. It also has several surprising elements, and a rich cast of characters. The lead role is a person we may also know a bit about. We want success, but not at any price. Where do we draw the line? Our man is willing to go very far, at horrible consequences. I will not reveal any of the content here, but would like to get that film has a surprise ending. A final I think works very well, and that also makes this film stand out from many others in its genre. There is some Hitchcock throughout the film, and it is of course intended as a compliment. It will certainly be an American version .... but this is good enough anyway.
Tom Dooley ** Mild Plot Spoiler warning** Mathieu wants to be a writer but his work gets binned by the publishers he sends it to. He works as a removals man and longs to be taken seriously for his 'art'. Then chance plays a hand and as he is clearing out an apartment of a deceased war veteran he happens on a manuscript written by the dead man of his war time adventures fighting in Algeria.Mathieu decides to write it up and take it as his own. The book is dynamite and his World changes for ever and for the better. However, the chance that his little ruse may be rumbled is an ever present risk and then fate comes calling a second time.Mathieu is played by the very Gallic Pierre Niney ('Yves St. Laurent') and he gives a physically demanding performance and makes it all look believable. He is comfortably supported by a super cast that includes the wonderful Ana Girardot ('Next time I'll aim for the heart'). The film is very stylistic too with great cinematography and just the right level of tension to keep you hanging on for more. It is one of those where you don't notice the time passing and that is high praise for any film. In French and around 100 minutes long this is for lovers of thrillers, French cinema or just a ruddy good story.
GUENOT PHILIPPE A true terrific surprise, this homage to Alfred Hitchcock and Patricia Highsmith. All long this movie, I thought of Mr Riplet - PLEIN SOLEIL. The cruel destiny of a petty uninspired novelist, who suddenly discover an old forgotten manuscript written by a dead man and decides to appropriate it to himself. We watch here the rise to fame and celebrity for the forgerer, and that's when it becomes very taut, thrilling, with terrific performances from the outstanding characters. Our lead will have to desperately fight against all odds to make it. Pierre Niney is a promising actor. I am sure he'll have a great career, that's the worst I wish him. Watch out for Marc Barbé's performance, as the stinking blackmailer; a character that suits him like a glove.
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