A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell
A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell
| 21 December 1990 (USA)
A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell Trailers

In a post-Armageddon world, a young woman finds herself in a fight for survival against mutant cavemen, dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.

Alicia I love this movie so much
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
yourdeadmeat69 OK. What would happen, if Roger Corman, who directed produced and wrote all those nickel dime horror movies, like "The Terror" which was made with left over film and three days left in Boris Karloff's contract for another movie, the movie in which Jack Nicholson plays opposite his wife of the time and ad libbed many of his scenes and lines--WHAT IF--Roger Corman "married" Saturday Night Live.You get shlocky trash, you get unknown actors, you get dumb cartoon characterizations shot on the cheap for nickels and dimes--canned and sometimes original linear productions, first act second act third act straight action with a hint of sex ( and little more than a hint ).You'd get the eighties substitute for the chapter serial of the forties, an hour and a half of utter dreck with nothing more than Ed Wood appeal.But.That's the idea. What's interesting is how they put this crap together, and you get to watch.I like stuff like this. $15K worth of technology you could shoot a better movie today.Which is the point.So.Why don't you? And just sit box with a huge box of jujubees you got at RiteAid, or maybe chips unending with hot sauce you'd pay five bucks for, and kick back with an idiot movie you don't need to have a Master's in English lit to comprehend and hoot the villain.Get it?
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- 1990, Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell, A lone athletic female cave woman is terrorized by scenes featuring attacking lizard-men, a big baddie, monsters, mutants, and a few other prehistoric fantasy challenges used in other films already. *Special Stars- Linda Corwin is the lead.*Theme- Females are powerful over weakling primitive males.*Based on- Caveman folk legends.*Trivia/location/goofs- Film was made for $45,0000 using local theater actors and items. This is a TROMA film. It has plenty of sex and guts, but not necessary the best story or acting on celluloid. This film was shot in rural New Hampshire. Bloopers are easy to see in scenes because it's low budget. The monsters in this film are not dinosaurs, just gigantic monster creatures. You will note that the woman featured in the DVD & case is NOT the same performer in the film, so much for liking your actress in this film.*Emotion- A somewhat enjoyable film. Light and shallow plot beautifully produced on a shoe string no budget. GIves hope to other new producers to continue to do their own films.
quetzelchatl A great little pointless flick with no effectively discernible dialog. At least not any recognized or recognizable language. Linda Corwin is a real cuty pie and basically turns the film into a Corwin-fest, emoting constantly. Is it great film? Ha ha ha ha ha. But great film requires a lot more energy to watch than this. This is just fun. I doubt that you will be disappointed and cannot understand why the Tromas didn't use this gal again as she brightens up the set, wherever the set happens to be. This is typical of Troma films which seem to just unfold in an otherwise pointless manner. The reason for the film is the film itself. There are what passes for special effects and lots of s-c-a-r-y makeup which has the added benefit of not looking very real; clearly poor stop action and masks, all of which just adds to the cache of this low budget charmer. I heartily recommend this to any one who has nothing better to do than watch TV for an hour or two. You really barely have to pay attention. A DVD would be the perfect way to watch it. I taped it seven years ago off a TV channel (USA Up All Night) and am strongly considering the purchase of a DVD.
brodiebruce I bought this due to the cheesy title (a Lloyd Kaufman creation, I imagine) but turns out the film makers tried to make something serious (fair enough) but all I wanted was to see claymation creatures (or dinosaurs, whatever) fighting people. What I got was a wannabe-Dune, with a very boring plot. I would say avoid this to Troma fans, Film fans and fantasy geeks.AM