A Heart in Winter
A Heart in Winter
| 04 June 1993 (USA)
A Heart in Winter Trailers

Beautiful violin virtuoso Camille has two obsessions: the music of Ravel, and a friend of her husband's who crafts violins. But his heart seems to be as cold as her playing is passionate.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
tandrei2001 This is the kind of movie that requires time to "digest" what you see and time is something we can't afford today, perhaps not really time, but patience. The movie strikes by its beautiful music and by superb acting of Beart and Auteuil. Also strikes by not having a conventional ending, a predictable one. The portrayal of the young violinist star by Beart is breathtaking. She captures the whole picture with her facial expressions, giving deep substance to her character. Camille is not a common woman, superficial with well known "needs" that are/aren't fulfilled by the end of the plot. She teaches the audience about the mysterious woman soul. Their meeting is that kind of a chance you got only once in your life. Her eyes says it all, most of the times. Auteuil plays the (also) mysterious violin crafter master, a rather discrete character that never exposes his intimate feelings. This is something remarkable on this movie, that we never know if Stephane is really good in hiding his feelings, or simply doesn't have them to the extent that he is supposed to. I mean... who could resist Camille? Another thing I love about this movie is the "undefined" relationship between the 3 main characters. Socially we know exactly how they are, but in reality, the delimiting lines are dotted. The movie allows its characters to live a "life on their own" and does not lead to any conclusion, does not judge them in any way. I have to mention Cesar's winning (!) Dussollier's performance of a middle aged man in love with a much younger woman. He is... wise and allows the plot to develop. It is also remarkable how the author manages not to fall into the prosaic love triangle by constructing Maxime. He could have easily force it one way or another, make Camille chose (how many time we saw this in movies...) or confronting Stephane, but these are all clichés that you won't find it here. For all of this I rank it 8 and recommend it to anyone tired of superheroes and fast paced special effects.
greekmuse A typical French movie about love: slow-paced, elegant, thoughtful. Casting, acting, music--all very good. The problem I had with this film is with the central character Stephane whose reserved and detached nature gets old and annoying after a while. Perhaps I was supposed to feel that his persona is mysterious and that's all there's to it; instead, I got an inkling that his character was just a bit too contrived. And why is he always wearing a suit and tie, even to visit relatives? It seriously made me wonder if he sleeps in a suit and tie pajama.By the way, the actress Élisabeth Bourgine who plays Stephane's friend is now on the BBC show Death in Paradise. She still looks great.
krcstudio I first saw this movie in the theater when it was released. I was part of a group that saw movies every Tues and then rated them by number. When we left the theater one of the woman said she would give it a 7 (out of 10) and another said 8, when asked I said a 12! I loved it beginning to end. I had never seen a film that dealt with such a personality. A person closed off from the world by his own decision or thru some backstory we never really know. We see glimpses in his relationship with Maxim and the old music teacher but it is left to our imagination. What we do see is his manipulation of situations and again we are not given the reasons outright. This is an intelligent film for any thoughtful person who cares to examine the complexities of human beings. The music is perfect.
nazanindayhimi I'm not someone who could be easily touched. But this movie was just like a shock to me. The characters, the music and the atmosphere that Sautet has created are beautiful and also fragile-just like in real life. I can't deny that this film showed me a new dimension of my own character-maybe of human character. And about the music ,it awfully fits the movie! Maybe a reason that I'm impressed so much is the music.Ravel is my favorite compositor. But also casting is fabulous.Just like everybody knows even exactly how to breathe. Let me add a sentence from the dialogue which was so impressing for me: There, look at a man touched by grace...Mr. Sautet I am touched by grace.I Thank you.hoping you hear me from paradise or anywhere else ...