A Hare Grows in Manhattan
A Hare Grows in Manhattan
NR | 22 March 1947 (USA)
A Hare Grows in Manhattan Trailers

Bugs Bunny relates his early life in the Manhattan tenements and spotlights his encounter with a gang of canine toughs.

Steineded How sad is this?
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . is the upshot of Bugs Bunny's not-so-shaggy dog story, A HARE GROWS IN MANHATTAN. This Warner Bros. animated short SEEMS to deal with one fairly pedestrian incident from Bugs' formative days on America's East Coast. In actuality, Warner is tackling more profound issues with MANHATTAN. Perceptive viewers will note that bulldog Hector and his gang of canine terrorists ARE WEARING WINTER CLOTHES IN MID-SUMMER, just like the Bangladeshi bombers this week. Hector & Co. try to forcibly convert Bugs to their perverse sex cult\"faith" with calls of "Dog pile!", which Bugs rightly mocks. They threaten to "Murdalize" Bugs before a Suicide Plunge into a Manhattan Highrise. Anything beginning to sound familiar? Fortunately, Bugs realizes that these oddly-dressed radicals rattling off threats in foreign-sounding gibberish will only be deterred in an All-American Haven such as a baseball park, Natural History Museum of Evolution, or an American-language bookstore. Bugs ducks into the latter, and flashes a secular novel in front of Hector's rampaging rabble. This sends the mob of mongrel mutts scurrying, like a flock of vampires fleeing a garlic field.
TheLittleSongbird Have always been a huge fan of Bugs Bunny, so would see anything with him in. Not all his cartoons are great, with a few of his later efforts being quite bad, but his best cartoons are masterpieces and some of the best cartoons ever made.'A Hare Grows in Manhattan' may not be among his best, Manhattan itself could have been used more and same with the premise of Bugs being a film star which began the cartoon so promisingly. While the whole stuff with the bulldog is clever and lots of fun it is somewhat typical of a chase cartoon and not hugely surprising or innovative story-wise and just seemed a tad disconnected.Because 'A Hare Grows in Manhattan' is so much fun throughout the length, any reservations about the story and Manhattan and the film star premise not quite living to their full potential don't feel like huge problems. The animation is truly beautiful here, the painterly buildings and landscapes are particularly striking while the colours are gorgeously vibrant, the backgrounds meticulous in detail and the drawing crisp and smooth.Carl Stalling's music score shines as bright as a twinkling star as always, no other Looney Tunes/Merry Melodies wrote music so consistently great without putting a foot wrong. Orchestration is lush, rhythms are rich in character and energy and it not only adds to everything so well the impact of scenes are enhanced to a greater level by Stalling's music. It is especially fitting agreed in the Egyptian billboard, the ascending elevator ride and Bugs' hopping on all fours.The writing is razor sharp, fresh and deliciously witty, and the gags are beautifully timed, clever and at their best hilarious. Hard to pick a favourite line or gag because there isn't a clunky line or misfiring gag among them. Pacing never gets dull or chaotic, Bugs has everything that makes him such a great character in the first place and the bulldog is good fun with strong chemistry with Bugs. Mel Blanc can be counted on to give great, or even better than that, voice work and be a large part of a cartoon's success, no disappointments here, he's superb.In conclusion, hugely enjoyable cartoon if not among Bugs' best. 9/10 Bethany Cox
Mightyzebra I have seen one or two episodes of Bugs Bunny where he is interviewed by press about his background history/career and I think this is the first one made. I enjoyed this episode very much so, Bugs Bunny as a young rabbit in Manhattan was a sweet character when dancing and he does a good job of avoiding his pursuers as well as he does in most of his episodes (except here Elmer is not pursuing Bugs in a wood, it is a stray dog pursuing Bugs in New York City). There are quite a few good jokes in this episode, the animation is all right and the idea is one that is clever and original (even if I myself have already seen a few episode on the same premise). The cartoon opens with a very strange woman interviewer saying that they will meet the Hollywood Star Bugs Bunny. They first encounter him in his burrow (right next to palm trees and a SWIMMING POOL) and he has to dress into clothes that are not pyjamas for the interviewer. He then tells about his young life in Manhattan...I recommend this episode to people who like Bugs Bunny and to people who like Looney Tunes in general. Enjoy "A Hare Grows in Manhattan"! :-)
smicalef One of the ways to make a character a 'hero' is to make trouble find the character, instead of the character looking for trouble.In this short, Bugs is encountered by a group of New York 'toughs' who just happen to be dogs.This short is most noticeable for one of the early introductions of Spike, the big dog wearing the derby and sweater, later paired up with Chester in their own couple of shorts. This is a fun short, so if you get the chance, definitely watch it. 8/10.
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