A Letter from Death Row
A Letter from Death Row
| 17 November 1998 (USA)
A Letter from Death Row Trailers

A psychological thriller that takes you through the mind of convicted killer, Michael Raine, and his experiences on death row. Was he guilty of killing his girlfriend or was he a victim of a conspiracy to frame him for a crime he didn't commit? As the story unfolds Jessica Foster, an assistant to the Governor of Tennessee begins to interview Raine while on death row, claiming that she's writing a book about the inmates. Through various circumstances, Raine puts two and two together and builds a case that he believes can prove his innocence...or does he? Ms. Foster is the only one on the 'outside" who can give Raine a voice, but is she working for those who framed him? As time draws near to the date of his execution, in his most desperate hour Raine finds the missing pieces to the puzzle to prove his innocence, but is it too late...? Was this story told from Raine's point of view or from the book writers or from yours, the viewer - you decide.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
little_cc88 Did he actually do it? All through the whole movie he presumed innocence. But then the end was very tricky. He had me confused. Talking to himself, or so the guards said. Plus he got himself confused. I love Bret Michaels so I hope it wasn't him they fried at the end of the movie. Very good movie. Hope everyone can enjoy it. I know I did. Found out a few things I most definitely didn't know, so at least I learned something from it as well. Some very bad murder plots in it as well. One of those 'You're gonna get caught no matter what you do...' but you'll find that out if you watch it. Over all it had a good plot line & a wonderful lead actor who is one of those no one wants to see die, I know I didn't.
jjgolding This is probably the worst movie i have EVER seen. The general storyline is a reasonable idea, but the script and acting are just something to be ashamed of. I am amazed that some people think that the movie is brilliant, it isnt even rubbish, it is worse than a channel 5 porno (only english people will get that). Bret michaels is an idiot, poor singer, songwriter and actor, i just cant express how bad this film is. Overall the movie is another example of utter rubbish, but at least decent writers, directors or actors can make rubbish films watchable. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..... POO !!!
ianlivesey9 What can I say, it was awful. Basically you have the pop star, the single famous actor (Martin Sheen for about 90 secs) and a script that actually takes itself seriously. There was a twist in the tale, however, you could see it coming about 10 minutes into the film, and to be honest by the end I just didn't care.Sorry, but cannot think of any redeeming feature
Nic673 This movie is worst than the turkey itself. The videocover actually has Charlie Sheen on it. He is only shown for a couple seconds. This movie just like watching an overlong horrible rock video. At one time in cinema, Movies actually had actors & actress worth of being great stars, today film-makers go out and get any music, sports, or just anybody, stick in front of camera, and call it movie. That irritates me so much, to see actor&actress who work from dawn til dusk just to make ends meet, but instead just throws somebody in front of camera. If more movies be like this in future there would be no reason to watch them.